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Author Topic: Does anyone have a Second Life?  (Read 140771 times)

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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2007, 11:07 PM »

Woot! I found my free clothes! Now can I get free land? Because I will be damned if I shell out real money for a game!  :notme: ;) :D ;) :notme:

Oh and how do we get pets? Is that what your dragon is jewel?

Nope, no free land. In order to "own" land, you need to be a "Premium" (i.e., "paying") member. But, if you can acquire enough game money (Lindens, L$), you could rent land from someone.

There are places called "sandboxes" where you can go and build things -- if you do that, you're best off working on a platform high in the air, so that "griefers" don't bother you. (Think of them as kind of like the annoying people in VMK who go around saying "ur ugly", but now armed with scripts that can "orbit" you, spam you, etc.)

I was a "Basic" (non-paying) member... until today... Like you, I told myself there's no way I would put my own money into the game. But, then I created a product, started selling it about 2 weeks ago, and it sold well enough to get me enough L$ to cash out into USD, which I then used to pay for a "Premium" account today. So, I'm not sure if I broke my promise to myself, about not putting "real money" into the game, since my earned "game money" could have been converted to cash.

Find any cool places yet? I need to go exploring more.


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2007, 11:55 PM »

LOL Places? I am still fixated on my appearance!  ;D

Hmm, what is this scripting? If I can use virtual money to turn into real money to then turn into virtual money, there is really no money involved! :D
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 12:00 AM by Disneyfan_77 »


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2007, 03:42 AM »

LOL Places? I am still fixated on my appearance!  ;D

Hmm, what is this scripting? If I can use virtual money to turn into real money to then turn into virtual money, there is really no money involved! :D

Scripting is programming in the "Linden Scripting Language" (LSL), which they claim is a C++ / Java-style programming language (I wouldn't know, because I can't program either of those -- LSL is my first exposure to event-driven programming.) Basically, everything in SL that does something when you interact with it, happens because a scripter wrote a program to tell it what to do. Scripts are what make Jewel's dragon follow her around, or make doors open when you click on them, or control the poses / animations that happen when you sit on certain things. The LSL on-line resources are a little bit in flux now, but here's the most comprehensive resource for now: http://rpgstats.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page

It's kind of difficult to write a script that does something that anyone will be willing to pay for. But it is possible -- I've done very well.

Other ways to make L$, depending on your skills:
- building: using the fundamental building blocks of SL to build objects (houses, vehicles, clothing attachments, jewelry)
- texturing: if you're good with Photoshop / GIMP / Paintshop, anything that is built, needs to be textured; the "skin" and non-attached (painted-on) clothing that people make is also done with textures

You can actually get "hired" to do things in SL, but that starts to feel like work, unless you enjoy it. But, there are bouncers, receptionists, administrative assistants, sales people, models, escorts, whatever.

Unskilled methods to make L$:
- "camp chairs": there are places that will pay you to just sit in a chair. Why would they do that? Because you will artificially boost their "traffic" numbers, and increase their visibility in search lists. The typical pay rates are L$2 or L$3 every 10 minutes... Given that the exchange rate is L$260 - 270 per $1 USD, I'm not sure this would pay for the electricity of keeping you computer on while camping.

That being said, in the first month or month and a half, I accumulated several thousand L$ by camping, leaving the computer on overnight, or when going to work, or while I was writing scripts. Then again, I didn't buy much of anything.

You're probably better off just spending a few dollars: $5 USD would get you L$ 1,300, which would otherwise take you 100+ hours of continuous camping...

Oh, and paying members get a weekly stipend. People who joined earlier would get L$500 a week, then a few months ago they dropped it to L$400 a week, and as of November, now down to L$300 a week. It's a bit of a bummer, because if an annual membership is $72 USD a year, the people in the top stipend level were getting paid to play: L$500/week x 52 wks/year = L$ 26,000 / year = $100 USD a year of stipend, for paying an annual membership fee of $72 USD a year. Lucky them!

(You can cash out your L$ for USD, or vice versa, on one of several currency exchanges, that work like the real stock market, including limit buy and sell orders.)


Just enjoy the freebie stuff -- there's enough of it to keep you plenty entertained.


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2007, 05:15 AM »

After Hours and days of agonizing over my look! Wallah! I give to you Fan's SL Face!

LOL Be! Yes the freebie stuff alone in clothes and skins gives me plenty to do!
<<<<< What happened to keeping my post count to seven. :(

Edit: Woot just noticed the karma LOL

[attachment autodeleted after one year]
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 05:22 AM by Disneyfan_77 »


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« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2007, 10:52 AM »

Speaking of mouse ears... One of the freebie pack of goodies I picked up somewhere had Minnie Mouse ears in it!!  They look kind of strange from the front, but not as bad from the side view.  Here they are on me.  :) Oh and BTW, the area I'm in is called Butterfly Island.  I love it! Its a shopping place, but the landscaping all around and between the shops is amazing. Don't you love the giant Tulips?  :amazed:

Fan: Love the lavendar eyes!  Oohhlala
´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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Re: Ears!
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2007, 11:47 AM »

I like the new look Jewel!

(Your previous one, well, uhhh, ummm... oh, I'll be blunt -- you scared me!)


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #57 on: February 15, 2007, 12:20 PM »

Arg, clothes has hooked me yet again. I guess I am now officially registered. I hope this does not cut into my vmk time. lol  ::)


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Re: Ears!
« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2007, 12:32 PM »

I like the new look Jewel!

(Your previous one, well, uhhh, ummm... oh, I'll be blunt -- you scared me!)

:lol: :lol:I know, I know.  It takes a while to get your look just right! Especially for us girls!
Arg, clothes has hooked me yet again. I guess I am now officially registered. I hope this does not cut into my vmk time. lol  ::)
´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ ·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ♥ ~Jewel~ ♥ aka ShakeYerBootyWench
You say I'm a wench like it's a bad thing!

        ~Jewel Tigerpaw~


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #59 on: February 15, 2007, 05:01 PM »

I feel like such a newbie, I have tons of questions but will keep to a minimum since I really can't take so much new information. I did what I could and practically finished the whole tutorial. The only thing that is really bugging me right now is that I can't seem to finish the tutorial on how to move. I do the driving part, I do the running over the rat part and I do the flying part but I'm still missing a star. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? And after all is completed does it tell you what to do next or you're left to yourself to find out?

Second, I came with a default hair, I already went through the whole thing on how to change it. Problem is I can't seem to get rid of the hair I have, I'm only adding to it? When I right click on that hair it does not give me the option to remove or take off, when I create a new one it only adds to it the current one. Any ideas on what I should do?

I considered myself to adapt pretty well but I'm having trouble with a few things. I did even manage to help a few people that spoke spanish, if anything it's going to help me brush up on my writing. hehe Other than that, I'm still a bit lost. Help?  ::)


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #60 on: February 15, 2007, 05:32 PM »

Ok, from one noob to another.. I'll do the best I can.

I never finished the tutorial.  I ended up teleporting somewhere else, and once you leave that tutorial island you can never go back, so I'm told, lol.  So, if you're determined to finish I don't know what to tell you.  But if you're just sick of it either move from the movement section to another tutorial section or just leave that place completely!

On the hair thing you need to start with a bald base, then add a style.  My advice is to visit some freebie places for new hair once you get past your tuts.  The styles all come with a bald base, then you put on the style over that.  Even the free newbie hair is better than what comes with your avatar to start with.  The picture I posted is hair I managed to somewhat create, but its not very good, I'll be looking for more.

Do you want to send me or tell me your avatar name?  I can invite you to our group of 3, lol.  Of course, now we have a member who can own land (not to mention write cool scripts)!  I think I'll be upgrading Be's status in the group, that is if I can figure it out. ROFL
´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ ·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ♥ ~Jewel~ ♥ aka ShakeYerBootyWench
You say I'm a wench like it's a bad thing!

        ~Jewel Tigerpaw~


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #61 on: February 15, 2007, 10:11 PM »

I feel like such a newbie, I have tons of questions but will keep to a minimum since I really can't take so much new information. I did what I could and practically finished the whole tutorial. The only thing that is really bugging me right now is that I can't seem to finish the tutorial on how to move. I do the driving part, I do the running over the rat part and I do the flying part but I'm still missing a star. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? And after all is completed does it tell you what to do next or you're left to yourself to find out?

Have you left the tutorial area?  If not, the easiest thing to do is to click on the sign post in that area towards the right. It is a reset sign. I had to do this several times. I am thinking it was a bug of some sort. Once you reset, head towards the red target area in the center of the path. You should get a star after this. From there I am not sure what I did lol. I just kind of teleported to a welcome island of some sort and then teleported out of there accidently!  ;D


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #62 on: February 16, 2007, 03:01 AM »

Here's something about clothing / hair that didn't make sense to me for a while:

- clothing and hair can either be generated from the Appearances options (using the sliders as well as uploading textures), or, COMPLETELY separate from the Appeances slides, by actually ATTACHING it to the outside of your avatar's body, on one of dozens of pre-set attachment points. These attachments are made of "primitives" (the building blocks of all objects), and so are often called "prim hair" or "prim skirts". Fancy (and expensive) clothing and hair tends to be "prim"-attachment-based. Freebies tend to be via the appearances menu.

So, sometimes it looks like you are wearing two overlapping hairs. That's probably because you have one set in the Appearances menu, and one set as an attachment, OR both as attachments.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #63 on: February 16, 2007, 10:53 AM »

Thank you Be, that is good information to know. When I had those little poms poms in my hair, I had no idea it was not actually hair, that's why I had such a difficult time removing it. By mistake I right clicked on those attachments and was able to remove them. Phew! That such a pain in the booty.

I'm still looking around, trying to figure out how to earn money. It looks like I'm a spender real life and virtually. I see a pair of shoes that are about L400 and I want them bad. lol

Anyways, I went around yesterday checking out the shops and whatnot, I began to see how incredibly talented these people are with their creations. I am at a lost for words when I see all the work that goes into each and every one. Maybe one day I will also get to create some designs myself. Be, to design hair, makeup, clothes and all those goodies; do you need to know scripting? Any help in that area would be great. Also, when you upload patterns do you need to pay for that?

Thanks for all the help and the new addiction.  :P


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #64 on: February 16, 2007, 11:54 AM »

If this goes on too much longer, we may need to start a Second Life sub-board. :lol:
...ʞɔɐq ʎɯ uo ʇɐ1ɟ ...sɐʍ ı ǝɹǝɥʇ


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #65 on: February 16, 2007, 12:00 PM »

That is what I was just thinkin'.  ;) Looks like you got your work cut out for you!  ;D  BTW, I would love to keep reading about SL.  I might just try it out when and if I do ever upgrade to a decent system.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 12:04 PM by Decoy »


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #66 on: February 16, 2007, 12:44 PM »

I'm still looking around, trying to figure out how to earn money. It looks like I'm a spender real life and virtually. I see a pair of shoes that are about L400 and I want them bad. lol

Anyways, I went around yesterday checking out the shops and whatnot, I began to see how incredibly talented these people are with their creations. I am at a lost for words when I see all the work that goes into each and every one. Maybe one day I will also get to create some designs myself. Be, to design hair, makeup, clothes and all those goodies; do you need to know scripting? Any help in that area would be great. Also, when you upload patterns do you need to pay for that?

The vast, vast majority of creators in SL have no idea how to script. It's one of the reasons I got drawn to it -- I have just about NO artistic ability, and VERY poor skills in Photoshop, so it seemed unlikely I'd ever make a (second) living doing clothing design / texture work. So don't worry -- scripting is not at all necessary.

Yes, uploading a texture costs L$10 (I remember the first time I uploaded Mickey ear textures, camping for about an hour to get it, lol). On the plus side, you can "preview" your clothing with the texture, prior to uploading it, which can save you some upload fees.

If you are good with Photoshop / Paintshop Pro / GIMP (which is free), you might be all set. You could either make your OWN clothes, or even be able to sell it. (Though, getting a store up is difficult.) If you want to try to make your own clothes, this is a great blog: http://slnatalia.blogspot.com. She has some newbie tips, but better yet, goes into quite some detail (more in the earlier blog entries, than more recently) about how she designs clothes. She also uses this absolutely fabulous scripted tool written by a complete loser geek guy to help design skirts ;)


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #67 on: February 16, 2007, 02:37 PM »

After reading all of this, and being a total non techie, I can't help but wonder.......

Does anyone have a first life anymore???

Please excuse the observations of a semi-illiterate, (that does not mean I don't understand trucks!) "ancient duck". :notme:

I just like to stir things up now and then. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I know that the voices aren't real,
But they have some good ideas anyway.

I say you are a wench because it's a good thing!:rum:

Life is good on the lunatic fringe.
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