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Author Topic: 4/12/2010 Paint Your Fantasy Plant!  (Read 5757 times)

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4/12/2010 Paint Your Fantasy Plant!
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:05 PM »


Paint Your Fantasy Plant!
April 12, 2010 4:15 PM

Greetings SmallWorlds citizens.  My thumbs are certainly looking much greener these days with the advent of Farming here on SmallWorlds. I must say that I find it to be a thoroughly enjoyable activity.

Have you seen some of the extremely exotic results people are getting from cross-pollination? Some of the plants that are being created have glowing blossoms - they are really quite beautiful!

I was allowing myself a rather uncharacteristic daydream a few days ago while watering one of my plants.  In  my daydream I started wondering about all kinds of truly exotic plants... in fact I rather liked my little daydream so I attempted to draw my Fantasy Plant.

Now don't laugh will you, citizens: here's my "Notepad and Pen" tree!

Now that would be extremely useful for Honesty and myself; we could pick a fresh pen and notepad for every story!

I'm a little bashful sharing my picture with you - it's rather painfully obvious that my writing skills far surpass my painting skills! I know all of you can do much better than I, and I would just love to see what YOUR Fantasy Plants might look like. In fact, I thought this would be an awfully fun idea for an Art Competition!

'Fantasy Plant' Art Competition

What would your fantasy plant look like, citizens? Perhaps yours might grow your favorite food upon its branches? Perhaps it might have beautiful exotic flowers? Perhaps it's a plant you have growing in your very own garden in RL? Whatever it is, I'm awfully keen to see your painting of it!  I'll run two competition categories:

1 - Best Fantasy Plant Painting - 5000 Gold

This is the one for the artists of SmallWorlds to display their not inconsiderable skill! I will be looking for technical artistic skill here. This is not the category for beginner artists, but one for those who are a little more seasoned with the artistic endeavours.

I will choose 1 winner, who will receive 5000 Gold, and 1 runner up who will receive 3000 Gold.

2 - Most Creative Fantasy Plant Painting - 5000 Gold

This is the category open to everyone! I will be looking here for pictures which exude a sense of fun and color; one in which it's clear the artist has had a lot of fun creating it no matter what their level of artistic skill!

Again I will choose 1 winner who will receive 5000 Gold, and 1 runner up who will receive 3000 Gold.

Name your Plant & win 500 Gold!

Have you noticed that the plants in SmallWorlds have the most wonderful names? Please make sure you name your plant and include your plant name with your entry.

I'll be giving away 5 prizes of 500 Gold for the most inventive plant names!  And yes, your entry is eligible to win Best painting in either category AND a best plant name prize. There is no requirement to name your plant to enter either painting competition category.

Competition closes on 22nd April, so make sure you get your entry in on time!
Need some Green Inspiration?

Vinnie No has put together the most wonderful planting resource for us all - you can read all about his 22 page booklet  "SmallWorlds Farming For Dummies" here. It includes details of everything you might need to know about Farming on SmallWorlds as well as pictures of all the beautiful plants you can grow.

As well as being awfully useful for keen farmers, it might even provide you with some inspiration for your Fantasy Plant - do remember however that your fantasy plant needn't look anything like the plants we already have inworld; you can really let your imagination run wild, just like I did!

For even more inspiration here are two plant-themed artworks by a couple of our more accomplished SmallWorlds artists - they certainly show up my (ahem) rather amateurish effort! Firstly, a painting by Peggo Beta called 'Rosered Dew'.

Here's another example called  Flowers2 by Yourartist Rob.  (And a special thanks to Yourartist Rob for allowing me to use a portion of his fine painting in the headline picture for this article).

Competition Guidelines

1 - Paint your Fantasy Plant onto a SmallWorlds Graffiti Board (available from either Modern Living or Dan's Imports).

2 - Take a screenshot of your painting and submit it to the Official Fantasy Plant Competition forum thread. Please make sure you include the Space URL where the original can be viewed. Details for taking a screenshot are included below.

3 - Only one entry per SmallWorlds account. You can only enter a painting that you yourself have created.

4 - Competition Closes 22nd April. Winners will be announced on or around 26th April 2010.

Citizens, I am so looking forward to an explosion of wonderfully unusual, exotic, creative and perhaps even funny plants from you all!  It's been a while since our last Art Competition and it's going to be wonderful to see your creative outpourings.
~ Kent Kronkite

How to take a screenshot and copy it to the Official Fantasy Plant Competition forum thread.

1 - Once you have finished your painting, go back into the Graffiti Board widget and take a screen shot of it. You can use any screen capture software you have, or simply press the Print Screen button on your keyboard (this saves the screen into memory, so you won't see anything happening when you press it).

2 - Save your image as a .JPG file into a directory on your PC.

3 - Upload the image to a photo sharing site such as Flickr, Photobucket,TinyPic, or ImageHosting. Copy the URL of the photo.

4 - Go to the Official Fantasy Plant Competition forum thread. Post a reply. Click on the 'Add Image' icon. Paste in the URL of the image from your photo sharing account. Add in a plant name if you'd like to be in to win a Best Plant Name prize also (optional).

5 - Don't forget to also add a link to the space where your entry can be viewed in-world.

The Legal Stuff

    * The Fantasy Plant Art Competition is open to SmallWorlds standard and VIP Club members 13 years of age or older. Employees of Outsmart 2005 Limited and its helpers, moderators, officers, directors, parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliated companies, advertising agencies, promotional suppliers, or production agencies, and their respective dependents, immediate family members (parent, child, sibling and spouse of each) and individuals residing in the same household, are not eligible to participate. Void where prohibited by law.

    * The 2 category winners and 2 runners up, as well as the 5 winners of best Plant Name will be selected based upon the sole and exclusive discretion of the SmallWorlds Competition Judges. Each category winner will be awarded 5000 Gold, each runner up will be awarded 3000 Gold, and 5 Best Plant Name winners will be awarded 500 Gold. All submissions are carefully reviewed before determining the prize winners. The judge's decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

    * The finalists will be chosen and notified on or about April 26th, 2010
« Last Edit: May 15, 2010, 02:28 PM by Happy »

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!


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Re: 4/12/2010 Paint Your Fantasy Plant!
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 12:49 PM »

Winners Announced:


Winners of The Fantasy Plant Competition
April 29, 2010 1:44 PM

Greetings SmallWorlds citizens. The Fantasy Plant competition was a pleasure and an honor to judge. Once again, I have been amazed and humbled by the quality of the entries, and the amount of artistic and creative talent in the SmallWorlds community.

Originally the judges had only intended to choose two finalists in the Best Fantasy Plant and the Most Creative Fantasy Plant categories, but the quality of the entries meant we simply could not restrict our final selections to so few! We have chosen extra paintings in each category to receive prizes.

Also, we were so impressed by the prize-winners in the Best Name category that we increased the prize value in that category to 1000 Gold. And rest assured citizens, that if we could, we would give out many more prizes. There were so many deserving entries that we would have loved to reward!

Here are the talented winners of this competition.

Best Fantasy Plant Painting

First Place Winner: Gelwyn McCloud

The Winner of the Best Fantasy Plant Painting is Gelwyn McCloud with her beautiful painting, The Tawny Guardian. This painting was clever, imaginative, and beautifully painted. Well done, Gelwyn! You've won the first prize of 5000 Gold.

The Tawny Guardian by Gelwyn Mccloud

"A cross between a sunflower and a lion, it is planted around the borders of your garden, to keep those nasty plant thieves from vandalizing your garden! No one would dare try and sneak past one of these beauties!"

Second Place Winner: Freedom Friwi

In second place is Freedom Friwi's painting, Helianthus Roseus. The sheer beauty of this painting and the technical skill exhibited impressed the judges enormously. Well done, Freedom! You've won the second prize of 3000 Gold.

Helianthus Roseus by Freedom Friwi

"Here's my entry, which i've named Helianthus Roseus, which is Latin for Pink Sunflowers .. seriously, why do they have to be yellow, we want pink! So yes, it's not very imagination stretching, but a pink sunflower would truly be my fantasy plant *sigh*"

Runners Up: Hanzie Mintana, Leonore Ish, and Frost Rose.

The Runners-Up in this category win 1000 Gold each.

Feather Dust Midnight Glow by Hanzie Mintana

"Places where can be found: forests, swamps and here. Only blooms on a full moon at midnight for exactly an hour. can grow to be taller than most trees if it is not trimmed down often."

Swirling Glory by Leonore Ish and Alfalfa Bokchoy

"This one's a collaboration between Lenore Ish and me.Well sorta. Lenore drew this beautiful flower while I just suggested the name and idea.

Barely There Lilium by Frost Rose

"Is the purest of flowers and loved by Humans, Fairies and other creatures, for it's magical nectar and seeds. It's nearly impossible to find one of those mystical Flowers in today's world as it can only grow in unspoiled nature. But when Barely there Lilium grows and blossoms it spreads its seeds of wisdom and its nektar of happiness. Let's hope we see more of them in the future..."

Most Creative Fantasy Plant Painting

First Place Winner: Birth-of-Venus Fly Trap by Katrina Chant

The Winner of the Most Creative Fantasy Plant Painting is Katrina Chant. Our judges thought her Birth-of-Venus Fly Trap painting was clever and quirky. Well done, Katrina! You've won the first prize in this category - 5000 Gold.

The Birth-of-Venus Fly Trap by Katrina Chant

"Based on "Birth of Venus" by Botticelli"

Second Place Winner: Jayna Specie

In second place is The Pheonix's Song by Jayna Specie. This painting was completely different from any other in the competition, and very imaginative. Well done, Jayna! You've won the second prize in this category - 3000 Gold.

The Pheonix's Song by Jayna Specie

"This is The Pheonix's Song. The flower looks like a flame and it plays a song, whatever song you want, when that darn radio isn't working."

Runners Up: Zoiao Doido, Kase Face, Pauline Pages, and Vanilla Starr.

The Runners-Up in this category win 1000 Gold each.

Einstein Plant by Zoiao Doido

"Presenting: Einstein Plant. The most intelligent plant in the World !"

Pink Elephant by Kase Face

This quirky entry made the judges smile and certainly brightened their day! Well done, Kase.

Autumn Palette Tree by Pauline Pages

"Called the autumn palette tree because it's canopy is in a shape of a palette and because of it's fine orange color. Also, the plant excretes a substance called "paint". Also known as "The Messiest Tree in SmallWorlds", since the paint happens to drip to the floor. This tree doesn't grow that tall. It grows to a maximum of one and a half foot, which makes it convenient to put in indoors, but you may wanna hire a lot of people to clean. Very convenient for artists...FREE PAINT! \m/"

Milky Way Rocket Plant by Vanilla Starr

"This is an out of the world creation. It lives in outer space and as long as it has the Sun's heat it can live forever!"

Best Name

Here are the winners of the Best Name category. All of these wonderfully creative entries win 1000 Gold each.

The ChrysantheMom by Navi Fairy

"The ChrysantheMom started out as a normal Chrysanthemum, but it seems something went wrong as it grew. Maybe I shouldn't have let my mother talk to it, no matter how helpful that's supposed to be..."

Nacido De Fuego by Connor Belcher

"The name of my plant is 'Nacido de fuego', which is Spanish for 'born of fire'. The common name is The Pheonix Fire Tree."

Tool-lips by Matt Ferii

"This is my tulip well actually Tool-Lips they are just the flower tulip but i went into my imaginary world and got this picture out of my mind"

Tigris Combustus by Deblin Laffeyette

"I present the Tigris Combustus aka. Tigerworks or Tiger Fireworks."

The SodaPopana Tree by Adriel Ukn

"Who wouldn't like to run into one of these trees in the middle of a sunny and hot summer day? Well, Thanks goodness that these are being planted all over the beaches and islands in SmallWorlds, so that we can enjoy a soda and take our thirst away!"

Metamorphlant by Doc Harvey

"Oh! Butterflies!! This is my 'Fantasy Plant' I will name it Metamorphlant."

My most sincere thanks to all who entered the competition, and a big congratulations to all of our talented winners.

-Kent Kronkite
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 09:52 PM by Happy »

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!

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