Online Worlds > PH Upcoming Events and New Items

Garden Tea Party



Not sure if this is just for Members or not... usually PH states either way, not this time.  We usually don't post stuff that is Members Only, because majority of us are not paying Members.  We'll have to wait and see on this event I guess.  I'm guessing the Quest is for All, not sure though.

The quest for preparing for the Tea Party is open to all fairies, not just members.

It didn't take too long to get this badge.

And when I logged in I received a 2 year badge (double-decker cupcake with candle on top) - so depending on when you joined you get a 2 year badge.


--- Quote from: funfly on May 28, 2010, 01:22 PM ---The quest for preparing for the Tea Party is open to all fairies, not just members.

It didn't take too long to get this badge.

And when I logged in I received a 2 year badge (double-decker cupcake with candle on top) - so depending on when you joined you get a 2 year badge.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for checking on this and updating Fun   :hug:     Anyone doing this Quest.  Make sure it's done before the party, which starts 6/8.

I don't get my 2-year Badge until October I think.  

But, here is the Tea Party Badge:

2010 Garden Tea Party


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