Online Worlds > Second Life

SL Vocabulary

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Can we create an SL vocab page? I swear this is another whole language and I am in bad need of tutoring!! :read:

Sure! What words do you need de-coded?  :cool2:

It was great meeting up with you last night! We seriously need to go freebie shopping though...need to get you some skin and hair! lol


OK, here's the first one:

Camping: Not to pitch a tent and light a campfire, but rather to sit in a casino chair, beanbag or doing some other useless task like make noodles or do carpentry for Linden$. I tend to do this a lot while working, since you can be afk while making money. :) However, good camping spots are hard to comeby these days.

sl - second life
rl - real life (or fl = first life)
LL - linden labs, the company that runs SL
client - the program you use to connect to sl; they are constantly upgrading the client, supposedly improving it, but generally fixing some bugs and introducing new ones, which everybody will then rant and rave about, pointlessly
tp - teleport
lm - landmark for a place to tp to
borked - messed up badly
av - avatar
Ruthed - when SL is so borked, that your av comes out as an incredibly ugly female (the "default" ugly female avatar, from the prehistoric ages of SL, who was apparently named Ruth)
lag - normal state of affairs
horrible lag - still pretty much normal state of affairs
im - instant message
prim - what all objects in SL are made up of, the "primitive" building block
script - computer programs that users can write, to make prims/objects interactive
land - land
sim - 65,536 square meters of land (256 m x 256 m square), which behind the scenes, is actually "taken care of" by 1 CPU core; sims are named, and you can see the name in your lm or tp coordinates
parcel - sims are cut up into parcels of land, which can have different owners
mainland - mainland sims can be cut into parcels, with different users owning different parcels; mainland sims are made available by LL via auction
land baron - the people who purchase mainland sims in auction, cut it up, and then sell off the parcels at some level of profit
private island - island sims have ONE owner, who can parcel it up and "sort of" sell it to other users, but it's really a leasing arrangement, because the ONE island owner can always just take it back, without recourse to the "purchaser"
estate - usually refers to a private island sim
L$ - linden, the ingame currency
Lindex - the currency exchange run by LL, to exchange L$ to US$ (exchange rate ~ L$270 for US$1)
SLEx - SL Exchange, a company / website that allows people to shop / sell SL items, on the web
SLB - SL Boutique, like SLEx
furry - avatars that are usually humanoid animals
poseball - something you right click on to select a "sit" or some option, that will put you in a pose, with or without animation; usually they are pink or blue, to let you guess whether they are gender-specific poses; in detail, they are really simply prims that contain a script, which activates an animation (static or animated)

Be, could you define "griefer" for us please...

I know what it is, but not sure how to define for the noobs...  ???

Thanks, Kit


--- Quote from: hrhkit on April 26, 2007, 12:47 PM ---Be, could you define "griefer" for us please...

I know what it is, but not sure how to define for the noobs...  ???

Thanks, Kit

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I remembered that Be had posted this before, it totally sums it up nicely.

--- Quote from: bezoar on March 01, 2007, 04:33 AM ---There will always be people out there whose sole goal is to cause trouble, to try to irritate people, who just get a kick out of being a**es. They are common enough, that there's even a term for them, in SL: "Griefers"

Also, unfortunately, they know that the people who they are MOST likely to get upset are new players, and so they tend to go to places where new players are. Experienced players know better, and effectively emasculate them, by ignoring them. It takes away all of their "fun", to be ignored. Playing into their tactics only encourages them.

Edited to add: was looking the SL forums after I posted, and there's a thread by a newbie, asking what a Griefer was, with 27 replies. A few excerpts from the first replies:Griefer: Someone who enjoys ruining everyone else's fun, while drawing attention to himself/herself. Usually adolescent males with no life and even less moral fibre.

The morons who run around SL caging, shooting or orbiting innocent bystanders are the most readily visible form of griefer. But anyone who intentionallyy sets out to ruin other people's fun, usually while trying to draw attention to themselves, also fits the mold. So a person who buys the parcel next to your nicely landscaped home and fills it with flaming phallic symbols and blaring music is a griefer, as is the guy that intentionally dumps prim garbage on your land, or owrse yet, builds stuff on his land next to yours in a way that it intentionally pushes over into your space.
My motto: Don't give in to griefers.

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