Online Worlds > Pixie Hollow

Collecting Items Question

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Would it be better to go into an Empty, Ideal, or Crowded Room to collect the most berries and flowers?

I say Empty.  Ideal and Crowded areas, have many fairies already on that Server.  I think Ideal and Crowded areas would be good for making friends (for badges and rating) and talking to other fairies.

Empty may have some fairies, but mostly those areas have plenty of items to pick up.  It kind of reminds me of Gaia, and picking up trash and bugs.  You go to empty areas, you will find more.   :)

I agree!  ;)

I've been going to empty rooms when my main goal is collecting items.  I've been able to collect a lot more items this way.

After doing this a couple times it is easier collecting in an epmty room.   After you collect some Items wait around awhile, like going into your journal or pouch  or even play a game, and when you come back there are LOTS of things to collect.


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