I remember our entire family watching the lights go out on the kingdom and all of us crying real tears. (Yep, even King) While I miss the extra magic of the theme parks at my fingertips, I have to say we have had many blessings come out of this sad event. We found NoBS through VMK's closing and have become close friends with so many wonderful people we might never have met. The closing gave us a chance to step back from gaming and re-evaluate what its role had become in our lives. We still remember that from time to time and have to remind ourselves to take those steps back. We have been blessed, I guess, to feel like we have found a new home in VFK. It fills up some of the hole left behind, but also is not so consuming that we miss out on some cool, real life stuff. (Although I did find myself checking for internet access at Great American Ballpark, because we got some comp. tickets to tomorrow nights game - which is VFK's one year birthday. No, we are not taking a laptop to the game.
) We watched a few goodbye VMK videos on Youtube a few nights ago. Didn't feel as sad as we used to, but sure did make me miss visiting WDW. For us, the magic of the Disney Parks at home is what got us playing online, the friends kept us playing. I miss some friends we don't see as often, but I'm sure thankful for NoBS as a common place to keep up. Our daughter watched the videos on Youtube and said, "I just don't understand why Disney did this." and then she made us all laugh by saying, "Wow, we had really big feet on VMK.".
Big feet and all, I am thankful for the time we had on VMK because we were able to make some wonderful friends and have some magical memories. I am also thankful that in the closing of one door, another was opened to us and we have made more wonderful friends here on NoBS and in VFK.