Online Worlds > Other Online Worlds

Puzzle Pirates?


Hey does anyone here play Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates? (Y!PP)
I think you all would really like the game. It is definatly not a place for immature children and is fun. It can be a bit serious at times, but there is always tons of parties! There are more adult-like qualities of the game and it has some fun games. Its a game about pirates  :pduel2:  :pdance:  :pattack: :phappy: :pcannon: :pirates2: :pdance2:
My pirate name in the game is Candylandy on the Viridian Ocean.
You can play the game at or read up on it at

My brother plays. I do too, but I think the real problem is, to get a reputation, your probably going to have to spend some real money for doubloons, or something like that.

Yea I can't imagine spending enough time to be able to afford 12 dubloons, just to be captain of a crew! I had trouble staying officer (I don't even try any more  :))
You don't seem to get much of any where unless you own some type of ship($$$), and can afford to stay above an officer.
I think thats why its a game where there are mostly adults; kids don't have the patience (and don't care) to stay in a high level. Plus all the crew drama that they create :tongue2:


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