VMK no BS Forum

Online Worlds => VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom => Topic started by: PrincessWendyBird on November 13, 2008, 03:58 PM

Title: FYI - Disappearing Clothing!
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on November 13, 2008, 03:58 PM
I thought I would start a new thread for this so everyone could see it in case you are having this problem.

Problem: Clothing is not showing up in your inventory. (especially the new Pilgrim costumes)

Solution: I sent a "Help" message in game about this problem and Vintage got back to me very quickly. It seems my message was the first they had heard of this so they have now found the problem and solution. It seems the newer colors of Pilgrim outfits were not "coded" to be sold when they were placed in the shop. This caused the costumes to not show up in the inventory section of our clothing. They are working on the fix as we speak!

FYI: If you are worried about items being missing or are trying to keep count of clothing you have purchased, you can check by opening a trade window. Once the trade window is open, you can check your clothing inventory that way. At least until the fix for this problem is complete.
Title: Re: FYI - Disappearing Clothing!
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on November 14, 2008, 08:34 PM
Just wanted to update this problem. Right now, all pilgrim clothing can be seen in your inventory window. The only exception to this as of now are the red Pilgrim items. They have been working on this problem since my first report and each time I log in I get an update and let them know what I see.  :lolg: So by late tonight or tomorrow the red should be showing up also!