Online Worlds > Pixie Hollow

Anyone still playing Pixie Hollow now and then?

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Ok Wendy! That would be awesome! Princess will play more if she has someone to play with. She tries to get me on
or she gets bored. She loves the party games and having a little pet (there goes that real world toy that we had to get a butterfly to fly with you- not needed anymore)! Princess is a member and YES there is so much more to do if you are a member. BIG difference!

My daughter and I had not been on the game for a long time but last night my daughter got back on and all her characters are gone so I'm assuming mine are also.  She said that making a new fairy only gave her a limited number of items and I was thinking she said there were other things that were now for only members.  She's been playing it for a couple days and likes it but of course wants to be a member.  I love how all these games try and reel you in.

I'm thinking of letting my daughter try the one month membership.  Is that membership only for one character or does it cover all in the family?  I was looking at it and I'm assuming it's just one character but just wanted to be sure. 

Princess and Mir4mad,
I know my daughter would love to make some new friends also.  I'll have to find out which character she is using as her main character though.

The membership is only for one character! :(
Believe me disney will suck the money out of ya!!!!

You can't just add a friend knowing their title so the girls would have to set up a meet to become friends.
Just let me know. princess's computer time is mainly in the evening 6PM till MN eastern standard time!


--- Quote from: mir4mad on September 07, 2010, 04:14 AM ---The membership is only for one character! :(
Believe me disney will suck the money out of ya!!!!

You can't just add a friend knowing their title so the girls would have to set up a meet to become friends.
Just let me know. princess's computer time is mainly in the evening 6PM till MN eastern standard time!

--- End quote ---

Well Disney managed to get two memberships out of me.  I signed my daughter up and then I kind of got hooked when I was playing one of her characters so I signed myself up also.  She wanted someone to fly around Pixie Hollow with.  ;)  I think it's such a cute game.  I just think it's a shame though that most of the stuff is for members only.  My daughter and I are just trying a one month membership.  I bought the cards at TRU so we'll see how it goes.  The bad news is if your membership expires all your member items go in storage and you can no longer use them unless you renew your membership.  I feel that once you've earned something and you've paid for it, it should stay in your inventory.  I guess that's how they keep you hooked though.

We'll have to see if we can meet up sometime.  My daughter hasn't had much time during the week due to school but if she's on it's usually between 6-9 pm EDT.  She gets on varying times during the weekend. 


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