Online Worlds > Other Online Worlds
Pirate101 free sneak peek 10/4 and launching 10/15 for all
Hi Everyone,
Pirate101 (by KingIsle, makers of Wizard101) is coming out of Beta soon. It will be released on Oct 15 to all (Oct 8 to those who buy one of the prerelease packages).
Tomorrow Thurs 10/4 they will be opening up the game for a few hours to anyone who wants to try it out. Yo ho, give it a go!
From "That’s right! We’re putting Beta on hold and inviting everyone in to Pirate101 for a few hours (2:00pm to 8:00 pm US Central) on Thursday, October 4th, 2012! It’s a special public sneak peek of Pirate101."
~Dream :pmickey:
Thanks Dream! I will try to get on tomorrow :thumb:
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