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Author Topic: 8/20/2010 Best Fantasy-Themed Mission and Avatar Competitions  (Read 4756 times)

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Best Fantasy-Themed Mission and Avatar Competitions
August 20, 2010 2:24 PM

Hello citizens. Gosh it's been a long time since we've run a Mission Competition, hasn't it?  The Mission Commissioner sent me a message sking for a new Mission Competition and we had to agree that it was well overdue. The release of the new fantasy avatar options made it rather really easy for us to choose a theme... it's Fantasy!

I know you'll love the prizes we're offering for the category winners.  There are three top prizes of 6000 Gold, and 3 runner up prizes of 3000 Gold. The mission which is voted Best Overall Mission will also get their mission Featured - now that's the best prize of all!

If you're not a mission creator, we've also got another Fantasy-themed competition you can enter: Best Fantasy Avatar!  Create a Fantasy look in the Avatar builder and you'll be in to win one of three prizes of 2500 Gold.  You're welcome to enter both competitions, but you can only enter each competition once.
Best Fantasy-Themed Mission!

I've got three questions for you: 1 - Do you love making Missions? 2 - Are your favorite movies ones like Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Harry Potter, and the Neverending Story? 3 - would you like to get your Mission featured? If you've answered yes to all three, I can imagine you'll be feel rather excited about this competition!

The competition will be judged by the Mission Commission - which as you can see from the picture below, are feeling rather excited to begin! If you are wondering who they are, you may remember the story we ran a few months back in which they spoke about their role in identifying featured missions, and (the bit you'll want to read) what they look for when evaluating missions for Featured.

If you'd like to be in with a real chance of winning, you'd do well to absolutely scrutinize their story! It contains some really great tips, and if you follow them to the letter your mission could be in with a chance to get featured!

Categories & Prizes

Lets look at the 3 categories and the fantastic prizes you can win:
1 - Best Storyline: Wins 6000 Gold

In this category the Mission Commission will be looking at just how you tell the story of your mission. How well it flows, how creative it is. Does the story have a well executed beginning, middle and ending? Do you tell a great fantasy-themed story within your mission?

There will be one runner-up prize awarded of 3000 Gold

2 - Best Use of Interactions: Wins 6000 Gold

Do you really love using interactions? If so, this is the category for you. You can really go wild with your interaction ideas and see what surprises you can create for the Mission Commission team. Just don't forget to fantasy-theme your interactions.

There will be one runner-up prize awarded of 3000 Gold

3 - Most Unusual: Wins 6000 Gold
This is the category in which you want to surprise the judges with something unusual!  Of course you still need to make it fantasy-themed. To win this category you'll be wanting the Mission Commission team to be saying things like, "Oh my gosh I never expected that," or "Wow, that's really unique and unusual."

There will be one runner-up prize awarded of 3000 Gold
Time to Complete & Number of Plays

Minimum of 20 plays needed. You need to make sure that your mission has had a minimum of 20 plays to be eligible for entry. It's not hard to do - just get your friends to test your mission out for you.

Between 10 and 30 mins to complete. The Mission Commission team also requested some boundaries on length of time your mission takes to complete. They are looking for missions that take an average minimum of 10 mins and maximum of 30 mins to complete. Thanks for making sure your mission fits generally within these guidelines.

Which Category?

When you enter your fantasy-themed mission on the official forum thread, please also specify which category you are entering your mission into. If the Mission Commission feels that your entry would be better suited for another category, they'll judge it in there instead - they want to give all mission makers the best chance to win!

Old Missions, new missions... all fantasy-themed missions are eligible. If you made a fantasy-themed mission a year ago, great! Or perhaps you'd like to create something totally new.
How To Enter your Mission / Competition Guidelines

1 - Make sure that the mission you intend to submit has a "Fantasy" Theme. This is the overarching theme of the competition, and missions which are clearly outside of this theme will not be considered. Your mission needs a minimum of 20 plays, and needs to take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete, on average.

2- Go to the Official Best Fantasy-Themed Mission competition  forum thread. Enter these details:
a) Space name (and Space URL)
b) Mission name
c) Location of 'start mission' button.

3 - State the category you're entering

4 - Only one entry per SmallWorlds account. You can only enter missions that you yourself have created. If you've come across a great space-themed mission, why not contact the mission creator and suggest they enter?
Competition Closes 20th September

Make sure you submit your entries before midnight (SWT) September 20th, when the competition entry thread will be closed. We'll need to give the Mission Commission a couple of weeks to play them all and then they'll submit their well-considered decision. I'll then do a follow-up report on all the lucky winners!

Best Fantasy-Themed Avatar Competition - Closes 31st August!

I've been spending some time playing around with the avatar builder. I made myself look really very different indeed, as you can see below. I then made a visit to Kent in the Chronicle Head Office. He was very hard at work, but do you know citizens, I completely fooled him? He got quite a start when I told him it was me...what a great laugh we had together!

Here's some of the looks I came up with.... I'm sure you can do better!

It's so easy to enter!

    * Create the look you want, take a screenshot of your face from within the avatar builder.  You don't need to be a VIP or to use the VIP fantasy options in the avatar builder to enter.  You can enter using a fantasy look you've created using the non-VIP options.
    *  Post your image to the Best Fantasy Avatar competition forum thread.
    * Get your entry in before midnight (SWT) 31st August 2010
    * st_0110_goldcoins.pngOnly one entry per SmallWorlds Account

Prizes - Best Fantasy Avatar

We'll be choosing three winners, each of whom will win 2500 Gold! I'll do a follow-up report on the winners within a few days of the competition closing.

Want to really indulge yourself in Fantasy?

Two great competitions to enter, and lots of great prizes to win! For those who really want to indulge in a real Fantasy look, I'd like to remind you about our fantastic Vampire Cape and Crystal Light packages. As we're only wanting a picture of your face, these are not required for the competition but I thought they were worth reminding you about - they really look fantastic!

A Short Message from the Mission Commissioner

I am sure this competition is going to be extremely popular with mission makers, and I know that the Mission Commission is feeling very excited indeed!

"It's always wonderful to see what the wonderfully creative mission community comes up with. The grat thing about competitions is that they bring out mission creators that we may never have seen before. My team are ready and waiting to see what you create - and may I wish you all the best of luck!" ~ Mission Commissioner

It's going to be another very exciting competition. Good luck to you all!

~ Honesty Blaize

The Legal Stuff

    * The Competitions are open to SmallWorlds standard and VIP Club members 13 years of age or older. Employees of Outsmart 2005 Limited and its helpers, moderators, officers, directors, parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliated companies, advertising agencies, promotional suppliers, or production agencies, and their respective dependents, immediate family members (parent, child, sibling and spouse of each) and individuals residing in the same household, are not eligible to participate. Void where prohibited by law.
    * All winners in both competitions will be selected based upon the sole and exclusive discretion of the SmallWorlds Competition Judges. The 3 category winners in the Best Fantasy-Themed Mission competition will be awarded 6000 Gold, each runner up will be awarded 3000 Gold. One mission chosen from the three category winners as Best Fantasy-Themed Mission will be made into a Featured Mission.  Three prizes of 2500 Gold each will be awarded in the Best Fantasy Avatar competition.  All submissions are carefully reviewed before determining the prize winners. The judge's decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!

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