Online Worlds > Second Life

Second Life KnoBS Pictures

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Woot! The pics are great Be...but where's the pic of you in your tux?  ???

Love your pics too, Fan!  :thumbs:

Did anyone else notice the lighting in that castle was a little off?  I did get a solo shot of myself.

Chris asked in another thread if there are horses in SL and I got some photos for her. 

After I took the photos I turned around and saw my first mermaid!!  She was so pretty.

I was in a place called Svarga, and I HIGHLY reccomend it!!  When you first arrive, get in the little pod for a tour.  Talk about disney like.. its amazing!  I would love it if we could go as a group sometime to explore.  Anyone?  Oh, I also forgot to mention that the white horse in the photo above, turned into a pegasus and flew away with its rider!  Such fun  :amazed:

It might have been sunset or sunrise lighting in the castle, at the time.

Svarga IS awesome, and I've only gotten the tiniest glimpse of it once. I'll explore it with you, and everyone else, sometime!

Beautiful pics look gorgeous!

And yes...let's all go to that place...sounds like so much fun! :)


C'est Moi!  :cool2:


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