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Online Worlds => VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom => VFK Upcoming Events and New Items => Topic started by: Astro on July 04, 2011, 03:27 PM

Title: 7/4 Host Event(s)
Post by: Astro on July 04, 2011, 03:27 PM

In-Game Blast:

Join HOST_FireFly and HOST_Bunny for a HOST Firework Launch!
The Firework Launch will start in 5 minutes!

ETA:  A different Host game has started under the Host Tab.  So now there are 2 rooms for the Firework Launch and 1 room for Mintie's Game.  Yes, 2 different prizes.

Firework Launch - Patriotic Beach Chair

Mintie's Event - Patriotic Teddy Bear
Title: 7/4 Fourth of July Extravaganza
Post by: Astro on July 04, 2011, 04:30 PM

From the VFK Homepage:

Title: Re: 7/4 Host Event(s)
Post by: Krazy_Kim on July 05, 2011, 01:38 PM
So of course I looked all morning long and there was nothing listed in the calendar for the games so the family and myself did some family things instead and now I see there was not only one Host Game last night, but two of them.  Sigh, and now there is nothing listed for today so does that mean there will be a game tonight?  I just hope they are still giving out the hats in the Fireworks game as well cause now I have SO much to do.  >:[

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2: