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Title: 4/15/2009 Alpha Labs Part III - The Sewers… and (possibly) Freedom!
Post by: Happy on April 15, 2009, 08:31 PM
SmallWorlds Blog
Alpha Labs Part III - The Sewers… and (possibly) Freedom!
April 16th, 2009 - Hilary Jackson

Is there anyone in SmallWorlds brave enough to continue the journey?  The dastardly Dr Hugo De Ville is both evil and terrifying, but someone has to stand up to him!  If any brave souls do have the courage to return, the final installment of the Alpha Labs saga is ready for you.

You’ll find the entrance to the mission in Moon Base Charlie.

Welcome to Alpha Labs III.


The plot has thickened. In fact it’s deepened… so deep that you will need to make your way through the security systems and then down, down, down into the sewers, to gather evidence against Dr De Ville, try to free Shane, and to make your escape.


As you pass through the security area, you’ll notice the security cameras and alarms.  You’ll really need to have your wits about you in order to make your way through this section.  The sewers are dark, so it’s going to be challenging to find your way around.  Some hand-held lighting is going to be invaluable here.  But with sentinels lurking you don’t want to draw too much attention to yourself, so caution is required.

Security Cameras & Alarms

(http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq73/swinventory/blog%20photos/blog%20photos%20april%202009/04152009-3security_alarm.jpg)  (http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq73/swinventory/blog%20photos/blog%20photos%20april%202009/04152009-4security_camera_flipped.jpg)

You’ll also be pleased to know that the security equipment is available for purchase for you to utilize in your own spaces!  It might be advisable for you pick up a few for your own protection.  If you ever get out of Alpha Labs you never know who might be looking for you.

Your Reward - A Purple Glo Stick!


If you manage to defeat the Evil Doctor De Ville, you’ll be rewarded with a purple glo stick, absolutely free! Previously unreleased, the purple glo stick is the perfect lighting accessory for any dark places you may find yourself in.

Special Bonus Mission!


As you make your way through the security system and dimly-lit sewers, keep a sharp eye out for hidden notes from Shane.  His messages will reveal a special bonus mission!  You’ll need to find your way to Shane’s hidden apartment… and once there, outwit Shane’s tricky security.  If you’re really lucky, Shane himself might be there to greet you in person.

Take the Challenge!
So take the Alpha Labs III challenge - Give yourself a thrill and earn some XP at the same time.   From all of us at SWHQ, we wish you luck, and we very much hope to see you out the other side!

Title: Re: 4/15/2009 Alpha Labs Part III - The Sewers… and (possibly) Freedom!
Post by: Happy on April 15, 2009, 09:07 PM
Waits to hear screams about purple glow stick.

The 2 security items are on sale at Dan's Imports.
Title: Re: 4/15/2009 Alpha Labs Part III - The Sewers… and (possibly) Freedom!
Post by: Happy on April 16, 2009, 03:51 PM
Tip for Alpha III:
Learn from my mistake:
Try portal BEFORE picking up green chip.
If you pick the green chip up first the mission may get stuck.  If it does, try another avatar on you carousel.