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Author Topic: Does anyone have a Second Life?  (Read 140752 times)

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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #68 on: February 16, 2007, 02:43 PM »

After reading all of this, and being a total non techie, I can't help but wonder.......

Does anyone have a first life anymore???

I have a 2yo and a 4yo. That means -- NO, I don't have a first life anymore. ;)

My only hope for a substitute was to try to have a second life.

Of course, that hasn't worked either -- as I sit by myself on a platform, writing computer programs.


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #69 on: February 16, 2007, 03:42 PM »

After reading all of this, and being a total non techie, I can't help but wonder.......

Does anyone have a first life anymore???

Please excuse the observations of a semi-illiterate, (that does not mean I don't understand trucks!) "ancient duck". :notme:

I just like to stir things up now and then. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And I, unfortuantely have no life at all, I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old ( which at one point they were 5 and 2 which equals . . .   ;D

Hmm, I am okay at editing photos on the computer just never tried original textures. I wonder if I could try my hand at it?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 12:59 AM by Disneyfan_77 »


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #70 on: February 17, 2007, 06:08 AM »

Woot! Four of us were on at the same time! That was really fun, even though Be tried to run me over with his Bumper car, then pushed my car clear out of the ring!!  :o   Thanks for taking us to Phat Cats Be, its a great place!  I invited Pirate to our group too.  I'm beginning to wonder if I should change the group name to Beauties and the Geek?  :lol: Seriously, I can change it to anything at all if we want to brainstorm on it.

So when will my new hair be delivered?  ::)
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¸.·´ ·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ♥ ~Jewel~ ♥ aka ShakeYerBootyWench
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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #71 on: February 17, 2007, 01:29 PM »

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
 :thumbs: Sub Anyone?
 :welcome: Second life Sub-Board! Woot!


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #72 on: February 17, 2007, 04:16 PM »

Woot! Four of us were on at the same time! That was really fun, even though Be tried to run me over with his Bumper car, then pushed my car clear out of the ring!!  :o   Thanks for taking us to Phat Cats Be, its a great place!  I invited Pirate to our group too.  I'm beginning to wonder if I should change the group name to Beauties and the Geek?  :lol: Seriously, I can change it to anything at all if we want to brainstorm on it.

Lies, all lies. Plus, there were no witnesses.

Name of the group would be fine by me, but where's Bellboy?


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #73 on: February 17, 2007, 05:52 PM »

Name of the group would be fine by me, but where's Bellboy?

Thats an excellent question!  Yooo hooo!!  Belllll Boyyyy, come out come out, where every you are!  :notme:
´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ ·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ♥ ~Jewel~ ♥ aka ShakeYerBootyWench
You say I'm a wench like it's a bad thing!

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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #74 on: February 17, 2007, 06:07 PM »

Watch out Jewel.. for real!!

Remember way back when VMK came out with that poor dead bear (rug)?  Mal had the first screen print of it, with an abandoned Herbie (couch) next to it.   I recall all too well, that it was Be who admitted driving his Herbie and he recalled hearing a thump!  He was on his way to the JC to see if his Herbie would float, and was too anxious to get there. 

Personally I suggested to him he was hunting for a bear rug.. and well.. he might well now be looking for a tig(g)er rug!!  :hypno:  Hey, if he could use a Herbie couch for the bear.. no telling what he could do with a bumper car!  :lol:

Please heed the warning girl friend!!  :grouphug:

(Please pardon this temporary interruption of VMK, into the SL sub board! But Be has many, many fine talents.. and maybe just one little vice?  >:D )  Ya know I heart ya Be!  :angel:  
You say I'm a wench like it's a bad thing!


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #75 on: February 17, 2007, 08:05 PM »

WOW I gotta get back in there.  Sorry stepped away for a while. 
Seems like you all took to it.  I gots to catch up with you all, once I download this new version of SL...  Seems like I always have to do that?

Anyway the wife said I could come out and play so can I join the club??  Pretty please lol   

Anyone find this place yet? http://secondlife.com/_img/content/developers_index.jpg



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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #76 on: February 17, 2007, 08:19 PM »

I have a 2yo and a 4yo. That means -- NO, I don't have a first life anymore. ;)

My only hope for a substitute was to try to have a second life.

Of course, that hasn't worked either -- as I sit by myself on a platform, writing computer programs.

 :lol: Totally.  I'm freakin lucky to have a second life once or twice a month.  :lol:
Too funny. My two tikes are 3 and 5, and I am realizing they left the "May experience sudden loss of that thing called A Life." part out of the manual/wedding vows.  I say they replace the "Obey your husband" part with said disclaimer since that part of the ceremony doesn't seem to apply anymore lol.


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #77 on: February 18, 2007, 03:07 AM »

Personally I suggested to him he was hunting for a bear rug.. and well.. he might well now be looking for a tig(g)er rug!!  :hypno:  Hey, if he could use a Herbie couch for the bear.. no telling what he could do with a bumper car!  :lol:
I wonder how, say, duck down compares to goose down?

Quote from: Bellboy
Anyone find this place yet?
That's an incredible castle. You had mentioned a while ago finding people who were trying to recreate Main Street -- it doesn't come up in obvious Searches, and, frankly, I'd be surprised if the Disney Co. didn't clamp down on them if they tried to recreate it too faithfully. I kind of think that any recreation of Disney parks would need to be private / not-publicly accessible, or risk getting shut down for copyright violation, which is really too bad.


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #78 on: February 18, 2007, 11:26 AM »

WOW I gotta get back in there.  Sorry stepped away for a while. 
Seems like you all took to it.  I gots to catch up with you all, once I download this new version of SL...  Seems like I always have to do that?

Anyway the wife said I could come out and play so can I join the club??  Pretty please lol   

Anyone find this place yet? http://secondlife.com/_img/content/developers_index.jpg

Yay.. another boy!  I need your second life name and I'll send you off an invite. ;)
Oh, and love the castle!

Purpleduck:  Thanks for the heads up sweetie!  I'll be watching my tail.  ;D
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 11:29 AM by tigressjewel »
´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ ·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ♥ ~Jewel~ ♥ aka ShakeYerBootyWench
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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2007, 12:17 PM »

okay - i have been so afraid to post on this thread because I just know I am going to get ANOTHER addiction.

I heard about A Second Life about a month ago.  I set up an account and wandered my way through the n00b area.  I am SOOOO afraid to leave that area because I dont quite get what to "do" in Second Life.

Also, I am VERY confused about the money part.  I have read / heard a lot and understand that people make real money from Second Life.  This would be great!  However, I don't really "get it."  Okay, not a dumbo here, just a bit confused. 

Anyone patient enough to take me under their virtual wing and "un-confuse" me?



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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #80 on: February 18, 2007, 01:42 PM »

Anyone patient enough to take me under their virtual wing and "un-confuse" me?

I still can't fathom how much there is in there.  I was lucky enough to get some help and good direction from someone I met my first time in.  I would be more than happy to pass it on, and so on.

The best way to get oriented, get around, and get some really cool free stuff is to join the Lucky Chairs groups.  Lucky chairs give away things to people who have a last name begining with a certain letter.  The chairs pick a random letter every 15 minutes or when someone wins the prize.  The lucky chairs group members spread out all over SL and monitor these chairs, and pass links to the chairs and the letters they are looking for.  They are really cool people, and are a lot of fun to chase!  When you see someone say " L @ SL_LINK" it means that they found a chair and it is looking for someone who's last name begins with L.  If your letter comes up, click the link in the IM window, and then sit in the chair.  Its that simple.  You will get really cool stuff for free!

Earning munny is really easy too.  Casinos and stores all over SL have various "camping chairs" that pay you for just sitting there.  It sounds too good to be true, but it actually helps the land/shop owner to get bettter traffic ratings, hence be rated better in the Search engine.  I seem to make the best money in the chairs that have bonuses if you play the slot machines in front of them.  I let my avatar sit in a chair all night while I sleep and he usually pulls $200 a night.  Get yourself a mule or two etc.  Finding these chairs can be tough at times, but when you find one simply landmark it and go back to it.  I have a ton I could share with you.  Use the search for places tab, type camping, or join the camper chairs club.

Thats a good start. I will post more when I get time.  Let me know how you all fair, and the tricks/fun you find.



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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #81 on: February 18, 2007, 02:01 PM »

Also, I am VERY confused about the money part.  I have read / heard a lot and understand that people make real money from Second Life.  This would be great!  However, I don't really "get it."

Although there is "game currency" (Lindens = L$), they actually have "real money" worth. The bottom line is that there is no way to get L$ except by doing something that has real "worth" to someone. I.e., there are no NPC's that you visit for credits and few games that you play to get L$.

The people who _really_ make a lot of money do it by somehow creating a product or a service that other people are actually willing to pay for. Examples are making really beautiful clothing, that others are actually willing to spend the equivalent of 50 cents or a dollar to acquire, in the virtuall world. Or creating a "gadget" that is useful or fun.

As a newbie, who likely doesn't know how to "create" things of worth to others yet, your contribution to others is by merely being a presence on their property, because that boosts their "traffic" rating, and makes their shop, or whatever, show up higher in the search ratings. That's why there are "camp chairs" and "lucky chairs" -- they pay you to just be there, because they will benefit from the higher traffic.

In the long run, camping and lucky chairs got rather dull (for me anyway), so I started looking for ways to create things, which I happen to find fun. But you can get plenty far with freebie items.

I'll try to find links to threads about making money. At least one excellent one is in the forums for SL, which you need to log in as your SL character in order to read.


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #82 on: February 18, 2007, 02:09 PM »

This is by far the best single post I've seen about earning L$ in Second Life. Lots of common sense, good advice: http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=121897



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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #83 on: February 18, 2007, 06:40 PM »

How do you leave your avatar in a camp chair without being disconnected for inactivity?  Also, what about if my computer goes into sleep mode?  If I could find a decent camp spot I'd like to try leaving it all night just to see how much I could get.
´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ ·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ♥ ~Jewel~ ♥ aka ShakeYerBootyWench
You say I'm a wench like it's a bad thing!

        ~Jewel Tigerpaw~


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Re: Does anyone have a Second Life?
« Reply #84 on: February 18, 2007, 08:05 PM »

How do you leave your avatar in a camp chair without being disconnected for inactivity?  Also, what about if my computer goes into sleep mode?  If I could find a decent camp spot I'd like to try leaving it all night just to see how much I could get.

This tip should be posted on billboards all over SL. 

Once in SL, press "CTRL+ALT+D" to enable your "CLIENT MENUS" http://secondlife.com/knowledgebase/article.php?id=339
This feature gives you two more menus on the top bar.
In the Client menu, select Character > Character Tests > Enable AFK
Toggling this option is all you need to do. And you will never have to do it again.

Dont listen to the people who say you need a script to keep you active. 

NOTE that is not CTRL+ALT+DEL, its "CTRL+ALT+D". 
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