Online Worlds > Second Life

Second Life Groups

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--- Quote from: tigressjewel on March 03, 2007, 12:16 PM ---Quick question:
My thought when forming the group was to keep it just for KnoBS.  I think since we have the group IM up whenever someone is on, it allows us to speak freely in that since we all know each other.  If anybody DOES not agree with this, then please post or IM and let me know.  Right now there is one member who I don't know and their SL name is Dan Savon. Is this a KnoBS member?

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My preference is still not to make it easy for people to connect my SL avatar with my previous VMK / DIS identity. It's not a hugely big deal, especially since in SL, I've taken to mostly calling people by the names they've chosen for their SL avatars.


--- Quote from: tigressjewel on March 03, 2007, 12:16 PM ---  Right now there is one member who I don't know and their SL name is Dan Savon. Is this a KnoBS member?

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That would be me - I have not spent much time in, but that would be my title.


--- Quote from: Adventuredaz on March 03, 2007, 10:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: tigressjewel on March 03, 2007, 12:16 PM ---  Right now there is one member who I don't know and their SL name is Dan Savon. Is this a KnoBS member?

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That would be me - I have not spent much time in, but that would be my title.

--- End quote ---
Awesome!  Thank you for letting me know, I'll add you to my friends list, hope thats ok!  :welcome: to the group!

Our group is no longer open enrollment.  This just means that people have to have an invite to join, but every member has the ability to send invites.  Just FYI.  :thumbs: Plenty of room for more KnoBS, come on in folks!

Just wanted to say thank you for letting me join the group :) I have seen/met some of you in VMK but I  look forward to meeting the rest of you. Those of you I talked to today, thanks for your help/information/ideas for getting around and getting more free stuff :) there is just so much you have the potential to do in there! it is almost overwhelming hehe. (now if only i can figure out how to use the templates to create clothes.... ::) ) Looking forward to actually seeing you in "person" in SL soon (vs just chatting hehe)  :cool2:


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