VMK no BS Forum

Online Worlds => VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom => VFK Upcoming Events and New Items => Topic started by: Adventuredaz on July 10, 2008, 01:17 AM

Title: IM is active for members
Post by: Adventuredaz on July 10, 2008, 01:17 AM
They did some live testing - I guess and at a point they activated the IM feature for founding members.  I played with it only a bit.  It is neat but...If you are an adult and have real IM with your friends this feature kind of makes little sense.  If you have the window up it blocks a lot and if you get two going, right now each time a window types to you it messes up what you were typing.  But it is up and running, Only ten more things on their to do list for last Monday. ::)


eta: update if player is in a game you get automated response:
kamiam: AUTOMATED RESPONSE: Currently playing FireWorks game, try sending a message instead.

Bird game does not have auto respond ROFL