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Author Topic: 6/29/2010 Help Make SmallWorlds Famous in New Zealand  (Read 4856 times)

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6/29/2010 Help Make SmallWorlds Famous in New Zealand
« on: June 29, 2010, 01:38 PM »

Help Make SmallWorlds Famous in New Zealand

June 29, 2010 12:24 PM

Hello citizens. May I humbly request your help with a certain problem? I'm looking for your vote, and I'm hoping you'll help me make SmallWorlds just a little more famous here in New Zealand.

New Zealand - Asleep to the Existence of SmallWorlds!

A significant portion of the New Zealand population has no idea SmallWorlds exists. Yes citizens, it's a sad fact that here in the country of its birth, SmallWorlds is almost unknown.

As you may know, it's winter here in NZ. It's cold and wet and sometimes rather miserable... and I'm feeling concerned that the mood of some staff members here at SWHQ are starting to mirror the state of the weather.

Yes, I can see a few cases of the Winter Blues starting to develop. I've been trying to think of some way to cheer our staff up, and it struck me that if somehow, SmallWorlds was to become 'world famous in New Zealand', everyone's mood would get a lift.

We want to win the NZ NetGuide Awards (Best Game Related Site Category)

It felt like divine intervention when news of the upcoming NZ NetGuide Awards passed across my desk. To me, a win for us in the Best Game-Related Site Category presented an ideal opportunity to alert New Zealand to the existence of SmallWorlds.

New Zealand is famous for far more than sheep and kiwifruit, pavlovas, yachting and rugby. It is also the home of (in my humble opinion) the very best browser-based social entertainment experience available on the web.

Sadly, however, I have just heard a story about one of our SmallWorlds developers.  It seems that he approached a rather pretty girl at a party recently with what he thought was going to be a great pick-up line "Hey there, I work for SmallWorlds!"  Her completely blank look and corresponding silence sent him slinking off into the corner, feeling rather glum.

To be fair, we've done little to blow our own trumpet in our homeland, preferring always to expend our energies in making SmallWorlds better and better for you, our loyal players. But now the time is right to get the word out at home - and we need your help! Voting closes Friday the 30th of July, with the results to be announced in a ceremony on the evening of August 19th.

How To Vote

We've made it as easy as possible for you to vote - just visit the voting space and you'll activate a mission which tells you how to vote.

Here are the voting instructions, in case you don't want to visit the voting space.

First open the Net Guide Awards voting page.

1. Scroll down until you find the Best Game Related Site category.

2. Type www.smallworlds.com into the Other field.

3. Press the Vote button.

Thank You for your Vote!

You don't have to be a New Zealander to be eligible to vote; the awards are open to voters from any location on the planet.

Vote today and you'll help us on three fronts:

1 - We might just win the NZ NetGuide Awards - Best Game Related Site Category,

2 - Staff morale will reach an all-time high, and

3 - Next time that certain SmallWorlds developer says hello to a girl, she may even stick around to talk for a few minutes!

We truly appreciate your vote and thank you in advance for your help.

~ Kent Kronkite
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 02:07 PM by Happy »

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!

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