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Ant's Weight Loss challenge

<< < (10/10)


--- Quote from: DisKatDisKat on June 14, 2008, 07:41 AM ---Woot Ant!!!   :clapping:  I think you have a winning attitude my friend.  The numbers on a scale are only one of the many ways to measure progress.  I think you're doing great!   :hug:

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--- Quote from: AstroGigiblue on June 14, 2008, 02:36 PM ---Great Job Ant!  Thanks for checking in!  Sounds like you are doing great!  And when you feel better, that's all that really matters!   :hug:   :clap1:

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--- Quote from: RosieC on June 15, 2008, 08:33 PM ---Woot!! Go Ant.he!! Go Ant.he!!  :2thunbs:

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Aww, thanks you guys. I actually left Swan and Skalleywag in the dust today and ran a little farther (further?) than I ever have. Woot! I think your encouragement is carrying me higher and higher. Or is that the gas?

 :gas3: Nothing like a little rocket power to help push you a little farther! Woot!! :gas3:


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