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Author Topic: 9/1/2010 Hurtle the Turtle  (Read 5935 times)

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9/1/2010 Hurtle the Turtle
« on: September 01, 2010, 05:36 AM »

Hurtle the Turtle
September 1, 2010 2:12 PM


It's time to introduce our Monthly Collectible for September - and if you've ever wished for something to get you around in SmallWorlds a little faster than usual, (or at least to wish very hard that you could) we've got the perfect collectible for you!

Hurtle the Turtle

As I am sure you can appreciate, when I first heard the name of this month's collectible, it did raise questions as to how on earth a Turtle came by such a name!  Turtles to my mind are associated with slow and steady, certainly not racing about anywhere very fast! I knew I needed to do some further investigation, and here's what I discovered.

It turns out that young Hurtle likes to think of himself as somewhat of an authority on Formula One racing! So committed is he to the sport that he made the decision to change his name to Hurtle - to honor his Formula One racing heroes and the great speeds they continue to achieve. Happily, it just happened to rhyme so well with Turtle!

Hurtle has a really lovely green glow, and he wouldn't be any kind of Turtle without a shell now, would he!

You'll see that wearing Hurtle will give you a what he likes to think of as a real 'spring in your step'. Now in reality, because Turtles are really so slow, Hurtle's steps are somewhat less than racy, but in his mind he's hurtling around in-world at breakneck speed.  Get your own Hurtle today and you too can share in that feeling.  Remember that imagination can take you a long, long way!
Let the Turtle races begin!

I'm imagining that as soon as Hurtle is released that we're going to see lots of Turtle Racing events being organized - they'll be so much fun!  As you've guessed already I'm sure, Hurtle is not the fastest creature on four legs I've ever met but he's very determined and he'll give any race you enter him into his absolute best effort!
A truly "racey" investment!
As with all monthly collectibles, Hurtle the Turtle is available to all SmallWorlds citizens. He requires no XP to wear, and he'll cost you a mere 2000 Gold to buy.  This is a real bargain as the price of collectibles usually goes up significantly in the months following their release. If you'd like to know more about making Gold by investing in collectibles, do take a read of this article. Hurtle could represent the start of a great SmallWorlds investment portfolio for you!

Need Gold to buy Hurtle?

Do you need to earn some Gold so you can buy your very own Hurtle? Well, you'll be awfully pleased to know that this week is a great one for earning Gold!

Each day until Monday 6th September, we'll randomly choose someone who has successfully completed an offer with any of our offer providers during the previous day. We've got seven prizes of 5,000 Gold each to give away. It's so easy. Just earn Gold by doing offers and you could win a 5,000 Gold prize! Our Offer Machines are located in all SmallWorlds stores and provide an easy way for you to earn the Gold you need.

I do hope you'll thoroughly enjoy wearing Hurtle.  Race on down to Mysterio's and get yours today!

~ Honesty Blaize
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 09:08 PM by Happy »

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!


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Re: 9/1/2010 Hurtle the Turtle
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 10:31 PM »

Thanks Happy.  Not a big fan of this character, but he looks cute.  Moves slow, though (duh?  :lolg: )
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