Online Worlds > Secret Builders

Missing Shills

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I'll try that, thanks. :unsure:

I played tic tac toe for a while last night -- didn't experience any problems there. Hopefully this will resolve for you soon.  :hug:

Same problem with the Marble game..No shills. :P

Panda Pandora:

--- Quote from: Purrypaws on February 09, 2009, 04:49 PM ---Same problem with the Marble game..No shills. :P

--- End quote ---

I don't think that is verenice's problem.

Paws,  As I tried to explain above; in the marbles game when you get close to the end of your game (you see you are not going to complete that round) just quit at that point and you will get the shills earned up to that point.  If you keep playing till you lose you will not get any shills at all.

Hope that helps for the marble game. Hugs

Verenice, please let us know when you get your answer for your unique problem. Hugs

LOL I learned this the hard way!
Get out while the gettins' good!


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