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Author Topic: 11/5/2008 O Sainted Moderator  (Read 4009 times)

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11/5/2008 O Sainted Moderator
« on: January 07, 2009, 08:13 PM »

SmallWorlds Blog
O Sainted Moderator
November 5th, 2008 - Hilary Jackson

Here at SmallWorlds we work hard to ensure that the time you spend playing in-world is as enjoyable as we can make it. We think we’ve got a really good recipe for a great online entertainment experience:  great graphics, a very cool mission engine, dance studio, pets, magic items and spells (+ more) - and there’s another vital ingredient too…

Without further ado - I’d like to introduce our brilliant team of Moderators and Helpers, here to keep things friendly,  safe and enjoyable for everyone. They are real easy to spot - all have a saintly (some might say unearthly?) glow as they travel about in-world. They also wear a snappy looking blue cape with an “M” or “H” on the back – so they’re unmistakable. New Zealand based  Moderator Carcer Keel models a cape for us in the shot at right.

I asked our Community Support Manager what she looks for when choosing a moderator. She said:

“I’m looking for someone with a great knowledge of the game, someone who is already helping because they want to. I look for people with a sense of fun; the ability to really play with other users of SmallWorlds and someone who gets a kick out of teaching users new stuff. As a team we try and create a sense of fun and enjoyment for the SmallWorlds community.”

Of course we have a big team of moderators & helpers in SmallWorlds, but only a small amount of space here, so unfortunately we’re not able to introduce you to every member.  So we put all of their names into a hat and randomly picked out some, and so now we’d like to introduce you to three members of the Moderator team:

Ray Zenz
“I have been moderating in SmallWorlds since the beginning of August.  I live in the North Eastern part of the United States, where it just happens to be turning quite cold.  Perhaps a relocation is in order!”

[Ray meditating with his patch of rocks in his minimalist home space - could he be more saintly as a result?]

What do you enjoy most about being a moderator?
“I find inquisitive players to be the most fun.  Answering questions can really bring forth spontaneous conversations with people I might have never gotten a chance to meet. Helping players with their missions is something that really can add to the fun while getting to know new friends.  Such a variety of people and backgrounds can be found there, I guess it really is a small world.”

Have you ever tried doing your SW dance in real life? Did it give you a leg cramp?
“I have never tried and it’s not the leg cramp I am worried about!  I would have to be an owl to even attempt it or I would be scared my head would fall off! Speaking of dancing, some of the funniest in game moments for me have to be many of the creative uses players have come up with for their dance moves.  Every time you think you have seen it all, a new one blows you away.  So many different combinations along with a little imagination seems to make the moves limitless and so very humorous!”

Any final comments?
“Sharing personal information with strangers is never a good idea.  Play hard, but play safe!”

Daisy Duck
“I’ve been a Smallworlds moderator roughly 2 months. 140 hours later… I’m still here and going strong! I live in Australia - the land down under! If you’re looking for my kangaroo… I’ve parked him outback.”

[Daisy in full moderator mode  about to amaze someone with her encyclopedic knowledge of SmallWorlds]

What do you enjoy about being a Mod?
“Getting the chance to meet and help people you wouldn’t expect to ever meet in daily life. Whether they’re young, old, veteran or new players everyone brings a new experience to SmallWorlds. It’s very satisfying helping others.”

What’s your favourite game to play in-world?
“There’s so many games in the arcade it’s hard to choose just ONE favourite! Although I find myself going back to Blox.”

What difference do moderators make in-world?

“Moderators make a huge difference in the daily life of Smallworlds. As moderators we’re looking out for your well-being and making sure your Smallworlds experience is a pleasant and enjoyable one.”

Persephone Pierce
“I live in Oregon, USA and I’ve been a mod on SmallWorlds for approx 2 months. There are so many things that I love about being a moderator, its hard to choose the ONE thing I like most. I love the fact that we get to be so available to the players.”

[Persephone enjoying a quiet moment in a lavishly decorated space]

“I love that I get to see that the players enjoy this game as much as I do. It’s been great to be able to come across so many different personalities and nationalities in one place. I love playing pool  in SmallWorlds. I was instantly addicted when I first found SmallWorlds and I still can’t get enough of it.”


“I have tried my latest SmallWorlds dance in real life and I look just as ridiculous as I do in SW doing it!”

Any funny experiences you have had in world?

“My time in SW has really been a series of funny experiences. I have to say that running amok in my squirrel suit has had me laughing pretty hard.”

[Persephone marching to the beat of a different drum...]

Thanks to you Ray, Daisy, Persephone – nice to get to know you a little more. So - say “Hi” to a moderator today! I hear that if you stand next to one long enough there’s a chance you might glow a little too


You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!

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