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Ant's Weight Loss challenge

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Way to go Ant!!

Congratulations on setting a Goal, and going for it!!   Woot!!   You can do it!!


--- Quote from: Antjewel on April 15, 2008, 03:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: laurabearz on April 15, 2008, 02:56 PM ---Good for you ANt! I should do that same thing... I have gained... no joke... 19 lbs since I stopped smoking... yes folk, almost a pound a day gained by this non smoker!!!

I am not quite ready to give up food as a deterant, but once I can let go, I'll join you.


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Woot for you bearz!  :wavet: One health goal at a time my friend. I would say to stop smoking is way WAY harder than losing weight. So you have my full respect for going cold turkey and quitting that habit.  :flwr: I think you should take all that money your saving and go on a nice nice vacation.  :tan: :surf: Congrats bearz for you high resolve to quit! Good for you. And you can join me any time you like.  :bighug:

--- Quote from: fantasymooma on April 15, 2008, 03:08 PM ---With Summer coming ever so fast, I would like to lose a few pounds also.  Ant bravo on you starting to run  :clap1:  Wish I could say the same.  Don't really want to go running with my 2 year old screaming her little head off everywhere.  :hmm:  But I have been thinking about going running lately.  As Ant said if there is someone out there with some Tips, give them up!  :thumb:

And bearz,  I am very proud of you with you being smoke free for 22 day!  :bow2:  :clapping: I have been meaning to say something. :)

Good Luck with everyone's Goals!  :weight:   :muscles:

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Thanks fantasy for the encouragement!  :hug: I understand about having your two year old along and trying to run. Running takes all my concentration right now. I have my IPOD to listen to and only have "pumped up" music on it.  :weight: No downer songs if you know what I mean.  :lolg:

When my daughter was little I used fitness videos to keep in shape. I bought some I really liked and while she was napping, I turned on the TV and got moving.  :dancegirls: :dancegirl: You could invest in a nice running stroller too. I know they are expensive, but if you are serious about starting the run, they are worth it. Try shopping at yard sales for the running strollers to get them cheaper. Your two year old just might like the ride with the wind in her face.  :hypno:

And you don't have to go far, just a 10 minute run can do wonders for your lungs. The first time I ran, I had asthma really bad, but now its a lot easier, so I am improving. Let me know what you decide to do, I am  :cheerleader: for you.

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I'm not a runner.......grouchy knees from abuse in my misbegotten youth.......but since my heart event I have taken up walking and lost a few pounds, the main thing is to be active and lower the food intake. My biggest food problem is that I used to graze all day, and the snacks add up. I stopped eating between meals and try to eat reasonable portions rather than eating until I feel full and that has helped.

Keep up the good work Bearz, even with some extra pounds you will be healthier without the smoking and in the long run thats the goal. :thumbs: :hug:

Extra days looking at grass rather than the roots are really worth the effort. :rofl1:


--- Quote from: lab_girl on April 15, 2008, 05:36 PM --- :2thunbs: Way to go Ant!
I am a running addict!

I started about 8 years ago. (I use the 'Running Room' training schedules by John Stanton... the run for ten minutes, walk for one.. etc.  Let me know if you want more info on these schedules - he has 10K, 22K and full marathon training schedules etc)

I have just started back after having my 2 boys - with which I have managed to gain 30lbs of excess baby weight - YIKES (as you can probably all see by my disney picture below)
So... I'm right there with you Ant!!  We can lose together  :thumbs:

I also like swimming - and when I joined the swimming club (before I got pregnant) it helped to REALLY get me in shape!

Keep us up to date on how you are doing!

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First of all let me say, lab_girl, that you are beautiful! In your picture you are so happy, and that is the main goal in life, to be happy and content. The weight loss is just for better health. We have to keep up with our children and our grandchildren when they come along!

Thanks for your comments of support. Yes, I would love more information on the training program you mentioned. Its a great coincidence we both have the same amount of weight to lose. I will be here for you every step of the way.

I am trying to think of a good day to "weigh in" and post my results here. I was thinking Friday might be good. I usually eat a little more on the weekends so Monday wouldn't be good, rofl. What do you think?

--- Quote from: papaduck on April 15, 2008, 10:24 PM ---
I'm not a runner.......grouchy knees from abuse in my misbegotten youth.......but since my heart event I have taken up walking and lost a few pounds, the main thing is to be active and lower the food intake. My biggest food problem is that I used to graze all day, and the snacks add up. I stopped eating between meals and try to eat reasonable portions rather than eating until I feel full and that has helped.

Keep up the good work Bearz, even with some extra pounds you will be healthier without the smoking and in the long run thats the goal. :thumbs: :hug:

Extra days looking at grass rather than the roots are really worth the effort. :rofl1:

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Thanks papa for the pointers about "grazing". I actually am guilty of that myself. A few Hershey's kisses a day really adds up. My worst problem is the Jelly Beans and chocolate. I pop a few into my talk.her way too many times throughout the day. So I will make a pact right now today that I will not touch one Hershey's Kiss or Jelly Bean for one week. It will be difficult, but I know I can do it.

I will let you know how it goes by next Wednesday. If I am having a rough time I will come here and post and maybe that will take my mind off of it. LOL, I am so weak.

Oh and btw papaduck, I am so glad you are looking at the grass and not the roots.  :bighug: That comment made me smile.  :) So keep up the walking and moving, you are doing great!!!  :clapping: :clap1:


--- Quote from: Antjewel on April 16, 2008, 08:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: lab_girl on April 15, 2008, 05:36 PM --- :2thunbs: Way to go Ant!
I am a running addict!

I started about 8 years ago. (I use the 'Running Room' training schedules by John Stanton... the run for ten minutes, walk for one.. etc.  Let me know if you want more info on these schedules - he has 10K, 22K and full marathon training schedules etc)

I have just started back after having my 2 boys - with which I have managed to gain 30lbs of excess baby weight - YIKES (as you can probably all see by my disney picture below)
So... I'm right there with you Ant!!  We can lose together  :thumbs:

I also like swimming - and when I joined the swimming club (before I got pregnant) it helped to REALLY get me in shape!

Keep us up to date on how you are doing!

--- End quote ---
First of all let me say, lab_girl, that you are beautiful! In your picture you are so happy, and that is the main goal in life, to be happy and content. The weight loss is just for better health. We have to keep up with our children and our grandchildren when they come along!

Thanks for your comments of support. Yes, I would love more information on the training program you mentioned. Its a great coincidence we both have the same amount of weight to lose. I will be here for you every step of the way.

I am trying to think of a good day to "weigh in" and post my results here. I was thinking Friday might be good. I usually eat a little more on the weekends so Monday wouldn't be good, rofl. What do you think?

--- Quote from: papaduck on April 15, 2008, 10:24 PM ---
I'm not a runner.......grouchy knees from abuse in my misbegotten youth.......but since my heart event I have taken up walking and lost a few pounds, the main thing is to be active and lower the food intake. My biggest food problem is that I used to graze all day, and the snacks add up. I stopped eating between meals and try to eat reasonable portions rather than eating until I feel full and that has helped.

Keep up the good work Bearz, even with some extra pounds you will be healthier without the smoking and in the long run thats the goal. :thumbs: :hug:

Extra days looking at grass rather than the roots are really worth the effort. :rofl1:

--- End quote ---

Thanks papa for the pointers about "grazing". I actually am guilty of that myself. A few Hershey's kisses a day really adds up. My worst problem is the Jelly Beans and chocolate. I pop a few into my talk.her way too many times throughout the day. So I will make a pact right now today that I will not touch one Hershey's Kiss or Jelly Bean for one week. It will be difficult, but I know I can do it.

I will let you know how it goes by next Wednesday. If I am having a rough time I will come here and post and maybe that will take my mind off of it. LOL, I am so weak.

Oh and btw papaduck, I am so glad you are looking at the grass and not the roots.  :bighug: That comment made me smile.  :) So keep up the walking and moving, you are doing great!!!  :clapping: :clap1:

--- End quote ---

Sort of one of those "if I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself things". :lolg:

Oh well.......of to cardio-rehab therapy. :thumbs:

Hang in there we are all behind you. :hug:

 :weight: Ok, I was totally inspired last night by the biggest looser being a female this time!! I have no idea how to do that ticker thing but I'm on! She talked about being an athlete as a kid and a young woman and that was totally me. My wedding dress was a size 8 , and I'm not even going to tell what size I'm now. (24)  :ahh:  (omg did I say that)  :blush: anyway here goes nothing. I'm pumped!!!
 :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:  :weight:


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