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Magical Garden Mission
« on: October 14, 2010, 08:14 PM »


Nice fun mission - terrific lesson, and not difficult -  by Rubi

Thanks to CoolFrank VMK for telling me to check this one out!


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Re: Magical Garden Mission
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 09:35 AM »

Oh I will have to check this out too!  I am on the hunt for easy and quick missions.  I need an easy slow start and I seem to take waaaay longer to do missions than what it says the "average" time is....proof positive I suppose that I am anything BUT average, rofl.

If you find out any more EASY (beginner level I guess I would say), please let me know.  It's frustrating trying to do the missions that Flame does because he's been at it longer than me, and he has more of a feel for the World.


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Re: Magical Garden Mission
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2010, 07:25 PM »

If you find out any more EASY (beginner level I guess I would say), please let me know.

Hiya .It, don't feel bad, cause I usually take a long time doing missions and I have been there for awhile now.  LOL!  I like doing Emote Missions for some extra credits because they are usually pretty easy and can pick up a few extra tokens if needed.

I usually take a while when I first try a mission, not just because its the first time I am doing it, but because I like to read the entire thing while doing it (same thing in VFK).  Some are not so good, but others can be pretty interesting reads.  :)

I don't know if that helps any, but if you need help with something just let me know and I will try to help as best I can.

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Re: Magical Garden Mission
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2010, 05:18 PM »

I'll have to check out that mission some time.

My missions are pretty easy.  They start in my home space and at Mission Mania Island

Tony has The Classroom and the Forbidden Tomb.
Also like Ferry Ride Adventure.  The person that made Ferry Ride has a few other missions linked in the Ferry Ride room. 

Another place for a series of easy missions is Candy Island Paradise.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 05:20 PM by Happy »

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!


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Re: Magical Garden Mission
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2010, 05:45 AM »

I'll have to check out that mission some time.

My missions are pretty easy.  They start in my home space and at Mission Mania Island

Tony has The Classroom and the Forbidden Tomb.
Also like Ferry Ride Adventure.  The person that made Ferry Ride has a few other missions linked in the Ferry Ride room. 

Another place for a series of easy missions is Candy Island Paradise.

Thanks  Happy for giving these suggestions!  I really do need some super easy missions, to get used to what kinds of things are expected (clicking on everything in the room, or doing things in a particular order, etc.)!  I was doing something a few nights ago and I think Flame was getting ready to pull the plug on my laptop!  I was getting so frustrated and could NOT figure out why something wasn't working on a mission.  I need patience, patience, patience!

I'll give some of these a try!


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Re: Magical Garden Mission
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 12:48 PM »

I was gonna say, try Happys missions.  They are nice and intuitive.  Some missions I've done are extremely difficult.  Some are extremely counter-intuitive.  Sigh. 

I will say that once you've done a mission, it's usually way faster to complete the next time.  And the next time.  You should continue to get faster since you've done it before, and there's nothing left to figure out.

I'll also say that it doesn't get much easier than 'Fun-o-rama'.  Doing laps for XP.  Sheesh.  I actually thought it might be considered an 'exploit' and asked SW staff.  They said it was cool.  Hey...it's cool with me, then ;)  Also the 'Jewel O' Rama' missions and the missions from Terrygirl.
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