Online Worlds > Other Online Worlds
New Disneyland Kinect Game
--- Quote from: Kаsiks on December 22, 2011, 01:13 PM ---That game is just so cool :yes!:
--- End quote ---
Its funny, I was just telling my friends about this game and then came here and saw this post. A friend in game was telling me about this game and how great it was. I never saw it until Thanksgiving, when over a relative's house I found out they had it and tried it out. I am not able to move so well and after playing this ./; (sorry youngest cat on the keyboard lol) I was very, very sore and in bad pain, but did think it was fun to play. I did find somethings that I wish were better and glad I had not got the game for myself yet as it will probably come out with a better version in the future. What I was thinking should be better should be: 1. Let you interact with the crowd and maybe making some of the crowd be other players all over the world like VMK once was and 2. They should have different seasons reflected in the game and maybe some holidays. Won't it be nice in winter time with snow and lights all around the park?
I only played it that one night, but that is how I feel about it. Hopefully, in the future, it will be able to do that and much more. :)
:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:
WooHoo! Santa brought an XBox Kinect for me & DH! And DH got me the the Disneyland game! He should get it hooked up this afternoon and hopefully I can play later! :yes!:
Santa came to our house too and we were apparently good enough to get a Kinect system with this game! :yes!: :yes!: :yes!: We will be hooking it up tomorrow. Looks like some of my movement therapy may be "Disney Style"! :thumb: :2thunbs: :clapping:
Whoa--now I understand what Krazy was talking about! Granted it's late and I had a long day but that Matterhorn game left me feeling wiped out. It WAS fun though!
:tigger: :tigger: :tigger: :tigger: :tigger: :tigger: gives me a work out!!! :heat:
princess is having fun watching me and laughing at me :lolp:!!
OMG and they take your picture!! :mad:
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