Online Worlds > Xeko (Elf Island)

Old Inactive Accounts Deleted?

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Thanks for the help everyone.  I'm able to get on my original account now.  :dle:
 I did have the password/username wrong & then when I would try and reset it I put in the wrong email address so it didn't work. 

Well you picked a bad time to check the game out again.  :(

They let Lily go two days ago  :mad: and there is a lot of other bs going on there. You can read about it on the forum's main page (see the link in a few posts up). I have quit Elf Island due to their poor decisions and lack of moral values once I found out about Lily, and also from what has been transpiring there. They just lost a large part of the original players and base of their game.


--- Quote from: MyAwesome on September 19, 2009, 03:00 PM ---Well you picked a bad time to check the game out again.  :(

They let Lily go two days ago  :mad: and there is a lot of other bs going on there. You can read about it on the forum's main page (see the link in a few posts up). I have quit Elf Island due to their poor decisions and lack of moral values once I found out about Lily, and also from what has been transpiring there. They just lost a large part of the original players and base of their game.
--- End quote ---

Whoa - I guess so!  Actually yesterday I joined that forum because I was having issues finding the lollipops & was looking for guidance.  I was able to see some posts before it closed about what was going on but not enough to put two & two together.  I did go back & see Bug's official post & I did not like what I read.  I never really got into EI but was going to give it another try - but now, no way. 


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