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Online Worlds => VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom => Topic started by: littlebelle on May 19, 2009, 05:41 AM

Title: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: littlebelle on May 19, 2009, 05:41 AM
Well after mulling it through I will be sending this letter off to VFK

Was I disappointed that I did not win. NO. was I disappointed that I did not make honorable mention. Yes. Did I deserve to be. Maybe

Because maybe there are kids that need it more.

What really upset me is the following

1. I was looking forward to riding many rides had planned to keep my room open all weekend. But to my dismay it was not showing up on popular rooms when I had three people in it. But popular rooms was showing 1 person in a room.

2. I contacted help and was suggested I refresh and clear my cookies. Because the VFK staff had no clue what was going on. That they would talk to the developer.

3. NO communication on the front page. To let people know their rooms would be locked. That rooms descriptions would not show, That basically you built a room no one would see. Rumours say it was to stop people form copying. That does not make sense because my best rooms were my second and third rooms. My first just to start the story.

2.Some of the winning rides or honorable mention did not seem to have this issue.  They could be found on friends rooms. Many of my good friends won and they so deserved to win. NO questions there!!!!. But why did their rooms show up under my friends places but many other rooms did not.

3. NO room description. I did not use a blackboard so even if my friends found me. The had no clue what they were riding except what I told them. I put a lot of effort into the rooms descriptions to tell a story. Did hosts even know what hey were riding????????

4. I built not to win. I built to have others enjoy my creativity. Not easy to build a dragon out of hedges :) I tried to use items that normally would not be used that way to see if people could figure out what they were.  That was part of the fun. Who knew green lambs which I really did not like could be turned into green grass mounds :)

5. But only a few friends saw my 2 weeks of every day building my room. And many less will every see it. Why because now the competition is over. My room is still locked. It has no description. It can not be found unless I am in it and my friends teleport to me from friends list. It does not show up under friends places.

6. This is what makes me angry, frustrated and extremely  disappointed with VFK. Judges will be judges they have their tastes. But not allowing others the joy of showing off their rooms is just wrong!!!! You took the fun out of the competition. The joy in building. The fun is in sharing and seeing so many wonderful rides.

7. why waste time, energy, passion to have a handful see you room.

Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: goldengourd on May 19, 2009, 09:23 AM
Aww, I'm so sorry this was a disappointing and frustrating experience for you! Hugs!!! :hug:
Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: Kаsiks on May 19, 2009, 11:41 AM
That is one of the things that made me stop playing that game after my one week of questing for the fairy pin, the fact that we cant really see the room of who we want when we want. I only saw one ride then knowing I could not see rides from whom I wanted was like ...
Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: ScarlettPixie on May 19, 2009, 04:03 PM
HUGS Belle!!!!
Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: PrincessWendyBird on May 19, 2009, 04:06 PM
   Hugs!  :bighug: I hope they can get this fixed for you. King just phoned VFK and asked them to check out your start room to see why it is not showing up. Gail got all of the information and they were going to try to see if they could figure out why it is not showing up on any of the room lists. Hopefully, soon, you can get your rooms out there for all to see!  :bighug: :2thunbs:
Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: Cloudymellowdisco on May 19, 2009, 04:54 PM
Don't give up hope, Belle!!  If anybody can help you, it's King and Princess!  :thumb: Thank goodness they've established such a great line of communication with VFK.  From the description of your ride Belle, I'm most anxious to check it out!!  So, please keep us posted as to what happens!
Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: DreamTulip on May 20, 2009, 09:42 AM
Hugs Belle, 
I am sorry that you are frustrated.  Rightfully so I believe.  Communication has never been a strong point of theirs, and sadly it isn't improving yet.  I am looking forward to seeing your rooms.  Your rooms in VMK were amazing.  It would be nice if anyone who wants to can add their ride to the Ride Tab to share with all.
My contest room still says VFK public room and it is locked down and am unable to even get off the porter and into the room.  I have no idea what's going on with it, but unlike you, I didn't put much time into it so am neutral about it. 
I hope it gets fixed today.  :bighug:

ETA:  I finally sent a message to Help today about my locked room.  Very quickly, Age IM'd me about the message and fixed it all up.  I was impressed by the quick response. :)  Thanks VFK.
Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: funfly on May 22, 2009, 04:53 PM
They have unlocked our Ride Contest rooms today!

We are now able to move items, etc in them.
Title: Re: What really Upset me about the ride competition
Post by: littlebelle on May 22, 2009, 05:49 PM
thanks fly saw that. Guess they figure with all the cool stuff people will move on. Sadly I will move on but I am still awaiting them to say they got my email about cancelling my other membership. NOthing yet only been a month. NO communication not good for future of game.

I heard from some parents over a VFK fan site parents that tried to get help because their kids rooms were not judged. again no communications. Seems the VFK host pat response is I will pass it on to developers. But with them trying to meet a deadline maybe everything fell on the way side and they will get it together in the next month.

But at least our rooms are open. My heart is just not in it at the moment.