Online Worlds > MyVMK

Fireworks mini-game is released / clam game has been changed - 10/5

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A version of the Castle Fireworks Remixed mini-game has been released.  It can be found in Fantasyland.  It isn't complete yet (combos are still missing for one).

As a result of Fireworks being released, the shell game has been disabled.  The shell game should be back in the diving rooms for less credits in < week.

New info about the shell game from the MyVMK Homepage:

"UPDATE: The shells minigame is back, but only in the Captain's Quest Quaters. Shells are now worth 10 credits each instead of 25."


--- Quote from: DreamTulip on October 06, 2013, 05:21 PM ---New info about the shell game from the MyVMK Homepage:

"UPDATE: The shells minigame is back, but only in the Captain's Quest Quaters. Shells are now worth 10 credits each instead of 25."

--- End quote ---

They have also added more instances of the room so it is easier to get in. The shells pop up pretty quickly and really add up. Which is good for someone like me who absolutely bombs at fireworks. 

What I can say after playing a few games of fireworks today is that I am not as concentrated as when it was VMK  :tan:

I am getting better : +5300 today  :ls:


--- Quote from: Kаsiks on October 09, 2013, 12:44 PM ---What I can say after playing a few games of fireworks today is that I am not as concentrated as when it was VMK  :tan:

I am getting better : +5300 today  :ls:

--- End quote ---

Woohoo Kasiks!  :thumb:


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