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Author Topic: 6/21/2010 An Interview with the Winners  (Read 4958 times)

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6/21/2010 An Interview with the Winners
« on: June 21, 2010, 06:50 PM »

An Interview with the Winners

June 22, 2010 10:07 AM

Hello citizens. The recent Lights! Camera! Action! competition was very exciting. As well as being a new kind of competition for SmallWorlds, it also brought with it an amazing new prize - The Golden Dan award!

Honesty, Dan SmallWorlds and I spent a weekend watching and re-watching all the entries and somewhat painfully selected 6 winning entries - 3 category winners and 3 runners up.

Here are the three category winners pictured with their Golden Dan statues. From front to back, Dj T-bird (Best Music Video), The Sven (Best Movie Take-off) and Jake Coole-r (Best Original Movie).

We will be offering the Golden Dan Award as a prize in future competitions - so although there are only three in-world just now, this number will start to climb a little in the near future.

I was looking forward to interviewing all the winners and runners-up for this story, but when I tried to contact them two of the runners-up remained mysteriously elusive. I've therefore decided to print interviews with just the three category winners for this story - let's meet them and find out more about how they created their fantastic winning entries.  And, at the end of the story, there's a place for you to send me your ideas for future film competitions!

Movie Take-off Winner: The Sven - Smallwars

Kent: Hello once again The Sven. Again I'd like to offer you my congratulations on such a fantastically creative effort. How did it feel to win?

The Sven: Thanks so much Kent! It's been an incredible honor to be selected as a winner in this competition! Really, words can not describe my happiness and joy regarding winning this award. When I received the winning email, I was speechless. I couldn't believe that my video was chosen out of the many other wonderful films that were out there.

I would like to thank my dearest friends for all their help, without them, this video simply wouldn't have been possible. Phoenix Raider, Nota Notherone and Snow White...you guys are truly something special. To all the participants, I give you my highest praise. All of you are winners in my eyes!

Kent: I have to agree with you about the amazing amount of talent out there. It was a very difficult decision to make - and yet yours did most definitely stand out within your category. Any ideas yet on what you are going to spend your prize money on?

The Sven: One of my other passions is art, so I will buy a few blank canvases to create some very memorable pieces that will reflect my interests, as well as this award. Really, my cast did such an awesome job, so I will be giving them a share of the winnings as well as a few gifts to show my appreciation for all their hard work.

Kent: I'm interested in your creative process... how did you go about actually making your entry?

The Sven: Well Kent, I am a huge Star Wars fan, so naturally it was quite easy to choose that for a theme. I watched the movie, and as I viewed it, I wrote down well known phrases and potential scenes I could recreate myself. The video was filmed using Camstudio, and I just changed settings within my room to make the scenes as well as recorded Star Wars audio from Youtube to achieve the most realistic result. I then put the finished product together in Windows Movie Maker.

Kent: You make it sound easy, although I am sure that there's an awful lot of work that goes into what you've just described. What tips would you give to others who want to make a short film?

The Sven: Let your creativity and imagination run wild. Some of the best ideas come from random thoughts or even dreams. Step outside the box and explore any and all visions. Start with things that you like, whether it be a song, movie, etc. Listen and watch anything you think you can reproduce yourself while giving it your own twist. If it's a song, listen for key words that could be a main item or setting for a scene in a music video and build around it. If your idea is based off of a movie or original thought, then try to apply the vision in your mind to the video while making it authentic, yet with your own personal touch.

Kent: Thanks so much for talking with me today! To finish off, do you have any plans up your sleeve for making any more?

The Sven: I have done a few videos in the past and have big plans to do many more in the future. I have had thoughts of doing all 6 Star Wars films, as well as Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park. I also have a few ideas for some music videos, as well as an interesting vision of a concert documentary. I've have been playing SmallWorlds since May of 2009, and have loved every minute of it! Keep up the good work Kent, you rock :V

Kent: :-)  Well I do try! Thanks again and congratulations on a well deserved win.

Music Video Winner: Dj T-bird - Billie Jean

Kent: Hello Dj. I must say that your winning entry has had quite the impact around the SmallWorlds Chronicle Head office. It's still common to hear someone humming Billy Jean on any given day - indeed it was a great song to choose and by golly you did a wonderful job in the way you presented it!

Dj T-bird: Well Kent, I must say that I was surprised to win actually because there were several great videos out there.... I mean there was some serious competition in the Music Video category! So I'd like to dedicate this award to all those great music videos, and my pet Seddrick! Kudos to the SmallWorlds staff for a great competition!

Kent: Of course with all you talented category winners, the question everyone is most interested in is "how did you do it?".

Dj T-bird: When it comes to music, I wanted to pick a famous and legendary artist to portray in SmallWorlds. I chose Michael Jackson and Billie Jean because he has been an idol of mine since I was young, and Billie Jean is one of his signature songs as well as a great song to dance to. I had a lot of fun doing this because I love music and I love customizing my dances. My favorite was the moonwalk, no doubt everyone else's! I used anything I could find to make the video pop-glowing plants, pets, swinging animal tails, light up signs, and awesome dance moves.

All a great director needs is imagination, creativity, and resources. I suggest not to clutter the camera. It's got to be simple and it's got to keep the audience focused on whatever you're shooting. In my case, I made sure people were able to see the similarities in dance moves between my avatar and MJ. Be creative and don't be afraid to try something new. Find new ways to make your film pop and sizzle. And have fun with it! I had a lot of fun tail-shaking with friends and pets.

Kent: Thanks Dj, it's great to learn a little more about some of the elements you used to put it all together to such great effect. Any plans for making any more?

Dj T-bird: Yes, I've got a few ideas that I want to explore. I've met another serious MJ fan who I want to work with. And also a few others who I want to team with and do projects with for the next competition or so.

Kent: Well I for one will be watching out for your next Music Video productions.

Original Movie Winner: Jake Coole-r - Ultimatum

Kent: Hello Jake. Your short film "Ultimatum" was so much fun to watch, and I am sure was lots of fun to create.

Jake Coole-r: Thanks Kent, yes having the opportunity to create a sensational film and sharing it with others was the real win for me. Winning the Golden Dan Award was the "icing on top" - I got to say, that award has a lot of funk. Amazing! I felt very proud of my team for their devotion and skillful talents (Deblin's dancing skills and delivery and Viper's elusive personality). Deblin was very excited to see Mitch Olson's comment about the videos and the competition; everybody did a great job and delivered something new to movie creation. Now my challenge is to create something better than Ultimatum!

Kent: What are you planning on doing with your 10k Gold?

Jake Coole-r: Most of the expenses in terms of making Ultimatum were for clothing and accessories. Most likely, the Gold earned will be spent well as compensation for our expenses!

Kent: Now comes the question that everyone is most interested in... just how did you put this masterpiece together?

Jake Coole-r: Well Kent, a lot of work went into the video and every second paid off. We actually filmed eight minutes of video and had to cut it down to three minutes. Editing took a long time, especially when applying special effects and sound. I was very strict with my actors on facial expressions, body movement, and grammar. However, my actors were really terrific and persistent in creating a great film. I dearly hope this is not the last film competition you hold in SmallWorlds!

Kent: Well Jake, I thoroughly enjoyed this one and so I'd like to do another in the not too distant future - watch this space! Do you have any last comments to inspire other filmmakers in SmallWorlds?

Jake Coole-r: Well that's great news Kent! I have another couple of projects in line. I want to explore and practice different techniques and styles of filming. Recently, I have started a new original film.To other film-makers: You should love what you are doing. If you do not, it will show in the final product. Making a film should be enjoyable and fun, especially for the cast and crew. When everyone is on board, you can create movie magic!


Thank you again to all three winners, and also thanks to the marvelous creations made by our three runners up - Jetaime Charm, Mr Sebastian and Vanilla Starr. All the winning videos can be seen here if you've like to view them - all well worth seeing again in my opinion!

All of us at the Chronicle Head Office are looking forward to running another similar competition soon. Perhaps you've got a great idea for a good theme for our next film competition? If so, click the link below and I'll add your suggestion to the list of ideas we'll draw on when we start planning the next one!
Suggest A Theme!

~ Kent Kronkite
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 07:01 PM by Happy »

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!

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