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12/24 - Santa Around the World!


12/24 - Santa Around the World!

Today you can visit the Holiday Hollow (with great music!) and click the Snow Globe which will transport you into the clouds where you will wait for Santa to fly by 16 different countries! Make sure you stop by on the hour to collect a special prize.

Holiday Hollow:

Waiting for Santa, Australia:

Santa visits Australia:

Prize is a Snow Globe for Australia (1/16):

Waiting for Santa, Japan:

Santa visits Japan:

Prize is a Snow Globe for Japan (2/16):

Waiting for Santa, China:

Santa visits China:

Prize is a Snow Globe for China (3/16):

Waiting for Santa, India:

Santa visits India:

Waiting for Santa, Pakistan:

Santa visits Pakistan:

Prize is a Snow Globe for Pakistan (5/16):

Waiting for Santa, Dubai:

Santa visits Dubai:

Prize is a Snow Globe for Dubai (6/16):

Waiting for Santa, Russia:

Woot Bug, I am in you pics for Japan!  :)  Thanks for posting the pics.

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

I thought i made it for one time last night but when the countdown started I was logged out of the game. When I logged back in, no one else was on -- it was like I was in single mode.


--- Quote from: AmberDaze on December 25, 2008, 11:41 PM ---I thought i made it for one time last night but when the countdown started I was logged out of the game. When I logged back in, no one else was on -- it was like I was in single mode.
--- End quote ---

Yup, that happened to all of us.  :(

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:

^me too, lol!

Thanks Bug for posting those pics. I had to work over 12 hours that day (not by choice) and missed all except the last three countdowns. It was nice to see what the other places looked like during the day.


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