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Author Topic: New Xeko email today 5/30/12 !  (Read 17083 times)

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New Xeko email today 5/30/12 !
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:52 PM »

Another email, this time from the creator, Amy Tucker.

Dear Xeko / Elf Island player,
Thank you for your amazing responses to the news that Xeko is back from the brink! When we started this project, we were worried that people had forgotten about Xeko and that the mission was over. But in one week, nine thousand of you liked us on Facebook, five hundred of you liked our Kickstarter project, and over one hundred backed Xeko for more than $50,000. You are awesome!
We’re re-launching Xeko as a social game for Facebook and mobile in order to include more players and have greater impact. We will do everything we can to recover your account name and balances. We invite you to share your island memories on the Xeko Blog. We’re also looking at adding an Endangered Animals Adoption program, if we beat our Kickstarter goal, as we’ve heard from sooooooo many of you requesting this feature.
When Xeko joined forces with Elf Island, it was the Gaming for Good concept that brought us together. Players completing missions to help people, animals, and the Earth is incredibly powerful. We’re bring back Gaming for Good and committed to making it even better by expanding G4G to other games and letting players choose their causes.
We need your support though. The way Kickstarter works, if we don't meet the minimum target of $250,000, then we get nothing, no one’s credit card gets charged, and this project will end. We have some investors who will support us with additional funding, if we meet our Kickstarter goal. We need to get thousands of players to like us and back us, first. And we're off to a great start!
In special appreciation for Xeko/Elf Island players, ANY previously registered player who backs Xeko – even for just one dollar – will be invited to join the Alpha and Beta programs. Include your Elf Name or Xeko Agent ID as part of your backer information so we know to include you.

Even if $1 is impossible for you, you can help by sharing information about this project with your Xeko friends and people who like Gaming for Good. There are all kinds of ways that you can help. People are making Xeko videos for YouTube, reporting Hairy Lemur sightings, writing blogs, starting forums, and tweeting about Xeko. If each person who received this email were to share Xeko with just three friends, we could reach millions of possible supporters. That's the power of ONE (you!) and Gaming for Good.
We know a lot of players were disappointed when Xeko went dark without warning, but we have a dedicated group of people determined to see this project succeed once and for all, and we're committed to better communication. Xeko has always been more than just a game. With your help, we can make that mission reach even farther, to all areas of the world.
Please email me personally if you have questions. I would love to hear from you.
Xeko yours,

Amy Tucker
Original Xeko Creator
XEKO–Back from the Brink
Back Xeko on Kickstarter
Spread the link! http://xeko.com/lemur


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