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Online Worlds => VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom => VFK Upcoming Events and New Items => Topic started by: Flamanette on May 20, 2010, 09:58 AM

Title: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Flamanette on May 20, 2010, 09:58 AM
OK, I cant get real fancy with this, so I will just say:

WO WO WO WO!! GO now and read the Home Page!!!

New information on the judging of the garden rooms and what the prizes are going to be!!!

HINT: we WILL get to see MANY of the garden rooms for ourselves.....hehe.

If someone wants to edit this post later on with picture from Home Page, that would be great!


ETA:  Homepage Information

Title: Re: 5/20: HOLY HOME PAGE BATMAN....
Post by: Astro on May 20, 2010, 10:04 AM
Thank you .It   :hug:

I'm working on this, I'll update this post with pics, etc.   :thumb:
Title: Re: 5/20: HOLY HOME PAGE BATMAN....
Post by: Flamanette on May 20, 2010, 10:06 AM
Great Astro!  I always need to leave this kind of thing in the hands of the NoBS experts....

And, let me tell ya:  I have done some of this already and boy do I have a lot to say about it.

Can we discuss it here in this thread, or should it be it's own thread??

(holds it in till word from Astro)

Title: 5/20 Garden Room Competiton Judging
Post by: Astro on May 20, 2010, 10:08 AM
Well, let me tell ya:  I have done some of this already and boy do I have a lot to say about it.....

Can we discuss it here in this thread, or should it be it's own thread??

(holds it in till word from Astro)


hehe, go for it!    :thumb:

You can respond right here is perfectly fine.   ;)
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 20, 2010, 10:21 AM
um, excuse me VFK ... no participation prize whatsoever?!  What gives with that?!

I know I don't have a snowballs chance .... rofl   :shy:     But, please at least give me a little tiny bit of credit for at least trying, and above all -- Participating VFK!   :uhuh:   Without participants, there is no contest.  Enough said.   Throw me a pin for petes sake.  

Give me time, I'm sure I have more guys .... lol

Sorry, had to vent and get that out.  That was my initial reaction.  Unless I'm missing it somewhere?

Oh and GOOD LUCK ALL!  WOOT!!    :2thunbs:    If it were up to me.... I'd vote ya all!!!
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Flamanette on May 20, 2010, 10:25 AM

OK, first, I did read elsewhere and just checked it: only those who have ENTERED a room can do this judging....I like that!  No millions of clones doing the judging!

With that out of the way: I have done some judging of these rooms already and let me tell ya that I am really really peeved at some of the stuff I am seeing here.  I have been in 40 rooms (hehe, almost to the point of my first bonus prize) and I swear, about HALF of those rooms HAVE NOTHING IN THEM!!!!!

Honest to goodness!  And a fair amount of others have the most ridiculous things in them, like beta furnish and a neon sign!  I kid you not.  Now, I know that a lot of people are anticipating getting a "participation" prize: but this just stinks!  And we don't even know if there will be a 'participation' prize.

I know there is NO WAY I would ever win with my garden, I accept that, really I do.  There is just so much outstanding talent out there.  But to think that a person who threw a few pink couches and a few quest items in a room and entered it might get that same prize as I do for "participation"..... :bm:  <---well that's how I feel about that one!!

There are also some things I wish we could do in this judging: 1) give the above described rooms a big fat 0 score; 2) the ability to leave a short (I mean short) comment on a room; 3) some way to track how many rooms we have judged instead of me making tally marks on a piece of paper,  :rofl1:.

The system also seems to be a bit buggy; I have been "stuck" in rooms, I have had the judging form be forever stuck in "loading" mode, and I have been repeatedly sent to the Opera House when clicking "move to next room".

So while I like the idea of peer review of the rooms, there are some things that could be improved certainly.  The biggest being that the rooms that really are obvious that the player submitted it just to get a participation prize should be eliminated from the peer review process.  They have supposedly been through  the first stage of judging -- VFK should have removed these from the mix before releasing the peer review.

Phew...does this go down as longest post I have made here?


P.S.: Astro I dont think they announced there would be a participation prize in the ride contest either; I think that was a surprise?  I could be wrong...if I am, then SHEESH MAN....I am mad about that one too.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 20, 2010, 10:35 AM
I am right there with ya .It!  I have done a few rooms, and I am in shock.  Yes, she is not kidding when there is just a pink couch in the room!

I do like this idea VFK has come up with ... peers judging.  I'm sure there are bugs that need to be fixed.

Makes me sad when all of us have busted our tail making a legit garden room, and put our heart into it.   And then you have these entries... that quite frankly are a waste of my time even looking at.  Obviously if u throw a pink couch in a Grand Garden room, you not are even trying.   :uhuh2:

EDIT:  Okay, it gets better .... so now I get my next room to be judged, get thrown on a ride automatically as soon as you hit the room.  There was already a judging flag from last year in there, so I'm assuming it was the spring ride room.  Then I get sent to the same room, from the ride.  Dumped into an area with about 6 other players.  All in there to judge the same room, and we're all stuck!
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Flamanette on May 20, 2010, 11:12 AM
I've just been in a room that appears to have a judging flag in it...it's red like the one they used for the ride contest....

Boy you would think that they would at least give a different color!

Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 20, 2010, 11:39 AM
Without having done this yet, a few thoughts come to mind:

1)  I knew they didn't have enough judges to judge all the rooms.  I'm sure they received WAY more entries this time around than when they did the Ride Competition (600+ entries for that).  Do the math.  I'm pretty sure that nobody from VFK has looked at these rooms as they have said.  The sheer number of entries received requires a different method of judging.  Unless we are all prepared to wait till next year for our rooms to get judged.

2)  The reason you kept ending at the Opera House might be because the room was one of the Mermaid rooms...and you didn't have your pin on.  I'm SO glad now that I didn't use a Mermaid room for my garden like I originally was going to do.

3)  I think the participation awards WERE a surprise last year.  The red flag and the green shirt.

4)  I see no honorable mention awards this time around.  Also no separate VIP and non-VIP sections for awards.

5)  nvm

6)  I wonder if the fact that people know their judging will be judged by others will result in people giving a huge amount of '10' ratings?

7)  VFK didn't tell us what criteria to use for judging.  This means the judging relies completely on personal preference by people who wouldn't know a pretty room from an elegant room.

8 )  The red flag might have been moved there by the entrant...or they might be entering the same room as they did for the ride competition and were too lazy to take the flag out.

9)  Having different categories would have been nice.  Like 'Most Elegant', 'Best concept', 'Best use of ordinary item'...I don't know.  Stuff like that.

Fact of the matter:  only 5 awards.  God only knows how many entries.  Mayhem to ensue shortly.

Enough for now.  Going to get my feet wet in awhile.

FLAME  <<--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: goldengourd on May 20, 2010, 11:58 AM
Despite all the missgivings mentioned above, I'm loving this. I think it is great to see the rooms, have a bit of input. I also think it is okay for ppl to see what the staff have to wade through sometimes, of rooms ppl entered but chose not to do anything with, not to mention the lag, lol. I've seen several really nice rooms, lots of time put into them. Some I had seen before.  ;)
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 20, 2010, 12:39 PM
That's true, Golden.  I did forget to mention something you brought up, though.  Lag.  Some gardens I couldn't get into that I was invited to see before the competition because I crashed while loading the room.  Other rooms, I couldn't walk 2 steps without waiting a minute in between.  Never did finish looking at a couple of rooms...and my computer is no slouch.  Neither is my connection.

I'm pessimistic (sp?) about this, but we'll see. ;)

FLAME  <<--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 20, 2010, 12:41 PM

Beyond irritated at what I am "supposed" to judge and finding in this competition.  And for the record... this person's room below, I guarantee you will judge 200 rooms to get the judging prizes, and then trade them off -- given VFK is that stupid and makes them tradeable. 

Like we all really have time to judge this, or VFK for that matter?

rant done....   :rantsw:

Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 20, 2010, 12:49 PM

Beyond irritated at what I am "supposed" to judge and finding in this competition.  And for the record... this person's room below, I guarantee you will judge 200 rooms to get the judging prizes, and then trade them off -- given VFK is that stupid and makes them tradeable. 

Like we all really have time to judge this, or VFK for that matter?

rant done....   :rantsw:

Which brings up another point.  We don't have time to do this.  And there's no way VFK could judge all the rooms themselves.  They already piled enough on us to keep us busy till their anniversary...when we'll be swamped again, I'm sure. 

The other point being:  just what the .... criteria are we supposed to be judging rooms by?  Everyone will be judging the room from a different angle.  There will be no consistency. 

Rant away.  I haven't started judging yet, but I have a feeling I'll be joining you soon.  LOL

FLAME  <<--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Flamanette on May 20, 2010, 12:58 PM

Beyond irritated at what I am "supposed" to judge and finding in this competition.  And for the record... this person's room below, I guarantee you will judge 200 rooms to get the judging prizes, and then trade them off -- given VFK is that stupid and makes them tradeable. 

Like we all really have time to judge this, or VFK for that matter?

rant done....   :rantsw:

Which brings up another point.  We don't have time to do this.  And there's no way VFK could judge all the rooms themselves.  They already piled enough on us to keep us busy till their anniversary...when we'll be swamped again, I'm sure. 

The other point being:  just what the .... criteria are we supposed to be judging rooms by?  Everyone will be judging the room from a different angle.  There will be no consistency. 

Rant away.  I haven't started judging yet, but I have a feeling I'll be joining you soon.  LOL

FLAME  <<--- :notme:

Uh oh look out................


.IT  (ducks and covers)
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 20, 2010, 01:04 PM
Uh oh look out................


.IT  (ducks and covers)

I heard that!  :P  You know I'm always objective when I comment ;)

Well, the first room I judged took 2 full minutes to load...and my browser stopped responding (fortunately, it did recover).  Pretty room.  I suggest refreshing your connection often.  Just in case.  Second room had like 6 different items in it, and took a few seconds to load. 

Also, like .It said, you'll have to keep track of how many you've judged yourself.  Blech.

FLAME  <--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 20, 2010, 01:09 PM
Uh oh look out................


.IT  (ducks and covers)

ROFL!  Well then at least it won't only be me ranting   :notme:

I think it's the room description comments too that are getting to me.  That pic above for example ... "eggsacly what you're lookin for : D"   They are purposely meant obviously for staff, and to be smart about it.    :td:    

I am looking at the room descriptions, because a lot of them actually explain a bit about the room, if you weren't sure on a theme.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 20, 2010, 01:16 PM
ROFL!  Well then at least it won't only be me ranting   :notme:

I think it's the room description comments too that are getting to me.  That pic above for example ... "eggsacly what you're lookin for : D"   They are purposely meant obviously for staff, and to be smart about it.    :td:    

I am looking at the room descriptions, because a lot of them actually explain a bit about the room, if you weren't sure on a theme.

Ok.  just had a room that forced me onto a ride, froze for like 3 minutes, then was sent around the room in an endless loop.  Couldn't get off.  LOL.  It's taking me a LONG time just to go to the next room!  Should we ding rooms for 'bad execution'?  It was a beautiful room, but I would have liked to WALK through it!

The descriptions are helpful, and I'm glad they are anonymous.

FLAME  <<--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on May 20, 2010, 01:31 PM
Wow!!! I have not been on since Tuesday, and so much happening! I have mixed feelings about this process. I am excited to get a chance to look at lots of garden rooms and judge them. I have already sat and talked with the kids about criteria they should use in judging so they can give fair ratings to the rooms they judge. I know people like us here will take this seriously and I like that.

I know that some won't take this seriously and their ratings will be to win the judges prizes, etc. I am glad to see you had to enter in order to judge. This will stop lots of clones from rating rooms, etc. I will say my mom's room entry is one of the empty ones.  :shy: So, if you have to judge "LittleSnowSong's" room, just rate low and move on. She signed up, but has had some real life stuff going on and wasn't able to even begin to build. She was feeling really guilty about it, but she is not in it for any participation awards. The sad thing is, how many people did empty rooms on purpose?

Also, I'm hoping they still surprise us all with participation awards. Maybe they are thinking of the judging awards as participation prizes? But, you still have to do all of the judging to receive those. I wonder if they are being quiet about it after the fiasco last year with how long it took some prizes to be given?

Well, I am off to try to get a few hunts done and start judging. Hugs and gl everybody!  :bighug:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Krazy_Kim on May 20, 2010, 01:37 PM
I am sorry, but I don't like other people judging the rooms that aren't staff.  Yes, I know staff is limited, but how random is really random here?  We all have many friends here in VFK and what happens, by chance, we get someone's room that we know.  Do you think the friend will say, "I can't judge this room cause it's my friend's room and if I judge it I would be cheating?", of course not.  They would give their friends 10 stars and move on.  I mean how is that completely fair unless the judges look at the top marked rooms and decide who gets the awards out of those high rooms, but still they are marked high because of friends.  Plus, if people have many, many clones that have joined and they get a clone's room you know they will mark that one high too.  I don't see how it's fair even if it is a slim chance.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: goldengourd on May 20, 2010, 01:45 PM
Hugs to your mom, and tell her not to worry. Most of the emptish ones I've seen look that way, they had intended to do a room, put in a few pieces and didn't get back to finish it in time.

Good for you to help your kids have some idea of what criteria to have in mind. Some of the things I look for: completeness/use of space (some of the rooms might have been really cute if they had used a smaller room with same amount of items rather than that oversized grand room), visual balance & flow, focal point(s), theme and do the items support it, and is there something extra/special/little surprises.

I've seen a lot of good room, also. Maybe even a winner or two.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: goldengourd on May 20, 2010, 01:49 PM
I am sorry, but I don't like other people judging the rooms that aren't staff.  Yes, I know staff is limited, but how random is really random here?  We all have many friends here in VFK and what happens, by chance, we get someone's room that we know.  Do you think the friend will say, "I can't judge this room cause it's my friend's room and if I judge it I would be cheating?", of course not.  They would give their friends 10 stars and move on.  I mean how is that completely fair unless the judges look at the top marked rooms and decide who gets the awards out of those high rooms, but still they are marked high because of friends.  Plus, if people have many, many clones that have joined and they get a clone's room you know they will mark that one high too.  I don't see how it's fair even if it is a slim chance.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

If only one or two ppl vote on a room, that would matter more. But theoritically, your vote is one of many.
Also, you can't not judge a room. I did get a couple I knew, tried to cancel, left the room, refreshed, and then when I returned to judge rooms it sent me back to that same room.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 20, 2010, 02:06 PM
The main problem I see is that the majority of the players in VFK are kids (IMHO).  I'm not sure how many will take this seriously, but I imagine it will be a small percentage of the total.  Most people are doing a quick and dirty judging of a room and moving on in order to get the prizes. 

I'm walking through each room entirely (if I can get through it).  Similar criteria as Golden.  One room I almost couldn't get into.  Took a TON of clicking around in order just to enter the room.  Some people obviously didn't test their rooms.  After awhile, alot of the rooms are looking similar.

Don't think we have to worry about clones.  Having other people judge rooms should balance everything out.  I'd like to know the final tally of judges who have judged our room, and our average score.  That would be interesting to see.  I just feel that most people won't be taking this seriously...like us NOBS ppl are.  They will be trying to get prizes as quickly as possible.

FLAME  <<--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on May 20, 2010, 02:07 PM
Well, just a little update, my mom's room does not show as a contest room anymore. She also can not judge other rooms. So, maybe as they catch empty rooms, they are removing them from the contest. Not sure about the rooms with a pink couch in them.  :uhuh:

At least my mom doesn't feel so guilty now.  :lolg:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 20, 2010, 02:46 PM
Ok....shocked is what I am  :ahh:

I "skim" read only half of these posts in this thread...will have to go back later as I feel the sudden urge to go and judge some of these rooms.   And yes, going to do while in shock mode!  :rofl1:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Tigerbella on May 20, 2010, 03:03 PM
So...Do you ever hate when your words come back to haunt you? lol  Mine did big time!  :laugh2: I kept saying I was just SO glad I wasn't a judge.  :uhuh:That'll larn me as they say! lol 

I am enjoying seeing most of the rooms, but really hate this lag.  In about three hours I've only done 27 rooms because of the lag. (Of course that wasn't even continuous since I had to take Faith to get her braces adjusted since she got her splint off of her teeth today).  At least it gave my computer a rest. lol

I think on the criteria, I am trying to see (on the rooms that look like someone tried);) what their theme is and try to judge by that.  If they have something unique like the checker board I saw, then I'm apt to grade them a little higher.  If they have a spectacular room, I look for all of the ideas in there, but in one case, since I knew someone else had already obviously done that particularly big 'idea', I graded a point down.  I know we all use other ideas to give us ideas, in my case when I saw the Mona Lisa done last year, I then used white bags from the mine ride to make a skull and crossbones...not another Mona Lisa. lol  (And, no I haven't even gotten to Funny's room yet and yes that room is awesome too) ;). lol Just the kind of criteria I judge on.  Also, if I suspect it was a kid or young teen who might have done the room, I might give them a point extra for effort. 

So far except for the Easter themed rooms and Valentine's rooms, everyone seems to be sticking to the garden theme.  At least most people seemed to have listened to that. lol But, then again except for the 'If you are a redneck' room, I haven't run across any rooms with just a sofa in it.  :laugh2: And, of course I had to laugh at that room!;)

Well back to judging....Now when did this judging run out?.....


Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: lisuhut on May 20, 2010, 03:30 PM
Well after seeing such beautiful rooms here on KNOBS , i kept wondering why i had bothered to enter , as mine is no way that good , but i wanted to enter a competition for a change
Now i have seen some of the other rooms , i am not so worried ,  now i feel better about my room Lol
Good luck everybody
Lisu x
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: goldengourd on May 20, 2010, 03:53 PM
<<In the final analysis, the ratings you give a room will be weighted based on how high your design is scored by other judges. If your design is getting all 10's, then your judging will be given more weight than if you were getting all 1's! >>

Just noticed this. Interesting, so those that did those empty rooms just for the prize and then run through judging just for the prize, their votes will count less. And conversely, those that have a lot of design knowledge, their votes will count more.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 20, 2010, 04:11 PM
<<In the final analysis, the ratings you give a room will be weighted based on how high your design is scored by other judges. If your design is getting all 10's, then your judging will be given more weight than if you were getting all 1's! >>

Just noticed this. Interesting, so those that did those empty rooms just for the prize and then run through judging just for the prize, their votes will count less. And conversely, those that have a lot of design knowledge, their votes will count more.

Exactly!  I like that alot.   

I also grade on technical issues, too.  Like if something that is trying to be hidden isn't quite hidden enough, I ding the room.  I've reached 50 rooms now.  A LOT of those were garbage where people obviously didn't even try.  So it's been sailing along pretty quickly.  I try not to spend alot of time in each room.  If it doesn't 'hit' me right away, chances are it won't.  I don't like to go 'looking for the wow'.  Some rooms are just impossible to walk in.  Some rooms you aren't sure where you're at.  Some rooms, you're not sure WHERE to walk (which means you're not sure if you've seen the entire room).  Some rooms gave me a good belly laugh.  LOL.  In return, they received 1 star ;)

VFK obviously really wanted people to stick to a 'garden theme', too.

This is definitely something I'm going to space out over a few days. 

Adding:  I like that they've removed alot of the titles from the descriptions.  They missed some, but most have been removed.

FLAME  <<--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 20, 2010, 04:17 PM
The descriptions are helpful, and I'm glad they are anonymous.

FLAME  <<--- :notme:

Earlier, they were not anonymous.  I think VFK changed that.  The first few rooms I did, did have the players title, box above the description.

The sad thing is, how many people did empty rooms on purpose?

My point EXACTLY!  

Have to share about 1 room I saw.  The player put up a chalkboard at the front of the room.  It said "Dear Judges, I am sorry that I didn't get to finish my room.  I got to busy in real."   Probably not word for word, something like that.
I thought that was sweet.  And just showed pure honesty.  The player truly tried, as there was a lot of layout done already.

I'm walking through each room entirely (if I can get through it).  Similar criteria as Golden.  One room I almost couldn't get into.  Took a TON of clicking around in order just to enter the room.  Some people obviously didn't test their rooms.  After awhile, alot of the rooms are looking similar.

I'd like to know the final tally of judges who have judged our room, and our average score.  That would be interesting to see.  I just feel that most people won't be taking this seriously...like us NOBS ppl are.  They will be trying to get prizes as quickly as possible.

FLAME  <<--- :notme:

I completely agree.  I WANT to be able to see the whole room, if I can too.  There were a few rooms that I was blocked.  One had a garden gate that I couldn't get past and one had a hedge maze blocking.  There was 1 room that had a spring ride-around the entire garden room, that was very nice.  My virtual tired feet could take a break, and be able to view the entire room.  I enjoyed that, it didn't lag me at all either.  

Might cut down on the lag some if you judge in single-user mode also as a tip.   ;)

I'd like to see some stats as well.  Wishful thinking probably though.  :(

I'm going to take my time on this.  It will take more than a few days to even try and finish judging.  
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Purpleduck on May 20, 2010, 04:36 PM
I like that I am getting to giggle on a few rooms.  One using the grand garden room laid out dark grass square, then light grass square, then just the dirt.  They repeated this for the entire room.  Hmm, since there were no flowers, was this a "grass' gardening room, or a dirt one?  :lolg:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 20, 2010, 05:25 PM
I like that I am getting to giggle on a few rooms.  One using the grand garden room laid out dark grass square, then light grass square, then just the dirt.  They repeated this for the entire room.  Hmm, since there were no flowers, was this a "grass' gardening room, or a dirt one?  :lolg:

Haven't seen that one....but did see an all dirt grand garden room with a few flowers thrown in  :lolg:

I've seen about 15 on my spare; 6 on my main (woot for 2 computers side by side although the 1 is slow.)  Some of the rooms are very creative; some just thrown together. Some obviously made by children (or I would hope that was the case.)  I've been trying to judge each of these keeping in mind what I think is the approximate age in addition to the room itself.  If I think a child did the room and it looks like they made an effort then I give them more credit than those who (no matter what age) did what looks like throw together type just for prize.  Not an easy task.

I just saw a Football field (the moving one) with a garden in it.  Saw "FUN" at the end of description....wasn't me just so everyone knows.  Whoever it was though had some cute ideas.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on May 20, 2010, 06:35 PM
I have to say this is really fun. I have seen a few really awesome gardens. I also saw a few really creative ideas I may use later when building. Of course, there have been a few where a few things were thrown in the room. But, this is cool to be able to see so many garden rooms. I even ran into .It in one room where I could not get off the little ride.  :lolg: :sos:

OK, off to send out King's in game party announcements while he works on finishing the kitchen for the new floors tomorrow. At this point, my foot matches the blue/grey color of the new floor... :lolg: :sur:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 21, 2010, 12:23 PM
Doing more rooms today.  Lots of grass and dirt.  ROFL

I did want to get a ruling on teleporters.  I know some lead back to the same room, but I've had several that took me to different rooms.  Here is VFKs response to my help report about that:

"Thank you for your report.  If the teleporter which exits the room is an integral part of the theme, not related to a ride, you can use your discretion.    However, the judging should be based on the room that is entered."

There you have it.  Just the first room is judged.  Kindof not completely happy with their response.  I feel that if someone didn't follow the rules, they should be disqualified.

Also, someone came across a room that had the quest snail in it.  That prize came out after the time for building your room had passed...  :hmmmm:

FLAME  <<--- :notme:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: goldengourd on May 21, 2010, 12:47 PM
OK, off to send out King's in game party announcements while he works on finishing the kitchen for the new floors tomorrow.
Okay, off topic, but this made me smile. No party for you until you get ALL your kitchen chores done, young man!!
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 21, 2010, 12:53 PM
Doing more rooms today.  Lots of grass and dirt.  ROFL

I did want to get a ruling on teleporters.  I know some lead back to the same room, but I've had several that took me to different rooms.  Here is VFKs response to my help report about that:

"Thank you for your report.  If the teleporter which exits the room is an integral part of the theme, not related to a ride, you can use your discretion.    However, the judging should be based on the room that is entered."

There you have it.  Just the first room is judged.  Kindof not completely happy with their response.  I feel that if someone didn't follow the rules, they should be disqualified.

Also, someone came across a room that had the quest snail in it.  That prize came out after the time for building your room had passed...  :hmmmm:

FLAME  <<--- :notme:

I think many of these players didn't know that the Grand Garden room scrolls or extends.  They left off, where the screen ended, before scrolling.   :lolg:   Too cute.  So, LOADS of dirt to see.

Anyway, I have say bravo to whatever you are doing, Flame to get a response from VFK.   :thumbs:   I get nadda, zippo, nothing, from anything I send.    :laugh2:

Also, with regards to the quest snail being in a room ... I had heard that contest rooms are not completely locked down.  Meaning, you can a) remove any item in the room, by using the Item List, then Store.  b) You can still place items in the room, just not move them around.    Nice lock down huh?   :hmm:    not cool
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 21, 2010, 01:07 PM
I think many of these players didn't know that the Grand Garden room scrolls or extends.  They left off, where the screen ended, before scrolling.   :lolg:   Too cute.  So, LOADS of dirt to see.

Anyway, I have say bravo to whatever you are doing, Flame to get a response from VFK.   :thumbs:   I get nadda, zippo, nothing, from anything I send.    :laugh2:

Also, with regards to the quest snail being in a room ... I had heard that contest rooms are not completely locked down.  Meaning, you can a) remove any item in the room, by using the Item List, then Store.  b) You can still place items in the room, just not move them around.    Nice lock down huh?   :hmm:    not cool

I does seem that way about the scrolling rooms.  But I think they were just lazy.  Anyone who builds to the edge will get the room to scroll, I think.  I also noticed some people had outlined the entire room (including the empty parts) in flowers.  LOL

A response?  I slip them $30 a month  :laugh2:

Not locked rooms = completely not cool.  I heard about that.  I also noticed that ALL rooms were locked for a while the other night.  LOL.  VFK needs to iron out some bugs before the next competition.  I say disqualify those who altered their rooms after the cutoff.  But I'm strict when it comes to rules ;)
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 21, 2010, 01:15 PM
A response?  I slip them $30 a month  :laugh2:

Ooooh!  We have a new board "Sugar Daddy"   :wavet:   :wavet:    woot woot!    jk   ;)

Not sure if the room will scroll, if you just stand and place items from where you enter though, that might be part of the problem.   :hmmmm:     and yep, I agree with everything else you said.   :thumb:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 21, 2010, 01:20 PM
A response?  I slip them $30 a month  :laugh2:

Ooooh!  We have a new board "Sugar Daddy"   :wavet:   :wavet:    woot woot!    jk   ;)

Not sure if the room will scroll, if you just stand and place items from where you enter though, that might be part of the problem.   :hmmmm:     and yep, I agree with everything else you said.   :thumb:

LOL too funny  :roflmao: :rofl1:

True about placing items, too.  They might not have walked there...so the room didn't scroll.  Others were easy to tell they'd been 'explored' by the owner. lol

Can't wait till I'm done this.  Blech.  Seen alot of great rooms.  Some REALLY awful ones, too.  Many times I really have NO IDEA what to rate a room!  It's half awesome and half awful.  Hate that...
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Purpleduck on May 21, 2010, 01:24 PM
I dc so often, and I must admit I am pleased with VFK's handling of that.  When you come back on, and click the "Next Room", it drops you off at the room you were judging!  Kudos for that VFK  :thumb:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 21, 2010, 01:27 PM
I dc so often, and I must admit I am pleased with VFK's handling of that.  When you come back on, and click the "Next Room", it drops you off at the room you were judging!  Kudos for that VFK  :thumb:

Agree 100%  Glad they took the time to address that issue.  I haven't DC'ed yet, but with alot of people, it will be inevitable.  +1 kudo from Flame ;)
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 21, 2010, 01:27 PM
Sssshhh, just don't tell GAS.   :-X    he's the vanished "Sugar Daddy" as of late, dunno where he's been hiding at.      :waveh:  GAS  

I know what you mean... The half hour I spent earlier today, I've seen an Easter storage room, tons of unopened Easter baskets.  Nothing else really bad to speak of though.

I dc so often, and I must admit I am pleased with VFK's handling of that.  When you come back on, and click the "Next Room", it drops you off at the room you were judging!  Kudos for that VFK  :thumb:

Agree.  Even if you of course log off, you start off right where you left off, which is nice.   :2thunbs:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 21, 2010, 01:35 PM
A response?  I slip them $30 a month  :laugh2:

Ooooh!  We have a new board "Sugar Daddy"   :wavet:   :wavet:    woot woot!    jk   ;)

Not sure if the room will scroll, if you just stand and place items from where you enter though, that might be part of the problem.   :hmmmm:     and yep, I agree with everything else you said.   :thumb:

hmmmm....Sugar Daddy....I got to 'rate' .It's room  :shy:

Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Purpleduck on May 21, 2010, 02:02 PM
A response?  I slip them $30 a month  :laugh2:

Ooooh!  We have a new board "Sugar Daddy"   :wavet:   :wavet:    woot woot!    jk   ;)

Not sure if the room will scroll, if you just stand and place items from where you enter though, that might be part of the problem.   :hmmmm:     and yep, I agree with everything else you said.   :thumb:

hmmmm....Sugar Daddy....I got to 'rate' .It's room  :shy:

Hmm again.. I got to rate Flame's room!  (Oh, sugar daddy..)
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: goldengourd on May 21, 2010, 04:27 PM
Aww, I wanna see more.

...Oh wait, I entered Quilter too. Yay!
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 21, 2010, 06:11 PM
Aww, I wanna see more.

...Oh wait, I entered Quilter too. Yay!

I got to judge Quilter's room also! Woot!  :clapping:

Thanks for posting the pic also Gold! Nice to know we'll actually be given a message when we're done.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Krazy_Kim on May 21, 2010, 08:28 PM
The main problem I see is that the majority of the players in VFK are kids (IMHO).  I'm not sure how many will take this seriously, but I imagine it will be a small percentage of the total.  Most people are doing a quick and dirty judging of a room and moving on in order to get the prizes. 

I'm walking through each room entirely (if I can get through it). Took a TON of clicking around in order just to enter the room.  Some people obviously didn't test their rooms.  After awhile, alot of the rooms are looking similar.

LOL, saw a room that was in the big garden room, but only the front part (near the entrance) was decorated with some flowers.  The rest of the room was bare.  I guess they thought staff would just drop in and rate the room and not go through the entire room.  :doh:  :lolg:

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 21, 2010, 08:39 PM
You know you've done too much judging when you stand up, take a step, and the room scrolls in real  :sur:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Krazy_Kim on May 21, 2010, 08:53 PM
You know you've done too much judging when you stand up, take a step, and the room scrolls in real  :sur:

ROTFLMAO, I hear ya!  :lolp:

Aww, I wanna see more.

...Oh wait, I entered Quilter too. Yay!

Gold, do you get this message after 50 rooms?  I thought you had to rate 50 for every prize shown on the homepage.

But I think they were just lazy.  Anyone who builds to the edge will get the room to scroll, I think.  I also noticed some people had outlined the entire room (including the empty parts) in flowers.  LOL

LOL, my Mom's person's room was built all the way to the edge to flow with the room cause it looks strange if it stops right before the edge.  She made sure it went all the way over so she isn't lazy.  LOL!  :lolg:

I feel that if someone didn't follow the rules, they should be disqualified. Also, someone came across a room that had the quest snail in it.  That prize came out after the time for building your room had passed...
I think many of these players didn't know that the Grand Garden room scrolls or extends.  They left off, where the screen ended, before scrolling.   :lolg:   Too cute.  So, LOADS of dirt to see.
Also, with regards to the quest snail being in a room ... I had heard that contest rooms are not completely locked down.  Meaning, you can a) remove any item in the room, by using the Item List, then Store.  b) You can still place items in the room, just not move them around.    Nice lock down huh?   :hmm:    not cool

I agree that this is not cool!  My Mom placed her last rock a second before the contest closed and hasn't touched it since cause it says that was the end.  It isn't fair if it isn't completely locked down.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Krazy_Kim on May 21, 2010, 08:59 PM
Aww, I wanna see more.

...Oh wait, I entered Quilter too. Yay!

Gold, do you get this message after 50 rooms?  I thought you had to rate 50 for every prize shown on the homepage.

Never mine, I must have missed the limit on the homepage or not remembered reading it (The maximum number of rooms you can judge is limited to only 200.).

Wow, you judge alot of rooms already Gold!  :heat:  :)

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on May 21, 2010, 10:39 PM
Wait, wait, did someone say...SUGAR DADDY???!!!???  :lolg:  :yes!:

Oh, and Golden, I laughed so hard when I read your comment about King. Yep, I hung a picture of his party room in front of his forehead to keep him motivated.  :rofl1: >:D

I have much more judging to do, I am thinking I will be seeing lots of umm...dirt... :lolg: :lolg: :lolg:

Our daughter is taking this very serious and it is making me giggle. She went into one room which was a pizzeria and she said aloud, "This is a pizza cafe...Use of garden theme...zero".  :lolg: I look forward to seeing more gardens and I'm sure I will also look forward to seeing the "completed" sign.  :thumb:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 22, 2010, 04:37 AM
Wait, wait, did someone say...SUGAR DADDY???!!!???  :lolg:  :yes!:

Oh, and Golden, I laughed so hard when I read your comment about King. Yep, I hung a picture of his party room in front of his forehead to keep him motivated.  :rofl1: >:D

I have much more judging to do, I am thinking I will be seeing lots of umm...dirt... :lolg: :lolg: :lolg:

Our daughter is taking this very serious and it is making me giggle. She went into one room which was a pizzeria and she said aloud, "This is a pizza cafe...Use of garden theme...zero".  :lolg: I look forward to seeing more gardens and I'm sure I will also look forward to seeing the "completed" sign.  :thumb:

I saw the same pizzeria as your daughter...when I saw it my first reaction was " :??: pizzeria??? where's the garden??? "

Juding rooms:  glad we have the chance to do this.  But when VFK doesn't really set much in writing to know exactly what to judge other than: "Overall Rating" and "Use of garden theme" - I wonder what the definitions for their Overall Rating.  Ah well, it gives me much freedom in my opinion then.

As I've been going through rooms and judging I try to look and see if it might be a kid that built.  If so, they are given a plus or so for that.  Even if I see alot of dirt and it looks like they at least thought about a layout/plan and tried to achieve that with little amount of items/credits they are getting a higher score than others who just threw stuff in random.  I've been walking the 'entire' room view of these Grand Garden rooms to see if there are some "hidden treasure corners" there - some have and I'm glad I made the effort.

Some smaller rooms or grand garden rooms with very little items are getting good/better scores from me if I can see "real" effort was made even with little in it or a mix of items they might have had on hand.  

Trying to judge what I think might be an adult with lots of credits/items and time allowed on computer versus a kid who goes to school most of the day, does not "know" how to do extra spares to get credits/items and  not a member receiving credits and may be limited to computer time due to parent's rules.   Not surprising me is that some of these little filled rooms but with effort and thought are getting almost as good or just as good a score as some of the really terrific rooms.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Aurorasparkle on May 22, 2010, 08:36 PM

Juding rooms:  glad we have the chance to do this.  But when VFK doesn't really set much in writing to know exactly what to judge other than: "Overall Rating" and "Use of garden theme" - I wonder what the definitions for their Overall Rating.  Ah well, it gives me much freedom in my opinion then.

As I've been going through rooms and judging I try to look and see if it might be a kid that built.  If so, they are given a plus or so for that.  Even if I see alot of dirt and it looks like they at least thought about a layout/plan and tried to achieve that with little amount of items/credits they are getting a higher score than others who just threw stuff in random.  I've been walking the 'entire' room view of these Grand Garden rooms to see if there are some "hidden treasure corners" there - some have and I'm glad I made the effort.

Some smaller rooms or grand garden rooms with very little items are getting good/better scores from me if I can see "real" effort was made even with little in it or a mix of items they might have had on hand.  

Trying to judge what I think might be an adult with lots of credits/items and time allowed on computer versus a kid who goes to school most of the day, does not "know" how to do extra spares to get credits/items and  not a member receiving credits and may be limited to computer time due to parent's rules.   Not surprising me is that some of these little filled rooms but with effort and thought are getting almost as good or just as good a score as some of the really terrific rooms.

Princess, I think that is a wonderful way you are judging the rooms.  Bravo to you!!! 

I sure wish I would have known about the judging and that they were going to give out prizes for judging.  I was going to enter the contest but never got around to it and didn't think I could compete with the Big Dogs, now I'm bummed for not at least entering something so I could get these judging prizes, plus I think the judging sounds like fun.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 23, 2010, 07:19 AM

Juding rooms:  glad we have the chance to do this.  But when VFK doesn't really set much in writing to know exactly what to judge other than: "Overall Rating" and "Use of garden theme" - I wonder what the definitions for their Overall Rating.  Ah well, it gives me much freedom in my opinion then.

As I've been going through rooms and judging I try to look and see if it might be a kid that built.  If so, they are given a plus or so for that.  Even if I see alot of dirt and it looks like they at least thought about a layout/plan and tried to achieve that with little amount of items/credits they are getting a higher score than others who just threw stuff in random.  I've been walking the 'entire' room view of these Grand Garden rooms to see if there are some "hidden treasure corners" there - some have and I'm glad I made the effort.

Some smaller rooms or grand garden rooms with very little items are getting good/better scores from me if I can see "real" effort was made even with little in it or a mix of items they might have had on hand.  

Trying to judge what I think might be an adult with lots of credits/items and time allowed on computer versus a kid who goes to school most of the day, does not "know" how to do extra spares to get credits/items and  not a member receiving credits and may be limited to computer time due to parent's rules.   Not surprising me is that some of these little filled rooms but with effort and thought are getting almost as good or just as good a score as some of the really terrific rooms.

Princess, I think that is a wonderful way you are judging the rooms.  Bravo to you!!!  

I sure wish I would have known about the judging and that they were going to give out prizes for judging.  I was going to enter the contest but never got around to it and didn't think I could compete with the Big Dogs, now I'm bummed for not at least entering something so I could get these judging prizes, plus I think the judging sounds like fun.

Thanks Aurora.  :bighug: I think the quote thing got messed up because I think that was from my post.

I agree it would have been nice to know in advance about the judging. I entered the contest (twice actually - 1funfly, 1 my main spare) only because I wondered about Participation Award and I had 2 ideas I wanted to use, and started to build the 1 while on my spare before I realized who I had logged in  :doh:

 While judging with my spare and main I have seen some of the same rooms twice; and others only once.  Wonder what the total number of entries was.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Aurorasparkle on May 23, 2010, 09:24 AM
Thanks Aurora.  :bighug: I think the quote thing got messed up because I think that was from my post.

I agree it would have been nice to know in advance about the judging. I entered the contest (twice actually - 1funfly, 1 my main spare) only because I wondered about Participation Award and I had 2 ideas I wanted to use, and started to build the 1 while on my spare before I realized who I had logged in  :doh:

 While judging with my spare and main I have seen some of the same rooms twice; and others only once.  Wonder what the total number of entries was.

funfly, I'm sorry for not reading your post correctly...not sure how I messed the quote thing up.  I really love the way you are doing the judging.  I have always felt that this game is about the kids and I think your judging really shows this.  :thumb:

Hugs Aurora
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 23, 2010, 10:22 AM
Thanks Aurora.  :bighug: I think the quote thing got messed up because I think that was from my post.

I agree it would have been nice to know in advance about the judging. I entered the contest (twice actually - 1funfly, 1 my main spare) only because I wondered about Participation Award and I had 2 ideas I wanted to use, and started to build the 1 while on my spare before I realized who I had logged in  :doh:

 While judging with my spare and main I have seen some of the same rooms twice; and others only once.  Wonder what the total number of entries was.

funfly, I'm sorry for not reading your post correctly...not sure how I messed the quote thing up.  I really love the way you are doing the judging.  I have always felt that this game is about the kids and I think your judging really shows this.  :thumb:

Hugs Aurora

Thanks Aurora....no worries on the other.  :bighug:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 23, 2010, 11:32 AM
On a different note, I don't believe I had the opportunity to judge ONE NoBS room out of 200.  LOL.  Weird...

Really, if I had known that the players would be judging rooms, I probably would have suggested we all not post pics of our rooms here, so as not to lend any bias to the judging.  Shame we weren't told ahead of time. 

To be fair, I still haven't seen .Its and Hero's rooms yet...although I know what .Its room theme is.  Like in the videos I made for VFK TV, I don't like to see other ppls creations before making something myself.  I know several people in VFK who do like to copy ideas, which leads me to lock my 'special' rooms...at least until any competition is over.  I like to be able to just build based on my own feelings...and not because of something I saw someone else do.  Most times, though, there's simply no way around that.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 23, 2010, 12:01 PM
Ugh, I'm still not done judging   :sur:   I think I'm a little over 100 right now. 

I have only seen Fun's room and King's room to judge so far.   :2thunbs:   All the other rooms thus far, I have no idea whose they are.  Well, and I'm having my fair share of storage rooms, pink couch rooms, easter basket storage rooms, or DIRT.   :uhuh:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Purpleduck on May 23, 2010, 01:26 PM

Really, if I had known that the players would be judging rooms, I probably would have suggested we all not post pics of our rooms here, so as not to lend any bias to the judging.  Shame we weren't told ahead of time. 

I have to agree, however, most of the rooms that are pictured, I had seen first hand, which is equally difficult.  I saw Wendy's room in person before we knew we were judging, and admit that I have not judged  any room to be worthy of the 10's she should get.  I have seen several 9's, but just can't equal or top, both the theme and gardening that is Wendy's way.  I still have 50 more rooms to go.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on May 23, 2010, 01:47 PM
First of all, ducky, that is a very, very sweet thing to say. My fingers have a few nerve issues like my feet and so I cannot do many art projects in real life anymore. I used to design my own cross-stitch pieces and then create them; too painful for my fingers to do that anymore. I used to love to paint and sculpt, but it is just too much logistically anymore. I feel like on VMK and now VFK, building is a way for me to release some creative energy. It is almost cathartic for me, especially during stressful times or times when I have had lots of pain. Your sweet comments just made my day.  :bighug:

As far as judging, Fun, I love your thinking on that also. I believe I had either read something similar from you and Golden, or we talked about it. I look at every description in a room, not only to get an idea of the theme, but that usually gives me a hint about the age of a room's owner. Like you, I try to look to see if things were just placed around by an adult or if it is a room built by a child with maybe limited resources. I have to say, I still have many rooms to judge. I have really enjoyed some of the rooms. I have seen a few with just Beta or rare Host prizes in them. Unless their theme is "garden of rare", a room full of rare items makes me giggle really.  :doh: :lolg: Well, I am trying to get a few things in on VFK before the LOST finale tonight! Hugs!  :bighug:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 23, 2010, 02:15 PM
Keep the art coming, Wendy!  You rock at that :)

When I was judging, I checked every description and walked every room from beginning to end (except one that I kept DC'ing in).  However, I didn't try to see if it was a child or not when judging.  I no a lot uf pepull hoo ar adultts hoo r veri chyldlyk in menee wais.  LOL  I feel it's impossible most of the time to tell.  However, doesn't hurt to try.  Some people did have cards in their rooms with their title on the cards.  Still...alot of ppl I run into in game are kids, and I swear they are more mature than many adults on game.  So...go with yer gut ;)  The judging was obviously left completely up to our own personal discretion.  I'm sure everyone had different things they looked for, different things that caught their eye, etc.  No idea how it will shake out, but am interested to see the end results of the judging.  Let's hope their computers don't take a nose dive again...
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Krazy_Kim on May 24, 2010, 06:20 AM
I don't like to see other ppls creations before making something myself.  I know several people in VFK who do like to copy ideas, which leads me to lock my 'special' rooms...at least until any competition is over.  I like to be able to just build based on my own feelings...and not because of something I saw someone else do.  Most times, though, there's simply no way around that.

I do this too Flame.  I like to lock myself into my room when building as not to get ideas from others, but sometimes it can't be helped.

LOL, I saw a room with a few water carpets splashed around and each corner of the graden room a tree and not much else and thought this was one of the worse rooms I have seen until the next room which had a few valentine's things in it and 5 teleporters.  Only flowers was a white vase sitting on a pedestal.  I was like OMG :wtf?:.  It was more like a storage room then anything and the teleporters went to other rooms of hers so that is why I don't use a teleporter in a room until done judging it.  I don't want to know who it belongs too until afterwards.

Geez, I finally make 50 rooms (still no prize yet) and everyone is flying by me.  Dumbo computer!  :type:  :wait:  :cpusmash2:

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Purpleduck on May 24, 2010, 06:28 AM
Woot!  I finally got my notice that I have completed my judging.   But it made me wonder just how many did enter the contest.  Because in these last 40 rooms I got to judge both of Funfly's rooms, and in the last 5 rooms, I got Flamanette's room!  (I had also had Flame's room a few days ago.)

Who knows, I might have had more NoBS rooms, I just didn't know it.

I must admit, that as tiring as it got some times to judge the rooms, the descriptions people put in the Info box, were very telling.  A couple I shall never forget: the first was an opera house apartment room, with not a flower in it.  The Info said "This room is not attractive. I would like it to be beautiful." ( :lolg: like maybe they wanted VFK to redo the room)

The second room also had not a flower to be seen, but someone has a good friend, whose Info consisted of "I only entered to tell you to look at S......'s room.  He should win."
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Flamanette on May 24, 2010, 07:24 AM
Woot!  I finally got my notice that I have completed my judging.   But it made me wonder just how many did enter the contest.  Because in these last 40 rooms I got to judge both of Funfly's rooms, and in the last 5 rooms, I got Flamanette's room!  (I had also had Flame's room a few days ago.)

Who knows, I might have had more NoBS rooms, I just didn't know it.

I must admit, that as tiring as it got some times to judge the rooms, the descriptions people put in the Info box, were very telling.  A couple I shall never forget: the first was an opera house apartment room, with not a flower in it.  The Info said "This room is not attractive. I would like it to be beautiful." ( :lolg: like maybe they wanted VFK to redo the room)

The second room also had not a flower to be seen, but someone has a good friend, whose Info consisted of "I only entered to tell you to look at S......'s room.  He should win."

OK, that right there, that has to be the "best of the worst" that I have heard of so far!   :rofl1:

What I still don't understand is why on earth these types of rooms were even included in the Community Judging portion.  If this is all because VFK is just too lazy to weed through all this stuff and now are making US do it, well that just ticks me off.  It takes ALOT of time to do 200 rooms!  And when you have to help a young player (my daughter) get through it all, well, it's just lousy.

OK, done my rant and off to get another cup of coffee!

.it  :coffee:  :coffee:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 24, 2010, 08:14 AM
Geez, I finally make 50 rooms (still no prize yet) and everyone is flying by me.  Dumbo computer!  :type:  :wait:  :cpusmash2:

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

Krazy:  We don't get judging prizes yet, not until 5-27.

Just make sure all your 200 rooms are (per VFK Homepage) "All judging must be completed by Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 at 10:00 P.M. Pacific Time".   Per the Homepage "Every time you complete the judging of 50 rooms, you will be awarded one of the special judging awards. All judging awards will be distributed Thursday, May 27th, 2010."
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: goldengourd on May 24, 2010, 11:21 AM
I respectfully disagree, I don't think the staff should have eliminated rooms from the contestant judging. Unless they purposely got it to say the top 20 and asked for "people's choice" vote, which is a whole different thing. If we are judging all (or actually random sample of all), then we should get to judge all, not a select group. I think it is a good illustration on the frustration the staff must go through when they try to run an event, and find so many are there just sponging off it for freebees. But then again, its just little old me, I don't have to get my whole family through their 200 and no kids playing.
Though it would serve those spongers right if they to have any participation awards its based off your rooms average scores. If you get at least a 3 you get the pin, a 5 you get a tshirt, etc.
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 24, 2010, 12:05 PM
I also respectfully disagree...but for different reasons.

1)  there's NO WAY VFK had enough manpower to surf the entire amount of submissions to weed out the blech...let alone judge the rooms themselves
2)  VFK might have WANTED us to see what they have to go through when THEY have to do this type of thing

I'm just kinda bummed that they didn't leave the titles on the blech rooms that were entered just to get a consolation prize.  LOL

Really though...I enjoyed the blech rooms.  It was a quick and easy vote for me, sometimes a much needed break, and sometimes a good chuckle as well.   ;)

Duck.i:  that was classic, btw  :rofl1:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Astro on May 24, 2010, 12:47 PM
What I still don't understand is why on earth these types of rooms were even included in the Community Judging portion.  If this is all because VFK is just too lazy to weed through all this stuff and now are making US do it, well that just ticks me off.  It takes ALOT of time to do 200 rooms!  And when you have to help a young player (my daughter) get through it all, well, it's just lousy.

OK, done my rant and off to get another cup of coffee!

.it  :coffee:  :coffee:

Well I do agree with ya .It.     :thumbs:

VFK first of all is in this bind (of being overwhelmed with entries), because THEY are the ones that have continually allowed a thousand clones per email account.  So now they have a huge mess that they can't ever clean up.  Not my problem.  It's difficult to feel sorry for them and what they have to go through with judging these rooms, when they have created it.  I'm harsh I know, my opinion though.  But now it almost seems like it's the "1 bad apple syndrome".  Just because of an abundance of icky rooms, we all get punished for it -- and judge them?  How is that fair.

Secondly, they get PAID to sit and judge these rooms, not me.   :P

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed seeing the majority of these rooms.  But, my time is worth something, and I'd rather be using it on how I want to, when it comes to room judging -- seeing rooms of players that have ACTUALLY TRIED, and gave a darn on what they put together.  Especially if I'm made to do that for a prize, or what most likely will be my participation effort prize.  I don't appreciate having to look at someone's storage rooms, cafe, pizzaria, or halloween room.  Yes, I came across a halloween room.  Give me a break -- theme is GARDEN people.

I'll give staff credit, when they actually give some of their players credit, and answer questions about their game.  Or hey, communicate for once, that would be epic.   ;)  Until then, I'll continue to call it like I see it as well. 

gosh I'm crabby.... 20 more rooms to go THANK YOU GOD!     :heat:     :crazy:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Krazy_Kim on May 24, 2010, 01:22 PM
Geez, I finally make 50 rooms (still no prize yet) and everyone is flying by me.  Dumbo computer!  :type:  :wait:  :cpusmash2:

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

Krazy:  We don't get judging prizes yet, not until 5-27.

Thanks for the info Astro.  I have been staying up all night to judge cause I look through the entire room and its less lag on this old computer.  A few hours of sleep a day is not good.  :(  :yawn:  :sleep:  :lolg:

Woot!  I finally got my notice that I have completed my judging.   But it made me wonder just how many did enter the contest.  Because in these last 40 rooms I got to judge both of Funfly's rooms, and in the last 5 rooms, I got Flamanette's room!  (I had also had Flame's room a few days ago.)

Who knows, I might have had more NoBS rooms, I just didn't know it.

I was going to descibe my Mom's and my room on here, but thought I would wait till after the contest that way I would have a more accurate vote because no one would know who made it.

I saw a cute greenhouse (made out of ice blocks) out there, but just wish it had more flowers cause I couldn't sit on the chairs.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 24, 2010, 01:57 PM
What I still don't understand is why on earth these types of rooms were even included in the Community Judging portion.  If this is all because VFK is just too lazy to weed through all this stuff and now are making US do it, well that just ticks me off.  It takes ALOT of time to do 200 rooms!  And when you have to help a young player (my daughter) get through it all, well, it's just lousy.

OK, done my rant and off to get another cup of coffee!

.it  :coffee:  :coffee:

Well I do agree with ya .It.     :thumbs:

VFK first of all is in this bind (of being overwhelmed with entries), because THEY are the ones that have continually allowed a thousand clones per email account.  So now they have a huge mess that they can't ever clean up.  Not my problem.  It's difficult to feel sorry for them and what they have to go through with judging these rooms, when they have created it.  I'm harsh I know, my opinion though.  But now it almost seems like it's the "1 bad apple syndrome".  Just because of an abundance of icky rooms, we all get punished for it -- and judge them?  How is that fair.

Secondly, they get PAID to sit and judge these rooms, not me.   :P

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed seeing the majority of these rooms.  But, my time is worth something, and I'd rather be using it on how I want to, when it comes to room judging -- seeing rooms of players that have ACTUALLY TRIED, and gave a darn on what they put together.  Especially if I'm made to do that for a prize, or what most likely will be my participation effort prize.  I don't appreciate having to look at someone's storage rooms, cafe, pizzaria, or halloween room.  Yes, I came across a halloween room.  Give me a break -- theme is GARDEN people.

I'll give staff credit, when they actually give some of their players credit, and answer questions about their game.  Or hey, communicate for once, that would be epic.   ;)  Until then, I'll continue to call it like I see it as well. 

gosh I'm crabby.... 20 more rooms to go THANK YOU GOD!     :heat:     :crazy:

...and I agree with everything you just said.  :)

I knew when they said that anyone could enter a room that this was just putting themselves in an impossible position.  Like one of my earlier posts said here (before we found out WE'D be judging the rooms), it would probably take months for VFK to judge them all.  I'm confused as to why they didn't...AT THE LEAST...follow the same pattern as the ride competition.  VIP and non-VIP.  Like you said, Astro:  this was their own doing.  Clones rule the game...not players.  Sadly, VFK staff is outnumbered compared to clones/players by an astronomical amount.  So the judging falls to us...as if we have the time after spending all the time MAKING the rooms, then keeping up with all the other stuff they got going on.  Sheesh. 

One thing I found interesting:  my judging changed as I judged more rooms.  So rooms I judged first probably would have gotten a different score once I had 'practice'.   Not that we were told what to look for or anything...  :hmm:

Personally, I think they had things planned out like this months ago.  Sigh...

(hugs) and hoping those last 20 go fast for ya.  Maybe you'll get lucky and they'll all be empty or storage ;)
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Tigerbella on May 24, 2010, 04:39 PM
Well I finished my two hundred rooms yesterday, finally!  Woohoo!  (My DH may talk to me again some day...rofl)

After going back and looking at the rooms we posted I realize I did see at least six of the nobser's rooms.
I saw Princess's, King's (I am still laughing at the mowed grass), Purple Duck's, Golden Gourd's, Funfly's and Fishi's.  However, I never got to judge Princess's, drat it.  She had a ten and ten in my book! :)

As to judging, I think I was pretty consistent throughout, or TRIED to be. lol  I did take into consideration all of the kids who must have made rooms, and the hardest part for me was just remembering the smaller rooms still could be a ten as well as a big room!  I think I had one or two ten of tens, in the big rooms,and maybe one small ten of ten.  (Not going back over that list though to find out) ;)

But, I do still stand by my earlier words, I am SO glad that I didn't have to judge ALL of the rooms that were entered!  Yes, this judging did give me a real strong idea of what it must be like to be staff. lol  And, yes I do appreciate the hard work and decisions they have to do and make in these competitions. ;) Especially after having seen so many of the empty or nearly empty rooms I visited.  :laugh2: I must say those really made the extraordinary rooms stand out! lol

Now did they have an award for most monies spent on this competition by chance?  I surely think I deserve that award!  :rofl1:


Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: funfly on May 24, 2010, 05:22 PM
I'm still working on the judging with Funfly. But, I just had to share this one with you all.  The room I had to judge turned out to be the forest wilderness (which is fine); however it had space walls in it with the description i being: "Sherrif office/jail....this is a jail for a crimanal. It has prison cells and even a visitng center."   :sur: :P Not a single flower!  :td:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: flamanar on May 24, 2010, 06:50 PM
I'm still working on the judging with Funfly. But, I just had to share this one with you all.  The room I had to judge turned out to be the forest wilderness (which is fine); however it had space walls in it with the description i being: "Sherrif office/jail....this is a jail for a crimanal. It has prison cells and even a visitng center."   :sur: :P Not a single flower!  :td:

Sound like a lovely garden.  NOT.  :td:
Title: Re: 5/20 Garden Room Competition Judging
Post by: Purpleduck on May 24, 2010, 07:12 PM
I'm still working on the judging with Funfly. But, I just had to share this one with you all.  The room I had to judge turned out to be the forest wilderness (which is fine); however it had space walls in it with the description i being: "Sherrif office/jail....this is a jail for a crimanal. It has prison cells and even a visitng center."   :sur: :P Not a single flower!  :td:

That was the first room that did not have a single flower, while I was judging.  Kinda cool layout, but not for a garden contest. It was my first 1/1 vote (for not having a zero to use).