Online Worlds > Xeko (Elf Island)

Members only Good Quests? Come on people! :(


OMG, are they serious?!?!?  They now made the Good Quests for Members Only while the rest of us that have helped out all this time with good quests get the shaft.  I know members pay and get more things, but seriously, the good quests are what Elf Island is all about.  How are we suppose to help people if we can't even play?  I guess they will realize it when they see they aren't reaching their goals fast enough.  :wtf?:

Sorry for the venting.  :sb:  I guess I will just go there to see my friends if I even do that.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

It takes real money to donate to those good charity causes. And paying members are real money. The ones we got to participate in for "Free" were a test as they developed the game. But unless they use advertising, then membership is the only way they are raising real money to give away.

I can see both sides of this...

I am upset no more Good Questing there for me; but I wasn't there alot. They do need money coming in to be able to pay for the charity causes.  I also wonder if the goals will be met; or will they adjust them when paying members get upset if goals not met.


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