Why do so many of us adults spend so much time in an online world that forces us to behave like 14 year olds?
Because we dig the Disney experience for whatever reason, and because DIsney has nothing else. It seems like Disney's online presence is simply geared to snare/infect the younger generation with the Disney Lust Syndrome (DLS, its a technical term, you have it, get to know it!
), while providing us 20+ adults with online marketing material detailing the various ways we pay for short term fixes for our condition (DLS again).
I am not bad mouthing Disney; actually I am proud of my DLS (most of the time). My wife doesn't always appreciate my Mickey Mouse comforter, shower curtain, golf shirts, glassware, antenna topper, towels, boxers.. (well you get the idea), but the kids and I do!
It's just that I want what is causing many of us to slide into Second Life, from Disney. I want an adult community like VMKnoBS, from Disney. Because it would be great!!
Check out this link!! Play the included video.
http://www.psfk.com/2007/03/sony_launches_v.htmlNow imagine if Disney marketed an online social networking world to 20+. I would pay to be a member!! Sure it will be difficult, but they figured out how to keep kids safe in VMK? Heck I was in Disney Paris, and caught a guy peeing (yes I said that) on the peter pan attraction, out in the open in fantasyland, it didn't change my loyalties toward Disney one bit. There is always a way!
So is it just that there is no money in it? No long term benefit like VMK (snaring them young)? Or are they afraid that we will all stay home, glued to our monitors?