Online Worlds > Other Online Worlds

Dora's Explorer Girls - Dora Links online world


Has anyone bought the new Dora Explorer doll that connects to your computer and opens up her own online world?

Well of course i bought one for princessmadiro because she "had" to have it! It reminds me of the Barbie online world when it first came out a few years ago. You HAD to buy the Barbie MP3 player to have full access to the site then they changed it within that first year to membership. It also reminds me of Pixie Hollow and all the toys you have to buy to unlock virtual prizes.
Here in Dora World you can only do so much and visit so many places with Dora. Now princess is stuck until I buy another Explorer Friend
or accessory for Dora or hopefully I'll find some CODES somewhere and not have to buy the stupid toy that will just be sitting along with the tinker bell and barbie toys. Any help in the code department would be greatly appreciated!


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