From the SmallWorlds Chronicle Help and How to Secition:
Citizen Levels
Citizen Levels are the most important attribute your avatar has. They can be achieved by earning Citizen Points.
1 Citizen Level = 20 Citizen Points
What will Citizen Levels give me?
* A title which bestows a social ranking. You can rise from humble beginnings to become a SmallWorlds Duke or Duchess!
* Access to exclusive items.
* A weekly salary of Gold when you complete the weekly Loyalty Challenge.
* An XP and Token Bonus when doing missions.
They boost your avatar’s Health and Speed.
Earn Citizen Points by Inviting Friends
* Invite a friend from your Social Network (Facebook, MySpace, Bebo), and receive 1 Citizen Point instantly!
* When that friend installs SmallWorlds and comes into the world for the first time, you get 20 Citizen Points.
* If you invite a friend using email or the ‘Make a Friend’ option on the Avatar Editor, then when that friend enters SmallWorlds and verifies their email, you get 1 Citizen Point. When that friend gets to level 20 in any of the XP Paths (Gamer, Explorer, Artist, Social), you get 20 Citizen Points.
Earn Citizen Points for VIP Membership
* All VIP members receive 60 Citizen Points (3 Levels) per month. If you purchase a 12 month VIP membership, you’ll receive 720 Citizen Points (36 Levels)!
Gold Salaries for High-Ranking Citizens
Citizens with a Citizen Level of 5 or above receive a Gold Salary for completing Loyalty Challenges. When you complete a Weekly Loyalty Challenge and receive a new gem, you'll also receive the Gold payment specified below.
• If you are Citizen Level 5 (up to CL9) - you receive 100 Gold.
• If you are Citizen Level 10 (up to CL19) - you receive 200 Gold.
• If you are Citizen Level 20 (up to CL39) - you receive 300 Gold.
• If you are Citizen Level 40 (up to CL79) - you receive 400 Gold.
• If you are Citizen Level 80 (up to CL159) - you receive 500 Gold.
• If you are Citizen Level 160 (up to CL2399) - you receive 600 Gold.
• If you are Citizen Level 240 (up to CL319) - you receive 700 Gold.
• If you are Citizen Level 320 or over - you receive 800 Gold.
XP and Token Bonuses for High-Ranking Citizens
Citizens with a Citizen Level of 5 or above receive a bonus of extra XP and Tokens when they complete a mission. The bonus received (a percentage of the normal payout) is detailed below.
• If you are Citizen Level 5 (up to CL9) - you receive a 10% bonus.
• If you are Citizen Level 10 (up to CL19) - you receive a 20% bonus.
• If you are Citizen Level 20 (up to CL39) - you receive a 30% bonus.
• If you are Citizen Level 40 (up to CL79) - you receive a 40% bonus.
• If you are Citizen Level 80 (up to CL159) - you receive a 50% bonus.
• If you are Citizen Level 160 (up to CL2399) - you receive a 60% bonus.
• If you are Citizen Level 240 (up to CL319) - you receive a 70% bonus.
• If you are Citizen Level 320 or over - you receive an 80% bonus.