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Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« on: July 19, 2010, 12:54 PM »

Ok.  There are some people who are harrassing others during the host hunts.  This is not something new...in fact, it's been going on for quite awhile.  These people standing inside of others in the room, standing face-to-face with others in the room, friend/trade requesting others during the hunt,  chatting other people up, jumping up and down against others or dancing against others in the room, openly accusing guests of being clones, etc.  I've seen some, and have heard it all.  It's affected alot of people.  Unfortunately, alot of people aren't reporting this, so it continues.

People:  if this happens to you or if you see it happen, it is your duty to report this to staff immediately.  This is intimidation and harrassment.  A quick help report is all that is needed.  Wouldn't hurt to take a picture of it, either.  I take pics of everything. 

These people continue to harrass others because nobody is reporting their bad behavior.  Please help in protecting the kingdom against this blech.  Otherwise, it could be someone elses young kid who is affected next time.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 12:58 PM by flamanar »


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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 02:26 PM »

I agree that this kind of behavior is completely uncalled for.  It's really, really sad.   :uhuh2:    :td:    :uhuh:

My problem with the reporting is this, I'm afraid it's falling on deaf ears.  And quite honestly, I'm tired of wasting my time reporting, and no response.  :(

I'm tired of reporting and it seems my reports find the way to the trash bin.  You all have heard how many times I have reported things to VFK.  It's all legit, it's issues with the game!  I never get an answer back.  I've sent screen shots before, and nadda.  I don't take this totally personally, as I know it happens to a lot of players.  But, when you hear some other players say "all my reports get answered, all the time".  Um what?!  I would have no problem sending reports, if I knew it was actually doing some good.  But when Staff or whoever is looking at reports, can't even send a simple reply saying "hey thanks for the report, we got it, we are looking into it"... what is anyone supposed to think?  I feel like I'm wasting my time.  It's very frustrating.  I don't expect an answer right away, or even a fix.  Just an acknowledgement would be wonderful... and believe me if this was to happen, I think a whole lot of other players would help out with various things in the game and reporting too.  Just my opinion.
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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 03:15 PM »

Yeah, I've heard that "all my reports get answered, all the time" line recently, too.  ;)  Which is why it's not here.  It's BS.  'Nuff said.

As to reporting, doesn't matter if they respond or not.  At least we all did what is right.  I think they treat 'player reports' differently than regular 'help reports'.  I believe they are prioritized.  From what I understand, all the messages that get sent into VFK get distributed to the respective department by a single person (I could be wrong...but I doubt it based on past conversations I've had).  If you have a regular help report, the title of it is of the utmost importance.  Like, if there's something urgent, type it in caps in the 'subject' line.  You want the person who is distributing the messages to have a heads-up right away for the important stuff.  Other stuff like titles changes...I think they just sit on, or are partially (mostly?) automated now. 

In the end, it doesn't really matter if you get a response back or not.  The idea is to do our part to protect others (possibly/probably much younger) from the same experience we had.  I understand what you're saying though, Astro.  It is extremely frustrating...but I think when you report someone, they do take action...they just don't let us know that they did so.  If it happens with the same people again, then send a REGULAR help report with a subject line like 'MORE HARRASSMENT DURING HOST HUNT', or something like that.  You want the person sorting the messages to be able to prioritize the messages quickly.

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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 03:38 PM »

I understand what you're saying too.

Personally, I have always kept my Help Reports short and sweet.  I realize they probably have soooo many, and often times, many reports could possibly be nothing major at all.

Well, I did my part and just sent a Help Report about what I experienced yesterday.  We'll see what happens.   :cheerleader:
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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 03:46 PM »

I understand what you're saying too.

Personally, I have always kept my Help Reports short and sweet.  I realize they probably have soooo many, and often times, many reports could possibly be nothing major at all.

Well, I did my part and just sent a Help Report about what I experienced yesterday.  We'll see what happens.   :cheerleader:

Aww.  For that I exalt thee +1 and throw in a (Flame hug) for free  :)

You are right, btw.  Alot of what they get is garbage from kids with nothing better to do than bug staff (let's not forget that it's summer...which I'm sure makes it hell for staff).  That's why I try to attract their attention in my reports any way I can and...like you said...try to keep it short and sweet, yet with enough detail for them to research the problem.

You probably won't see what happens...but hopefully it will put a stop to that BS.  ;)  If not, there can always be more help reports.  Something like this should not be ignored nor put aside by VFK.  This takes priority over whether someones TV is working or not.  lol
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 03:48 PM by flamanar »


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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2010, 10:18 PM »

I agree that this kind of behavior is completely uncalled for.  It's really, really sad.   :uhuh2:    :td:    :uhuh:

My problem with the reporting is this, I'm afraid it's falling on deaf ears.  And quite honestly, I'm tired of wasting my time reporting, and no response.  :(

I'm tired of reporting and it seems my reports find the way to the trash bin.  You all have heard how many times I have reported things to VFK.  It's all legit, it's issues with the game!  I never get an answer back.  I've sent screen shots before, and nadda.  I don't take this totally personally, as I know it happens to a lot of players.  But, when you hear some other players say "all my reports get answered, all the time".  Um what?!  I would have no problem sending reports, if I knew it was actually doing some good.  But when Staff or whoever is looking at reports, can't even send a simple reply saying "hey thanks for the report, we got it, we are looking into it"... what is anyone supposed to think?  I feel like I'm wasting my time.  It's very frustrating.  I don't expect an answer right away, or even a fix.  Just an acknowledgement would be wonderful... and believe me if this was to happen, I think a whole lot of other players would help out with various things in the game and reporting too.  Just my opinion.

Amen Sister!  LOL!  I totally agree with you.

Sorry Flame, but I don't think they really read reports anymore and I do think they just get tossed in the trash.  They never answer me and when I recently wrote them telling them about a girl running a game and cheating in it they did nothing.  I thought at first that maybe they never replied to me because I wasn't a paid member, but I see that many have the same problem.  Why can't they send a reply to just say thank you for the report or we are looking into it instead of making us think its not even worth reporting to them.  It only takes a second and I know they can get busy, but they get busy cause we play the game, without us they won't have a game up and running.  A simple acknowledgement is all we need instead of feeling like crap and that we don't matter.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2010, 10:32 PM »

I agree that this kind of behavior is completely uncalled for.  It's really, really sad.   :uhuh2:    :td:    :uhuh:

My problem with the reporting is this, I'm afraid it's falling on deaf ears.  And quite honestly, I'm tired of wasting my time reporting, and no response.  :(

I'm tired of reporting and it seems my reports find the way to the trash bin.  You all have heard how many times I have reported things to VFK.  It's all legit, it's issues with the game!  I never get an answer back.  I've sent screen shots before, and nadda.  I don't take this totally personally, as I know it happens to a lot of players.  But, when you hear some other players say "all my reports get answered, all the time".  Um what?!  I would have no problem sending reports, if I knew it was actually doing some good.  But when Staff or whoever is looking at reports, can't even send a simple reply saying "hey thanks for the report, we got it, we are looking into it"... what is anyone supposed to think?  I feel like I'm wasting my time.  It's very frustrating.  I don't expect an answer right away, or even a fix.  Just an acknowledgement would be wonderful... and believe me if this was to happen, I think a whole lot of other players would help out with various things in the game and reporting too.  Just my opinion.

Amen Sister!  LOL!  I totally agree with you.

Sorry Flame, but I don't think they really read reports anymore and I do think they just get tossed in the trash.  They never answer me and when I recently wrote them telling them about a girl running a game and cheating in it they did nothing.  I thought at first that maybe they never replied to me because I wasn't a paid member, but I see that many have the same problem.  Why can't they send a reply to just say thank you for the report or we are looking into it instead of making us think its not even worth reporting to them.  It only takes a second and I know they can get busy, but they get busy cause we play the game, without us they won't have a game up and running.  A simple acknowledgement is all we need instead of feeling like crap and that we don't matter.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

Hey, I'm right there with ya on the "why don't they respond".  But that forces me to just keep sending help reports...one a day...until I DO get a response.  I'm a squeaky wheel.  LOL.  Just this past weekend, had to report someone while on a clone.   No response.  Followed up with Flame later that night after no response.  I did receive a response then saying that they had dealt with the person.  So it does take time and perseverence, but a response can be obtained from VFK in most cases.  Regardless of whether they respond or not, it's still up to us to report these weirdos and be able to sleep with a clear conscience knowing that at least WE did the right thing ;)


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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2010, 11:26 AM »

I thought at first that maybe they never replied to me because I wasn't a paid member, but I see that many have the same problem.  Why can't they send a reply to just say thank you for the report or we are looking into it instead of making us think its not even worth reporting to them.  It only takes a second and I know they can get busy, but they get busy cause we play the game, without us they won't have a game up and running.  A simple acknowledgement is all we need instead of feeling like crap and that we don't matter.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

Yes, I know how you feel too Krazy. 

I'm taking "snips" of quotes ... But, I will tell you personally -- I am a paying member, and I'm already on a renewal -- so this doesn't go back to original membership either.  I don't get responses.  So, it does hold true for a lot of players, including paying members as well -- of no responses from VFK - either paying or non-paying.

Hey, I'm right there with ya on the "why don't they respond".  But that forces me to just keep sending help reports...one a day...until I DO get a response.  I'm a squeaky wheel.  LOL.  Just this past weekend, had to report someone while on a clone.   No response.  Followed up with Flame later that night after no response.  I did receive a response then saying that they had dealt with the person.  So it does take time and perseverence, but a response can be obtained from VFK in most cases.  Regardless of whether they respond or not, it's still up to us to report these weirdos and be able to sleep with a clear conscience knowing that at least WE did the right thing ;)

I'm not okay right now with the "squeaky wheel method".  Why?  1)  Been there, done that.  Example:  Father's Day party favors that were supposed to be out later, than they were.  Did I ever receive a response?  Nope - nothing.   Sent in multiple reports, and screen shots from in game blasts -- to back up my complaint even.  2)  Because, I have heard rumors of players NOW getting banned for basically sending in multiple help reports, complaints, bugs, etc.  It's not worth me getting banned, for just wanting an simple answer.  Whether it is true or not, I'm not taking the chance personally.  Most rumors tend to be false, but with a ban -- I don't feel it's worth my time.

I'm just throwing this out there, because this is a rumor to not really mess around with, if you want to keep playing VFK.  Rumors are there seem to be some "auto-ban" processes in place too.  Bad idea on VFK's part, some things could be totally taken out of text.  I do agree clean-up in game needs to be made, but gosh I don't agree with some of their answers thus far.   :hmm:

For the record ... though I didn't expect a response from my report yesterday ... I still have heard not one word. 
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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2010, 12:21 PM »

Wow Astro.  I haven't heard of the ban rumor for sending multiple help reports.  Is that from the 'ban forum'?

I've heard the 'auto-ban' rumor.  I believe it is very possible.  Why?  I think VFK doesn't have near enough staff to handle the help reports that are sent everyday.  Seriously.  Imagine (especially in the summer) all those bored kids home and wanting to know when 'X' feature is going to be released, why wasn't 'X' feature released, they have an idea for 'X' feature that VFK may want to use, where is Host Legend/Fin/Harmony/Nitro/etc., etc.  The vast amount of help reports that VFK MUST receive everyday leads me to believe that automation is the only avenue left for them.  They were accused of doing nothing in the garden for months...which appeared to be very true.  I seriously think they don't have anywhere NEAR enough staff to handle the current volume of help reports sent in...let alone send a response to each one.  I also think they may have lost some workers within the past couple/few months.  Some well-known staff have gone missing from game (harmony, fin, legend, nitro, etc.).  As much as people want us to believe that those people are now 'working behind the scenes', that's a great answer for a bunch of kids that will buy it...but I ain't.  There's no reason for a staff member to go completely invisible and never reappear...without the capability to show up for 15 minutes at closing every once in a while...because they are now 'working behind the scenes'.  Aren't ALL staff really 'working behind the scenes' when they aren't visible to players in game?  I mean, really. 

Going back to automation, I think it's boils down to 2 choices for VFK for them to quell the outrage from the masses over the crap that's been going on in game:  hire more people (I seriously wonder how they pay their bills with their current workforce/bills), or automate.  I see no other avenue for them with their current status other than to automate.  Yes, it stinks (to say the least).  But I don't believe they have the money to hire the proper amount of people to get the work done.  Disney chose the auto-ban system...and they had WAY more money to spend on hiring more people (if anyplace knows how to bleed a dollar, it's Disney).  I think it really boils down to $$$.

None of the above should be construed as Flame making excuses for VFK.  I'm not.  They brought alot of this stuff on themselves.  Because they wouldn't listen to advice.  Because they wouldn't listen to players.  Because they didn't have a concrete plan/system.  The worst part is that they still continue to (seemingly) fly by the seat of their pants.  One step ahead of critical mass.  Not to sound like a person running around crying 'the sky is falling! the sky is falling!'...but VFK has changed some for the better...but not nearly enough.  It's still the same old VFK.

I do also believe that sometimes there is another reason why they don't answer help reports:  the truth is too embarrassing.  LOL.  Think about it.  I sent a bazillion help reports (along with many others) during the races because of the ongoing bug where most of your laps didn't count.  Did anyone ever receive a response?  Of course not!  (Actually, I think one person got a response saying that 'VFK couldn't replicate the problem'  :hmm:  )  There is probably a couple reasons for this silence:

1) they couldn't fix the bug
2) they couldn't find the bug (sortof related to #1 above)
3) the people who COULD fix the bug were on vacation
4) the people who could fix it were ordered to work on something else instead...maybe something they needed for the next Sunday quest

As you can see, a response...especially truthful...using ANY of those excuses would not look good to the recipient.  LOL.  Just hypothesizing here.

There could also be yet another reason why it seems like people aren't getting in trouble.  Maybe the reports pile up?  Some people here know about the 'ban forum'...where everybody posts on there about being 'banned for nothing'.  Maybe they WEREN'T banned for nothing...maybe it's just that VFK has finally caught up to the report on them doing something wrong awhile back!  That would make alot of sense...and explain why it appears that so many 'angels' (ROFL) are being 'banned for nothing'.

All the above aside, I still see the issue as us needing to do our part, regardless of whether VFK is listening or not.  If it means only sending one help report to avoid a possible ban, then so be it (less work for me. lol).  VFK cannot ignore multiple people reporting the same person.  There is strength in numbers, and it will add up and eventually the person will be toast.  If not, then VFK gets an earfull from Flame on the phone.

This has all been my personal perspective on things.  I could be totally wrong.  But it's hard to ignore things that are so obvious.  This has become a numbers game.  Players (and clones) outnumber staff by a HUGE margin.  There is no possible way I can see that they can handle all the reports with their current amount of staff.

I know we all don't agree on this, and that's ok.  We're all still friends as far as I'm concerned.  I believe a healthy debate is a good thing :)

Normally I'd type alot more, but I'm trying to get my body to accept decaf coffee now...so...in the absence of caffeine...I'm spent, and will end the post here-------------->.  :waveb:


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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2010, 06:45 PM »

Wow Astro.  I haven't heard of the ban rumor for sending multiple help reports.  Is that from the 'ban forum'?

Yes.  Well more than 1 forum actually, and I've heard rumors about it in-game as well.   ;)
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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2010, 09:43 PM »

I just wanted to say that King and I are doing our part to help with Host Hunts.

We don't do them, thus leaving our friends with 2 less players to worry about.  :lolg: :lolg: :lolg:

OK, OK, just kidding around here. I was just reading all of this and thinking how silly that some people are so caught up they would waste so much time and energy causing trouble for others during a Host Hunt for a virtual item. It seems like it would make more sense to focus on finding said Host than sending requests and standing inside someone else. It reminds me of that one SNL skit with William Shatner where he is at a Star Trek convention. He is standing up front and yells, "Get a life!".  :rofl1: :rofl1: :sur:


I was looking at VMKRevisited the other night and thinking about how so many seem to have forgotten how everything was gone - Poof!!! Maybe I am just more introspective with all that has been happening here lately. Just glad we have friends who place people before pixels and a place to discuss the game where everybody isn't so caught up. Hugs! :bighug: :hug:
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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2010, 05:49 AM »

I just wanted to say that King and I are doing our part to help with Host Hunts.

We don't do them, thus leaving our friends with 2 less players to worry about.  :lolg: :lolg: :lolg:

OK, OK, just kidding around here. I was just reading all of this and thinking how silly that some people are so caught up they would waste so much time and energy causing trouble for others during a Host Hunt for a virtual item. It seems like it would make more sense to focus on finding said Host than sending requests and standing inside someone else. It reminds me of that one SNL skit with William Shatner where he is at a Star Trek convention. He is standing up front and yells, "Get a life!".  :rofl1: :rofl1: :sur:


I was looking at VMKRevisited the other night and thinking about how so many seem to have forgotten how everything was gone - Poof!!! Maybe I am just more introspective with all that has been happening here lately. Just glad we have friends who place people before pixels and a place to discuss the game where everybody isn't so caught up. Hugs! :bighug: :hug:

OK, just wanted to make a clarification on this bolded statement:  the person who is standing inside of ppl, sending friend/trade requests, using excessive magic right up against others:  they are the DECOY!  They are the one whose job it is to distract you, to get you to start talking (asking them to stop what they are doing...).  Meanwhile, at least with the "team" we have observed: there is another of them completely concentrating on getting the host!  Pretty neat trick huh?

I have a friend who had just these kinds of problems at the last Hunt, and he lost to one of the "team" while the other was constantly verbally harassing him, presenting him with enough distraction to make him not quite fast enough to win.

Pitiful really.  Sadly, I am not sure its only about getting the pixels -- I think its about some sick sort of "revenge" or something.

.it  :coffee2:

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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2010, 06:07 AM »

Wow Astro.  I haven't heard of the ban rumor for sending multiple help reports.  Is that from the 'ban forum'?

Yes.  Well more than 1 forum actually, and I've heard rumors about it in-game as well.   ;)

I am thinking here that "multiple" means lots and lots and lots.....kids think that their report should be answered INSTANTLY, and when it isn't, that means that staff are lazy.  And they are ready to completely bombard VFK using that little icon until they get some kind of answer.  (I have seen them recommend it to each other).  And when they get an answer like this "you are banned for disruptive behavior" --- they cry foul!  Yes, dear little spoiled brat -- sending in a HELP report once every 5 minutes for an entire day IS DISRUPTIVE!!!!!!

I will share this: a few months back, Hero was helping me try to get a title change for one of my peeps; he sent a request in and when he didn't hear anything after a few hours, he sent another.  He got a message telling him something like: one report is enough please; when you send multiple help reports for the same thing, it prevents staff from taking care of more important requests.  Something along those lines.

 .it  :coffee2:

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Re: Need host hunt cooperation from everyone
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2010, 12:44 PM »

He got a message telling him something like: one report is enough please; when you send multiple help reports for the same thing, it prevents staff from taking care of more important requests.  Something along those lines.

 .it  :coffee2:

hehe   :lolg:    I got that once too.   :shy:     LONG time ago, I think (? - don't remember now) I sent my reports from the first ride-through event.
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