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New Store Open!! Wing Dome!! Naughty and Nice Room-Find the Key! Awards!



More pics to follow

The key is now out there for the Naughty or Nice room. According to Saturn the key moves around from room to room and you have to find it. He said it maybe a little on the hard side.

I found the key!

room when I entered

You sit on the scale and it tells you if you have been naughty or nice:

Awards are now showing up for some people under the My stuff section if you have earned an award.


Too cute!  More great decorating items too. Yay cookies for santa!!!!!
Thanks so much for the update bug. princess will be wanting to find that key now. Hope it's not too hard to find.

I just wanted to post a picture of what the key looks like in a room.  Just so others know what size it is and have an idea of what it looks like.  I thought I was looking for something small.


--- Quote from: fantasymooma on December 17, 2008, 05:58 PM ---I just wanted to post a picture of what the key looks like in a room.  Just so others know what size it is and have an idea of what it looks like.  I thought I was looking for something small.

--- End quote ---

The key must move around? I found the key in Canopy room of Rainforest Room,  I had to enter top of tree where koala comes from and found the key in that room today.

Woot!  I just logged on to try to look for it and found it in the first room I tried--the Rainforest room!  (not the canopy)  I had been in there just a bit earlier to play Tiki and it wasn't there then so it must move around ALOT!  It disappeared shortly after I clicked on it too.


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