Online Worlds > VFK Pics and Video

EA providing another "interesting" shot


Last step on the quest was to go to Balta.  Normally we would just walk up between those trees on the right to the exit mark.  My guess is maybe the Christmas tree is blocking that path?  LOL, all I saw was those footprints being created OUTSIDE of the window, as my clone attempted to get his way up to the Room Exit I had clicked!  (He should have wiped his feet before walking on the black!)  :lolg:

LOL! Tsk tsk. Tracking snow all over the place. 


--- Quote from: sunday_monkey on December 13, 2014, 10:16 AM ---LOL! Tsk tsk. Tracking snow all over the place.

--- End quote ---

I know!  They haven't given us mops to clean up after ourselves.  :hmm:


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