Online Worlds > Secret Builders

Post your Secret Builder title here

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Hugs friends! I can't wait to find you in the game too, Coral! Taking a break for a while (rofl that real life always spoils the fun of a new game for me)...feel free to send me a pm and let me know what time you may be on next! We need to have a meeting place in there. :)

I'm also wondering if that's Panda... she already posted with Panda Pandora though... hmmm...  :hmmmm:

princessmadiro is playing too thanks to dis letting her know about it whe she ran into her on smallworlds. Dis found her there today-thanks dis!
Thank you to all of you here for the helpful information about the game too.
princess is enjoying the quests and she has written a storybuilder that is so awesome -it's under "the secret". I don't think it's been approved yet so keep checking for it. It's a perfect christmas holiday story of the true meaning of christmas.

Hehe, well so many new games being found! King signed on to check this game out and get his title the first night Dis posted. I also signed on and made sure I got my title and played around a little. not sure I even scratched much of the surface, but this game is very cute. I painted some, did a game or two and a quest. Looked around a bit also, there is a lot to do - very nice feature to add stories written by users to the game.

I will post our titles here, but I don't think you'll be seeing us much. We have found ourselves online less lately - probably a mixture of Christmas activities, King being home while off work, and just being in one of those places in life where it seems our online play time is limited. Who knows, maybe as we get cabin fever with winter, we may decide to hop over to Secret Builders more often, it is a fun, cute game. For now, one game is all we can handle and we have barely had time to even be on VFK as much as we'd like to build, play, and try to be with friends. Hugs everyone - it seems some of you may have found that one special game in this one - so happy about that!  :hug: :bighug:

PrincessWendyBird and KingQuackATac on Secret Builders.  :)

My DD = Monkeey :)


--- Quote from: PrincessWendyBird on December 07, 2008, 07:47 PM ---Hehe, well so many new games being found! King signed on to check this game out and get his title the first night Dis posted. I also signed on and made sure I got my title and played around a little. not sure I even scratched much of the surface, but this game is very cute. I painted some, did a game or two and a quest. Looked around a bit also, there is a lot to do - very nice feature to add stories written by users to the game.

I will post our titles here, but I don't think you'll be seeing us much. We have found ourselves online less lately - probably a mixture of Christmas activities, King being home while off work, and just being in one of those places in life where it seems our online play time is limited. Who knows, maybe as we get cabin fever with winter, we may decide to hop over to Secret Builders more often, it is a fun, cute game. For now, one game is all we can handle and we have barely had time to even be on VFK as much as we'd like to build, play, and try to be with friends. Hugs everyone - it seems some of you may have found that one special game in this one - so happy about that!  :hug: :bighug:

PrincessWendyBird and KingQuackATac on Secret Builders.  :)

--- End quote ---

I thought of you and home schooling your kids. There is so much information on books painting literature you can not help but learn things. Even when talking to my friends last night The beast was constantly correcting my grammar to funny.

In the different realms there are places to click and learn about the items history, bio extra. literature and inforamtion on the authors.  Etc.


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