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Online Worlds => VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom => VFK Upcoming Events and New Items => Topic started by: Astro on February 07, 2009, 06:59 PM

Title: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: Astro on February 07, 2009, 06:59 PM
From the VFK Homepage:

Wild Wild West Checkers
February 7th, 2009.

Object of the Game
Checkers is a two player board game where each player moves in turn. The object of the game is to capture your opponent’s pieces or move your pieces to block your opponent from making a legal move. You must move on your turn. The first player who can no longer move because their pieces are blocked or because all their pieces have been captured, loses the game.

Playing Board
The square checker board is divided into 64 squares. The squares are colored red and tan alternatively in the classic "checkerboard" pattern. Play is only on the green squares.

You start with twelve checkers colored either red or blue. Pieces are placed on the green squares on the board. The red player goes first and moves the red checkers. The blue player goes second and moves the blue checkers. A piece which is not a king can move diagonally forward one square. A king can move forward or backward. Pieces either regular or a king can only move to an unoccupied square. A move can also consist of jumps.

An opponent's piece or king can be captured by jumping,

If your opponent's checker or king blocks your movement and there is an open space beyond it on that diagonal line in the next row, you must jump that piece. You can not jump over your own pieces.

A regular piece can make a single jump only diagonally forward. A king can make a single jump diagonally forward or backward. For multiple jumps, a piece or king can change directions, first jumping diagonally one direction then another, jumping one piece at a time. You can not jump over a piece twice. You cannot stop part way through a multiple jump, but must jump all the options available. A regular piece or a king can jump a king.

If you have more than one option to jump, you can choose the one you want. There is no requirement that you must chose a particular path based on the number and kind of pieces which can be taken.

If you jump your opponent’s piece and the space you land on has the option of jumping an additional piece, you are required to jump and capture the additional piece.

Once a piece reaches the other side, (the crownhead) of the board, it becomes a king. A king is able to move forward or backward diagonally and can jump. When your piece reaches the crownhead, it becomes a king and your turn is over. Even if you could continue and make another jump, your turn ends.

Time Limit
The time limit for your move is one minute. If you do not move your piece within the one minute time limit, you forfeit the game.

Checker Rooms
Checker rooms are available upstairs in the Mercantile. If a game is in progress in a room, either the "way out" on the right side of the room or the left side of the room will take you to another checker room.

Title: Re: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: Astro on February 07, 2009, 07:17 PM
First look at the Checkers Room:

I have not played yet.  Lots of lines everywhere at the moment.

Title: Re: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: funfly on February 07, 2009, 08:05 PM
Well, first experience was awful.  :td: After waiting my turn in line, and getting lots of lag, I had trouble sitting in the chair for my turn. Next thing I know, another girl sat in the chair as I was trying to. Then she got mad at me for being there. When I did get to sit in the chair, I had lag again followed by a little pop-up that said "funfly resigned" ----thanks lag!
Title: Re: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: AmberDaze on February 07, 2009, 08:34 PM
This room reminds me of a song....Memories....
Title: Re: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: funfly on February 07, 2009, 08:42 PM
Finally got to play a game sort of. Everything was going well although I was behind 2 checkers, lol. Some other person went and sat ON my opponent this time which cancelled our game!  :sur: So given the amount of time and lag there...I "earned" 30 credits  :rofl1: Won't get rich there  :rofl1:  :rofl1:

Don't think I'll be playing checkers there anymore either.  :uhuh2:
Title: Re: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: Panda Pandora on February 07, 2009, 09:07 PM
Wow, Sounds like more trouble than it is worth.  I have not tried it yet. Set up is so much like other game. Seems like the sitting is a problem throughout VFK.  I am hoping it will get better in that aspect. :notme:
Title: Re: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: Astro on February 07, 2009, 09:39 PM
Looks like you get 100 credits for winning a game, and 10 credits for each checker taken. 

Anybody that can remember my Checker playing in VMK, knows that I am not a good checker player either.   :shy:    :laugh2:

I got lucky and the person didn't want to play anymore.

EDIT:  Also found out that the time limit is working.  So, if a player doesn't make a move within the time limit (1 minute), the game is forfeit and the game win will go to the opposing player who was waiting their turn.

Title: Re: 2-7-09: Checkers Game
Post by: Disney Dreams on February 08, 2009, 02:43 AM
I like that we finally have a game we can play WITH each other.
I love checkers.
I think the payout is WAY low.

This room reminds me of a song....Memories....
Yep, have to admit that I was humming the same tune.



Wonder why?