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Author Topic: 8/30/2010 Winners of the 12,000 Gold Package!  (Read 4884 times)

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8/30/2010 Winners of the 12,000 Gold Package!
« on: August 30, 2010, 05:31 PM »

Winners of the 12,000 Gold Package!
August 30, 2010 12:25 PM

Greetings, citizens.  Over the weekend we ran two competitions and gave away two packages of 12,000 Gold each.  Here are the details of our lucky winners!
The Facebook Competition

On Facebook we wanted to know what you would buy in real life if you could buy anything at all.  There were lots of great answers.  The most common wish by far was to buy SmallWorlds, but other suggestions ranged from buying houses and cars, to a cure for cancer, and there was even a wish to buy a heated toilet seat!

But there can only be one winner, and this time our lucky winner of the Facebook competition was Vanessa Francis.  I enjoyed reading Vanessa's Facebook conversation with her friends as they had some very imaginative suggestions on what they would buy if they could have anything they wanted.  One of her friends suggested a time machine, and other said he'd buy the internet and put it in his basement!

Vanessa said:

"It feels great to win, I'm pretty happy and proud of myself. I had a feeling that I would at least get noticed, but I didn't expect to win! Thank you Kent Kronkite!!!! :D"

Congratulations, Vanessa, you've won 12,000 Gold.
Other Facebook Comments I Particularly Enjoyed

I must say that it was a delight reading the comments in the Facebook competition over the weekend.  There were many heartwarming answers, that showed what a giving, unselfish community we have.  A couple of comments that caught my eye and I'd like to share with you were:

"I wish for my son to have the best education there is. I would want to spend it all on his education so the money would continue for the rest of his life."

"If I could have anything... what would I buy? In order to answer this question, I need to tell a short story, that happened no longer than a week ago. You know that mission called "One wish"? I have always wished for fame since the first time I've done it, but things changed the last week. I wished for friendship. It happened to fight a very dear friend and yes, I've figured that all the riches and all the fame in the world have no value without our friends. I have gained my friend back and at the same time I've gained wisdom. But I am not a hyprocrite, money rule the world and everyone needs them. But at this very moment, if I could have anything I would buy the first ticket to USA to go give a hug to my friend. Friendship can't be bought, but that ticket is so buyable!"
The Twitter Competition

On Twitter we asked you what you'd buy in SmallWorlds if you won the 12,000 Gold.

The winner of that competition was Jenny Montez

Jenny said that with 12,000 Gold she would buy some of the things she's been wishing for, but most importantly, she would think of her friends and ask herself what she could do for them.

Awww! That's a lovely thought, Jenny. And congratulations on your win!
Other Twitter Comments Dan and I Liked

I'm only just finding my way around Twitter, and I am still very much a novice!   In fact, Dan SmallWorlds is much better at 'Tweeting' than I am. Up until now he has been assisting me on Twitter, but he has said that he may just take over the SmallWorlds Twitter account himself!

Here are some of the other comments Dan and I liked on Twitter:

With 12.000 gold i`m gonna bribe to dan to choose me the winner for the best add competition ]:)

With 12,000 Gold I'd use it to help open SmallMall. SmallWorlds first ever Integrated Shopping Mall.

With 12,000 gold I could buy a whole forest of trees, plants, and lights to further deck out my island retreat. :O)

In SmallWorlds I would buy glow staff and give the other 5,500 to my awesome members of my fan site http://swlounge.org!

Congratulations again to the two lucky winners, and my sincere thanks to all those who participated. Your comments brightened my weekend immensely!

- Kent

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!

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