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Author Topic: 12/21/2009 Get a Gift from Santa SmallWorlds!  (Read 3376 times)

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12/21/2009 Get a Gift from Santa SmallWorlds!
« on: December 21, 2009, 06:52 PM »

Will try to get pics up---sometime---wanted to at least get the story from SW Blog up for everyone.

Get a Gift from Santa SmallWorlds!

December 21, 2009 3:36 PM

Well citizens, I'm not sure if he's making a list or checking it twice but one thing is for sure, Santa SmallWorlds is on a mission to give away lots of fantastic SmallWorlds goodies between now and Christmas!

Santa SmallWorlds has managed to fit us into his very busy schedule and he's due in-world at random times over the next few days. He's got a "sleigh" (read: inventory!) absolutely chock-full of fantastic SmallWorlds goodies that he can't wait to give away to citizens like YOU!

How do you get to share in Santa's bounty? Make sure that you log on as much as you can between now and Christmas Eve...the more you're in-world, the greater your chances will be.

Santa SmallWorlds - Man of Mystery!

I've been trying to find out even a few details of Santa SmallWorlds schedule, but unfortunately I was unable to find out anything at all - talk about frustrating! But there are a couple of ways that you can make it more likely that you'll be one of his lucky Christmas gift recipients.
1 - Most importantly: Log in to SmallWorlds lots between now and midnight SWT on Christmas Eve.
2 - Hang around SmallWorlds public spaces (he won't be visiting anyone in their private space).

Share your Santa SmallWorlds sighting photos!

I had a great idea! Why don't you see if you can get an in-world photo of you with Santa SmallWorlds? Once you've snapped a picture of you and Santa, submit it to the article forum thread. Let's see how many "Santa Sightings" we can share.

A Short Interview with one of Santa's Helpers

As luck would have it, I popped into the Merry Christmas space yesterday while looking for clues as to Santa's appearance times, and happened to bump into Santas Helper the 5th, who kindly accompanied me back to my space to answer a few questions. I'd never spoken with a real Santa's Helper before so it was very exciting!

Honesty: Santas, thank you so much for coming to my space, it's lovely to have you here. You must be ever so busy at the moment.

Santas: Yes I really am! Particularly because there are just SO many SmallWorlds citizens who are in the "nice" category, we're just extra busy of course!

Honesty: So, if someone is not currently on the "nice" list, is there time to make changes?

Santas: Well yes of course! Just being nice to other players, not poking pets :-) and generally being respectful and helpful are all good things do!

Honesty: Do you like being one of Santa's helpers?

Santas: It does get very very busy and he really needs our help to get it all done. It truly gives me a tingly feeling inside as I just love to help!

Honesty: Of course the question that I know will be on every citizen's mind... if one does run into Santa while he is on his travels through SmallWorlds, what is the best way to attract his attention?

Santas: Well Honesty, it's a little known fact that Santa just loves dancing (I saw him at one of the end of year elf discos, and he was really very good!) so you could try 'busting a few moves' in front of him! If you can't dance, just wave and smile a lot - he likes a friendly face!

Honesty: Thanks so much for your time Santas, it's been lovely meeting you. Happy Christmas!

What do you want for Christmas?

After our interview I accompanied Santas Helper the 5th back to the Merry Christmas space and had a little wander around, admiring all the wonderful christmas items on sale there. I couldn't resist buying a few more cookies - they make nice stocking fillers! When you visit, don't forget about the Christmas Mission: complete it and receive your free winter scene SnowGlobe - it's a special release for Christmas 2009!

I met another couple of really friendly citizens while I was there, Jack Spada the 3rd and James Stevens the 3rd. We exchanged Christmas greetings and talked for a while about what we enjoyed about Christmas.

James: I love snowball fights with my friends! In terms of what I want for Christmas? Gee I don't know, I don't want to be greedy! I do love those ray guns that zap you though!

Jack: I'm hoping for two dancefloors in my SmallWorlds Christmas stocking! One thing I love about Christmas is the yummy dinner, and of course opening my presents!

Leave a Message for Santa SmallWorlds...

If you'd like to let Santa Smallworlds know all of your SmallWorlds Christmas wishes, click here to leave him a message.

A Happy Christmas to you all!

I do hope you are one of the lucky ones to bump into Santa SmallWorlds this Christmas - I'm so excited to meet him.

Do you know what? Just as I was getting ready to publish this article, I had a surprise visit from guess who!! He only stayed for a minute or two and I was too excited and surprised to remember to ask him any questions at all!

Remember I said in my last article that we would be launching a Christmas Space competition? Watch the Chronicle closely, as the announcement for that is only a couple of days away. I'm sure you'll wanting to get your spaces ready.

Take care everyone, and remember, if you manage to find yourself in the right place at the right time and you give Santa an extra nice smile (or a dance!), you might be lucky enough to receive a special gift!

~ Honesty Blaize
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 07:41 PM by Happy »

You say I am a wench, like it's a bad thing!


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Re: 12/21/2009 Get a Gift from Santa SmallWorlds!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2009, 02:23 PM »

Nice!  Hopefully I can find him!  Thanks Happy!
:pirate: You say I'm a wench like it's a bad thing! :pirate:
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