A friend got to test a few days ago, and submitted her comments about the game. This is the reply she got from KK. Hi everybody, thanks for your feedback.
Just to clear up any confusion, Kingdom Keepers Online is not an MMO. It's an action/strategy game with a collaborative, massively mulitplayer twist. We know that a lot of you were hoping for a VMK style social game with avatars and chat, and KKO is definitely not trying to fill that role. Instead, we want to create an action game where thousands of players work together to defeat the Overtakers. For VMK fans longing for more of a chat-based, social, "hang out" experience, we feel your pain! We hope that you will enjoy the more action-based gameplay of KKO and get into the collaborative aspect of working together as a team to beat the Overtakers. We also want this game to reach gamers who don't know about the Keepers yet and draw them into the amazing world that Ridley created.
Thanks for helping us beta test, your feedback is appreciated....
I saw this myself as I got through two levels. The look is all dark, and because there are only 5 characters from which to pick, you could wind up with a LOT of the same avatar and not be able to keep track of which is you (in their goal to have many come together to get rid of the Overtakers). It really reminds me of several really archaic games - the look, the play. Almost a Pac Man look to it.
But then, it was only two levels I played. I may try a couple more to see if anything significantly changes.