Online Worlds > Pixie Hollow

Disney Fairies Pixie Hollow

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Can you post links to the site here please.

I think my daughter will want to check this one out.

OMG!  I LOVE this game!  (Oh dear, did I admit that?)  I have my purple fairy outfit, and get this.. even a purple feather in my hair!!

I have only been on for a couple hours, but I already have several badges, and the few games I have played so far are fun.

Oh Mike, she will love it.. and I would love to figure out how to find people cause I would love to have her on my friends list again!   Here's the link:

ETA:  Not too difficult to know it is me.. between the purple feather in my hair, and I got the name Violet Purplefeather   :lolg:

Woot Purple!! Wow, who would have ever thought that we could get hooked on another (dare I say it??) Disney game. But, it is fun isn't it??

It is really easy to "fly" to a friend, once you get a person on your friend's list. So hopefully we can all meet up and "friend up".

Each person can make 3 fairies. There are quests to do. Lots of great features.

And hopefully soon the fairies will be able so "sit" on some of that cute purple furniture.

When you set up your fairy character you can choose from several "types" of fairies. The type of fairy you choose determines what the basic shell of your fairy home looks like, and also determines what furnishing options you have for that home. My character is a garden fairy and Lady's I believe is a water fairy.

Then, as you flit around in the public places you can pick up glowing items, I assume at some point they can be redeemed when the shops are open.

Besides being able to sit, I also wish there was a chat log, or that you could see the chat of others in the fairy fields when they are out of your field of vision. But, maybe those will come soon enough. So far though, I didn't run into any BUGS.

Have fun flitting about!!

Hi Mummy!  I chose 'Light', so my house is inside a sunflower blossom.

I have already earned 7 badges, can't for the life of me do the water web game :lolg: , but am a whiz at the harvest game, cause it is like Bejeweled.

Yes there are limited first and (two part) last name combinations.. but I must admit I never expected 6 others so far,  to have chosen the same name I did.  So, what's a good duck do about that?  Why, check out the competition LOL!

Only one of the other 6 even wears purple, and thankfully none have a feather in their hair.  Also all 6 of them have the same icon, mine is different.  :thumb:

As far as those glowing items you pick up.  If you donate them, you can collect badges, which is what I have been doing.. but I do now notice that if you click on any of those items in your pouch, you can see what else they are good for.  So once I complete a badge, I am holding on to the others,  because some will come in handy as I checked out the tailor and craft places.  You can also collect these items by playing the games.  If you score high enough you are offered a choice of what/how many of an item you want.   So my guess is along with badges and tailor/craft, they might :??: be some sort of currency.

OK, so I guess it is safe for me to say here, I have a fairy in Pixie Hollow.  :shy: I made her months ago and hopped on a few nights ago with our daughter. I have to say, it is fun. It is a nice break from other things and can be done in short spurts. I love to help sew items and the games are really fun too. I have found a few beta bugs with the game already - some issues with the petal game and IE has shut down on us a few times. (Ah, memories of VMK)  :lolg: But this game is really fun. I just keep telling PrincessRed we have to watch how attached we get until we see what the cost of this will be to play. But, for now - it is very fun and relaxing!!!

OK, so if you see Heather Gigglesong, that is me. Our daughter is Chloe Jellypool. Our son even made a "boy" looking fairy just to play the games. He made me promise not to tell any of his friends.  :rofl1: His game name is Indigo Cricketwind. (He tried to make it as boy sounding as possible.)

So, if enough of us get hooked, are we going to need a title thread? Ah, I can't believe Disney has sucked us in again. Curse you Disney, and your irresistable online games!  :lolg:


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