VMK no BS Info [Public] > About VMKnoBS & It's Members [Public]

What we are & are not

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The VMKnoBS Forum is a thriving community of adults that began with a core of Disney's VMK players that wanted to discuss their beloved game without the childish BS that freely flowed at most other VMK boards. As time went by, and VMK closed, we expanded to cover various other common interests and the many new games we tried to use to fill the void. As the number of boards and common interests has grown we have seen various waves of new members join our little forum and become a part of our community.

Feel free to look around and decide if you want to be a member. Membership costs nothing, and has no value, aside from access to the private portions of the forum, (Tips, Guides, Spoilers & other fun), and the ability to post your two cents.

Join, or don't, as you see fit... Either way welcome to our forum.

What VMKnoBS is:

* A forum for adults to discuss online games and many other topics
* An assortment of individuals who can deal politely with each other
* A place to find friends both like and unlike you, most likely anyway
* A bunch of nuts, ducks, princesses, a gnome, some aliens, a cat & a decoy
* More fun than a barrel of rabid squirrels, most days
* THE PLACE for KnoBS VM or otherwise
* A bunch of PHP pages, with a little HTML sprinkled in
What VMKnoBS is NOT:

* An adult content site, there is no porn here
* A place to come publicly bash anyone member or otherwise
* A place to find a bunch of people who think exactly like you think
* A boring little forum about the benefits of navel lint sweaters
* Better than... (Did your mind go in the gutter there?) anything you like better than online forums
* THE PLACE for weasel balls... (Google it, if you need to)
* A lovely bunch of coconuts

Reminds me of the young lad who declared to his father, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a pilot".

As I recall the father replied, "Make up your mind son, you can't do both". :notme:

OK, I have to admit, I had to google "weasel balls".  :lolg: :shy: Only to find that we used to actually own one of those! Our first dog, Lady, loved chasing those things around. Actually brought back fond memories...  :lolg:


 :lolg: Not sure about the coconuts I think we are borderline there  :sur:


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