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Author Topic: New Xeko email today 5/22/12 !  (Read 17093 times)

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New Xeko email today 5/22/12 !
« on: May 22, 2012, 03:27 PM »

Oh it's been a long time.  I played when it was Elf Island still but I'm not sure if I ever went on Xeko.  Today I got an email from them.  If you signed up for either game back when, you probably got it too.  I will cut/paste some if it or forward it if you are interested.
A link in the email opens this site which tells a lot of info: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/xeko/xeko

It's Official! The Xeko Kickstarter launched, on International Biodiversity Day, no less!!! Marine biodiversity is this year's theme and Xeko Agents around the world are celebrating our wondiferous ocean friends, like the amazing leatherback sea turtle featured in both Missions Madagacar and Costa Rica.

1) Like or become a Xeko Backer on Kickstarter—ONE Agent (YOU!) makes all the difference. Plus there are cool rewards including special badges, alpha and beta tester access, and even some new art from Xeko Master Artist Michel Gagné.

2) Tell a friend (OR TEN!) to do the same. More Agents = More fun!
(And remember to ask nicely... Xeko Agents never spam.)

3) If you're an Agent age 13 or older, friend Xeko on Facebook, post the link "http://xeko.com/g4g" and help spread the word!

In order for Xeko to succeed in its ultimate mission—helping endangered animals around the world—we're looking for 5,000 Backer Agents to help re-launch Xeko into the digital realm. We launch this campaign in honor of the Xekosystem for which we all belong. Together, we can make a difference!

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