VMK no BS Info [Public] > Information for Guests & Lurkers (CLICK HERE - On the words, not the icon.)

If You Have Registered, But Not Received The Approval Email...



It has come to our attention that sometimes when a user signs up, they never seem to get the approval, or activation email. Then with exceeding patience they wait and wait and wait....

It appears that at least part of the time this message gets snagged by SPAM/JUNK filters and can be found in the SPAM/JUNK folder. On other occasions it seems that the email floats off into the vast ether of the world wide web, never to be found again.

This email is not actually all that important, what is important is that your account has been approved. So, if you find yourself in this position, and it has been a few hours since you registered, (or if you registered on a weekend, you may need to wait as long as Monday morning), try logging in. If it works, you were approved, welcome and enjoy. If not send an email to: failedreg@vmknobs.com and we will attempt to sort it out for you.

Thanks for your interest, and patience in this matter.


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