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Author Topic: 9/27/2010 Chocktober: Chock-full of Excitement!  (Read 5247 times)

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9/27/2010 Chocktober: Chock-full of Excitement!
« on: September 28, 2010, 08:25 PM »

Chocktober: Chock-full of Excitement!


September 27, 2010 2:54 PM

Hello citizens. The SmallWorlds team has been working extra hard to bring you all kinds of fantastic new features in October.  It's going to be a month that's chock-full of good things, so we're calling it Chocktober!  I've been collecting bits and pieces of information to bring you this sneak preview of some of what's coming up.

New Store Opening in SmallWorlds

I can tell you that Chocktober will see the opening of a new store! Rather frustratingly, I've been given very few details on the store, and in fact it was even suggested that I not say anything yet at all.

I thought that this was quite unfair, so as well as letting you know that there IS a new store opening soon, I've smuggled out these two pictures which my source lead me to believe were taken inside the new store. Just what kind of store do you think it might be? What does that Graffiti say? It's very difficult to make out.  And that winged emblem has really got me wondering.

Because a new store opening is such an exciting event, we've decided to create an Event on Facebook - Like us and you'll be the first to know the confirmed opening date!  I've been led to believe it'll be around the 11th of Chocktober, but Facebook and Twitter followers will learn the actual date as soon as it's confirmed.

I was disconcerted to learn that one of these images was leaked a day or two ago onto Twitter and Facebook by Dan SmallWorlds. I may need to take him aside for a quiet word. 

A Very Mysterious Table!

I found this fascinating picture lying on the desk in the Art Department. It was poking out of a folder on which was written: For October Release. Of course I had to show you all. What on earth might it be and just what might it be used for?

I asked Coco if this was where she concocted the SmallWorlds cosmetics.  She laughed, and said, "a little too primitive darling".  Perhaps it's some kind of apothecary's table?  Whatever it is, it certainly looks interesting.

I also got a glimpse of another picture, which had a differently-styled table with other unusual items.  I was about to get a closer look when someone came in, so I had to saunter nonchalantly away. As always I shall be back with a full report as information comes to hand!

Dan SmallWorlds Birthday Celebration!

I'd like to remind you of the other great event in Chocktober - Dan SmallWorlds birthday party!

There's no less than three great competitions for you to enter - Create a Dan SmallWorlds Mission, Create a Party Room and Create a Birthday Outfit. All the details are in last weeks story, and you still have two days left to enter.  If you'd like to win access to a special invite-only private function where you get to spend time with Dan SmallWorlds himself, enter today! if you don't win, Dan would still love to see you at the public event at 6.00pm (SWT), 10th October. It's bound to be tremendous fun.

I'd also like to remind you that Dan has now taken over the SmallWorlds Twitter as well as having his own Facebook Fan Page. If you'd like a regular 'dose of Dan', join him in the world of Social Media today.

Just one small word of caution.  Dan does not adhere to my strict journalistic standards, and he can be rather sneaky.  I'd take everything he says with caution.

Halloween  - it's just around the Corner!

SmallWorlds is a fantastic place for some Halloween fun. We'll of course have Halloween surprises for you, including some scary item swap-outs that you'll be able to activate from the themes menu in Space Settings - they'll make your space look spine-tingling!

"Mission Possible" - A New Chronicle Column!

There will be a brand new SmallWorlds Chronicle column launching in October. We've decided to devote a whole page in the Chronicle to Missions.  Oh yes, I'm sure I can hear the cheers of Mission makers and players all over SmallWorlds!  We at the Chronicle office, with the assistance of The Mission Commission, are very much looking forward to bringing you lots more great Mission reviews and news.

What on earth was that noise I heard?

Citizens I must confess that as a newsman I feel a little embarrassed that this story seems to be bringing you many more questions than answers... and here's yet another to add to the list of mysteries to solve!

I was walking past one of our Testing Laboratories a couple of days ago when I heard some unusual noises, along with some very bright lights shining underneath the door. The noise I heard can best be described as an "energized hum".

As I stood there listening, the door opened and a very thin man hurried out. He looked quite pale and was holding his clothing rather tightly around himself, almost as if to hide something.  I wondered what they'd done to the poor chap, but he hurried off so quickly I had no time to ask him. Rest assured that I shall investigate further.

Chocktober - An Exciting Month!

Citizens, October is only days away and I'm certainly looking forward to having some of these mysteries solved.  Just now I saw Honesty hard at work on her reports on the new Monthly Collectible and Loyalty Challenge items. You'll see those stories up in the Chronicle in just two days.

I'll be back with a story on the new store when I can. I've been invited to a meeting in a few days time and I'm hoping they'll give me further information. Everyone is  very careful not to tell me too much too soon; staff here know of my deep commitment to getting the news out to you just as soon as I hear it.

There are two ways to make sure you stay informed about Chocktober: keep one eye on our Facebook Page and Twitter feed, and the other right here on your trusty newspaper, the SmallWorlds Chronicle!

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!


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Re: 9/27/2010 Chocktober: Chock-full of Excitement!
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2010, 08:38 PM »

LOL thanks Happy!  I love the cheeky humor of their articles.  Sounds like some cool stuff coming our way soon!  Definitely want to check out the new haunted space theme ;)
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