Online Worlds > Other Online Worlds

I got this Toontown email... Free Accounts?!?!

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--- Quote from: papaduck on June 26, 2007, 10:39 AM ---I too got the e-mail.

Don't have enough free time to get on VMK that often, so doubt I'll try this one.

Really need an "hour stretcher", rather than more games. :roflmao:

--- End quote ---
If you find this "hour stretcher" program please pass it along...

My son (17) signed up and has been having a blast with it again.

His only complaint is that it takes longer than VMK to do things, so much time is 'wasted' waiting for TT to load, etc.

Both of of my kids are currently playing the "free" trial..they love it! Personally the music is driving me nuts!! :prop:

I got that e-mail too.  I haven't tried it yet.


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